What programmes have been credit rated?

The qualifications/learning programmes which have been successfully credit rated by SQA are listed under the headings below. Credit ratings are normally applied for 5 years, however, after this period an organisation may apply to have the credit rating extended.

The qualifications/learning programmes have been split into two sections - current and expired. If the qualification or learning programme was achieved within the dates listed for the credit rating period then the credit ratings will apply.

Credit Rating From:
Credit Rating To:

Owner Title of Qualification/ Learning Programme SCQF Level SCQF Credit Points Period of Credit Rating From Period of Credit Rating To Status Breakdown
Owner Title of Qualification/ Learning Programme SCQF Level SCQF Credit Points Period of Credit Rating From Period of Credit Rating To Status Breakdown
ADC Energy Ltd Understanding Drilling Equipment 6 7 11/02/2014 30/11/2026 Current  
ADC Energy Ltd Understanding Rig Inspection 6 7 11/02/2014 30/11/2026 Current  
ACT Counselling Services Ltd Diploma in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Groupwork 11 97 31/05/2019 01/06/2029 Current Breakdown
Aegean - Omiros College Advanced Professional Certificate in Development Disorders and Special Needs 11 60 22/07/2013 31/10/2020 Expired  
Aegean - Omiros College Advanced Professional Diploma in Development Disorders and Special Needs 11 120 22/07/2013 31/10/2020 Expired  
Aegean - Omiros College Advanced Professional Certificate in Experiental Counselling Techniques and Techniques of Personal Development 11 60 30/10/2013 31/10/2020 Expired  
Aegean - Omiros College Advanced Diploma in Experiental Counselling Techniques and Techniques of Personal Development 11 120 30/10/2013 31/10/2020 Expired  
Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education Academic Training Programme in Multiculturalism and Leadership 9 10 11/12/2014 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education Advanced Diploma in the study of Islam and Muslims 10 60 24/01/2013 31/01/2021 Expired  
Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education Professional Diploma in Islamic Economics and Finance 11 72-80 11/07/2017 30/06/2021 Expired  
Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education Certificate in Arabic Language 8 40 11/07/2017 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education Diploma in Arabic Language 10 40 11/07/2017 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education Advanced Diploma in Arabic Language 10 92 11/07/2017 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education Introductory Certificate in Arabic Language 6 40 11/07/2017 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education Professional Diploma in Islamic Banking and Finance 11 120 21/04/2020 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
Versus Arthritis Scotland Versus Arthritis Training for Trainers 6 3 22/01/2013 16/05/2024 Expired  
Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network (ASDAN) Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (Level 1) 4 12 02/04/2012 29/11/2018 Expired  
Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network (ASDAN) Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (Level 2) 5 12 02/04/2012 29/11/2018 Expired  
Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network (ASDAN) Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (Level 3) 6 15 02/04/2012 29/11/2018 Expired  
Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network (ASDAN) Employability Qualification at SCQF Level 2 2 6-12 01/01/2016 29/11/2018 Expired  
Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network (ASDAN) Employability Qualification at SCQF Level 3 3 6-17 01/01/2016 29/11/2018 Expired  
Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network (ASDAN) Employability Qualification at SCQF Level 4 4 6-17 01/01/2016 29/11/2018 Expired  
Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network (ASDAN) Employability Qualification at SCQF Level 5 5 6-17 01/01/2016 29/11/2018 Expired  
Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network (ASDAN) Employability Qualification at SCQF Level 6 6 6-17 01/01/2016 29/11/2018 Expired  
BAM Nuttall BAM Nuttall Certificate in Supervision 6 18 05/07/2011 30/09/2018 Expired  
Befriending Networks Vital Skills in Befriending 8 34 14/09/2009 30/09/2019 Expired Breakdown
CAIR Scotland Certificate in Recovery Coaching 6 7 22/10/2013 31/10/2018 Expired  
Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) ACLIP: Certified Affiliate of CILIP 8 20 03/05/2011 31/05/2021 Expired  
Chartered Management Institute Introductory Certificate in Team Leading 5 11 10/12/2012 31/12/2015 Expired  
Chartered Management Institute Certificate in Team Leading 5 40 10/12/2012 31/12/2015 Expired Breakdown
Chartered Management Institute Introductory Certificate in Management 6 11 10/12/2012 31/12/2015 Expired  
Chartered Management Institute Certificate in Management 7 64 10/12/2012 31/12/2015 Expired Breakdown
Chartered Management Institute Introductory Diploma in Management 8 16 10/12/2012 31/12/2015 Expired  
Chartered Management Institute Diploma in Management 9 81 10/12/2012 31/12/2015 Expired Breakdown
Chartered Management Institute Diploma in Public Service Leadership 9 88 10/12/2012 31/12/2015 Expired Breakdown
Chartered Management Institute Diploma in Programme and Project Management 9 73 10/12/2012 31/12/2015 Expired Breakdown
Chartered Management Institute Introductory Executive Diploma in Management 10 16 10/12/2012 31/12/2015 Expired  
Chartered Management Institute Executive Diploma in Strategic Management 11 45 10/12/2012 31/12/2015 Expired Breakdown
Chartered Management Institute Executive Diploma in Management 11 103 10/12/2012 31/12/2015 Expired Breakdown
Co-Operative Education Trust Scotland Limited Certificate in Co-Operative Studies (SCQF Level 4) 4 18 12/03/2012 31/07/2022 Expired Breakdown
Co-Operative Education Trust Scotland Limited Certificate in Co-Operative Studies (SCQF Level 5) 5 18 12/03/2012 31/07/2022 Expired Breakdown
Co-Operative Education Trust Scotland Limited Certificate in Co-Operative Studies (SCQF Level 6) 6 18 12/03/2012 31/07/2022 Expired Breakdown
COMAS Certificate in Recovery Coaching 7 4 22/01/2013 31/01/2018 Expired Breakdown
COMAS Certificate in Self-Coaching 5 2 22/01/2013 31/01/2018 Expired Breakdown
COMAS Prevention and Management of Burnout 7 2 28/05/2014 28/05/2019 Expired  
Community Development Foundation (CDF) as partner in the Scottish Community Development Centre LEAP Training 7 6 24/04/2012 24/04/2017 Expired  
Community Health Exchange (CHEX) Health and Society (Health Issues in the Community - Part 1) 6 5 19/03/2012 30/06/2027 Current  
Community Health Exchange (CHEX) Health Issues in the Community - Part 2 7 10 17/05/2010 30/06/2027 Current  
Community Health Exchange (CHEX) Health Issues in the Community Tutor Training 7 8 17/05/2010 30/06/2027 Current  
Crown Agents Crown Agents: Certificate in Integrity in Procurement: Skills and Solutions 8 5 10/08/2011 31/07/2019 Expired  
Crown Agents Crown Agents Certificate in Effective Procurement Strategies for Senior Executives n/a n/a 01/07/2007 15/12/2021 Expired  
Crown Agents Crown Agents Certificate in Health Supply Chain and Logistics Management n/a n/a 01/07/2007 15/12/2021 Expired  
Crown Agents Crown Agents Certificate in Ethics and Integrity in Procurement n/a n/a 31/07/2019 15/12/2021 Expired  
Digital Marketing Institute Digital Marketing Institute Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Marketing 11 120 15/06/2012 30/11/2021 Expired  
Digital Marketing Institute Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing 8 24 15/06/2012 30/11/2021 Expired Breakdown
Digital Marketing Institute Research Diploma in Digital Marketing 11 180 26/02/2013 01/06/2021 Expired  
Diversity Matters Everyone Together 6 8 01/10/2012 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Dumfries and Galloway Council,  Employability and Skills Service Dumfries and Galloway Employability Award - Silver 4 43 30/07/2015 31/07/2023 Current Breakdown
Dumfries and Galloway Council,  Employability and Skills Service Workplace Skills - Gold 5 60.5-65 30/07/2015 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Dumfries and Galloway Council,  Employability and Skills Service Workplace Skills - Platinum 6 65 30/07/2015 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Dumfries and Galloway Council,  Employability and Skills Service Dumfries and Galloway Employability Award - Bronze 3 30 30/07/2015 31/07/2023 Current Breakdown
Dumfries and Galloway Council,  Employability and Skills Service Workplace Skills - Bronze 3 30 01/09/2019 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Dumfries and Galloway Council,  Employability and Skills Service Workplace Skills - Silver 4 43 01/09/2019 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Early Bird Social Media Social Media Marketing for Business 6 18 23/10/2013 31/07/2020 Expired  
East Renfrewshire Council Young Persons Services Inspire ER - Developing Employability Skills in Hair Design 5 12 04/10/2013 31/10/2018 Expired  
EMS Cognito Lean RCM Practitioner 6 17 19/02/2014 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
EMS Cognito Lean RCM Facilitator 9 49 19/02/2014 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
EMS Cognito Lean RCM Theory 4 4 19/02/2014 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Falkirk Council Falkirk Employability Award: Access 4 46.5 01/03/2011 31/07/2027 Current  
Falkirk Council Falkirk Employability Award: Bronze 4 49.5 01/03/2011 31/07/2027 Current  
Falkirk Council Falkirk Employability Award: Silver 5 39 01/03/2011 31/07/2027 Current  
Falkirk Council Falkirk Employability Award: Gold 6 39 01/03/2011 31/07/2027 Current  
Falkirk Council Falkirk Employability Award 4 98.5 13/01/2015 31/07/2022 Expired  
Food Standards Agency Hygiene and Good Practice in the Abattoir 5 1 19/01/2012 31/01/2017 Expired  
Grimsay Boatshed Trust "Across the Minch" Traditional Boatbuilding and Repair in the North West of Scotland 6 226 12/02/2013 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
ifs University College The ifs Certificate in Personal Finance 5 14 05/10/2010 19/12/2017 Expired Breakdown
Inverclyde Council Community Learning and Development (CLD) Outreach and Engagement Award 6 13 01/01/2011 31/07/2019 Expired  
IQN Certified Event Management Analyst 7 20 16/07/2013 01/01/2019 Expired  
IQN Certified Finance Specialist 8 40 11/01/2013 01/06/2017 Expired  
IQN Certified Global Hospitality Manager 6 20 11/01/2013 01/06/2017 Expired  
IQN Certified Project Management Analyst 7 30 12/02/2013 31/07/2019 Expired  
IQN Certified Public Accountant 8 120 13/11/2013 31/07/2019 Expired  
IQN Certified Researcher in Business 7 20 16/07/2013 31/07/2019 Expired  
IQN Diploma in Hospitality Management 6 20 11/01/2013 21/09/2016 Expired  
IQN Diploma in Human Resource Management 6 20 11/01/2013 21/09/2016 Expired  
IQN Diploma in Information Technology 6 30 26/02/2013 21/09/2016 Expired  
IQN Diploma in Marketing 6 30 26/02/2013 21/09/2016 Expired  
IQN Diploma in Strategic Management 8 25 01/11/2011 31/12/2018 Expired  
IQN Diploma in Supply Chain Management 6 20 11/01/2013 21/09/2016 Expired  
IQN Global Certified Management Accountant 9 40 11/01/2013 31/12/2016 Expired  
IQN Higher Diploma in Business 8 243 01/06/2014 04/06/2021 Expired  
IQN Professional Certificate in Business English 5 20 16/07/2013 31/10/2016 Expired  
IQN Professional Certificate in Business Law 7 15 16/07/2013 31/10/2016 Expired  
IQN Professional Certificate in Economics 7 15 16/07/2013 31/10/2016 Expired  
IQN Professional Certificatein Public Administration 7 20 16/07/2013 31/10/2016 Expired  
IQN Higher Diploma in Business Management 8 90 01/10/2013 31/07/2018 Expired  
Lanarkshire Recovery Consortium (LaRC) Advocacy Practice 7 9 04/10/2013 31/07/2026 Current  
Lead Scotland SCQF Level 3: Community Action and Leadership 3 18 19/05/2011 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Lead Scotland SCQF Level 5: Community Action and Leadership 5 16 19/05/2011 31/05/2026 Current Breakdown
Zone Out Effective Mentoring and Peer Education (SCQF Level 4) 4 45-67 16/06/2015 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Zone Out Effective Mentoring and Peer Education (SCQF Level 7) 7 81 16/06/2015 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Marie Curie Cancer Care Delivering Effective Palliative Care 7 10 04/05/2011 31/07/2019 Expired Breakdown
Midlothian Council Creche Worker Training Course 5 3 10/02/2014 31/07/2024 Current  
Bournemouth Montessori Centre Limited Bournemouth Montessori Centre Diploma (based on the Montessori Early Years Learning Programme) 8 149 30/09/2008 31/03/2026 Current  
Montessori Partnership Montessori Diploma in Early Years Education (based on the Montessori Early Years Learning Programme) 8 149 30/09/2008 30/09/2026 Current  
Montessori Partnership International Advanced Montessori Teaching Diploma, Early Years 9 210 13/05/2019 31/05/2024 Current Breakdown
Moray Council Money Money Money: A Financial Literacies Course 3 1 14/03/2013 07/02/2018 Expired  
Mountain Training Scotland Winter Mountain Leader Award 9 31 01/06/2013 31/07/2028 Current  
Mutfak Sanatlari Akademisi (MSA) Certificate in Beer Appreciation 5 1 11/06/2013 30/04/2021 Expired Breakdown
Mutfak Sanatlari Akademisi (MSA) Diploma in Beer and Food Pairing 6 1 11/06/2013 30/04/2021 Expired Breakdown
Mutfak Sanatlari Akademisi (MSA) Diploma in Turkish Cuisine 5 4 04/03/2013 30/04/2021 Expired Breakdown
Mutfak Sanatlari Akademisi (MSA) Advanced Professional Diploma in Eastern Mediterranean and Turkish Cuisine 6 9 04/03/2013 30/04/2021 Expired Breakdown
National Exam Board for Dental Nurses (NEBDN) NEBDN Certificate in Dental Radiography 9 20 04/11/2011 30/06/2016 Expired  
National Exam Board for Dental Nurses (NEBDN) NEBDN Certificate in Dental Sedation Nursing 8 18 28/10/2009 30/06/2016 Expired  
National Exam Board for Dental Nurses (NEBDN) NEBDN Certificate in Oral Health Education 8 24 01/07/2011 30/06/2016 Expired  
National Exam Board for Dental Nurses (NEBDN) NEBDN Certificate in Orthodontic Nursing 8 16 01/07/2011 30/06/2016 Expired  
National Exam Board for Dental Nurses (NEBDN) NEBDN Certificate in Special Care Dental Nursing 8 16 07/06/2011 30/06/2016 Expired  
Propertymark Qualifications Propertymark Qualifications Award in the Sale of Residential Property at SCQF Level 6 6 16 02/12/2013 31/12/2025 Current Breakdown
Propertymark Qualifications Propertymark Qualifications Award in Residential Letting and Management at SCQF Level 6 6 16 02/12/2013 31/12/2025 Current Breakdown
Propertymark Qualifications Propertymark Qualifications Award in Introduction to Residential Property Management Practice at SCQF Level 5 5 10 12/06/2015 01/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Propertymark Qualifications Propertymark Qualifications Award in Residential Inventory Management & Practice at SCQF Level 6 6 16 12/06/2015 31/12/2025 Current Breakdown
NHS Education for Scotland (NES) Application of Fluoride for Extended Duty Dental Nurses 8 2 01/08/2010 31/08/2025 Current  
NHS Education for Scotland (NES) Caring for Smiles - Foundation Level 5 2 20/02/2014 20/02/2029 Current  
NHS Education for Scotland (NES) Caring for Smiles - Intermediate Level 6 2 20/02/2014 20/02/2029 Current  
NHS Education for Scotland (NES) Childsmile Training 7 6 01/08/2010 30/09/2025 Current  
NHS Education for Scotland (NES) Glaucoma Management 11 30 30/10/2019 31/07/2027 Current   
Notre Dame Centre Seasons for Growth Companion Training (Adults Programme) 7 5 21/07/2011 31/07/2016 Expired Breakdown
Notre Dame Centre Seasons for Growth Companion Training (Childrens Programme) 7 8 21/07/2011 31/07/2016 Expired Breakdown
Parkinson's UK Understanding Parkinson's for Health and Social Care Staff 6 2 30/08/2012 18/07/2019 Expired  
Playback ICE Limited Moving on - Transition in Action (SCQF Level 2) 2 23 13/11/2012 30/04/2027 Current Breakdown
Playback ICE Limited Moving on - Transition in Action (SCQF Level 3) 3 24 17/03/2010 30/04/2027 Current Breakdown
Playback ICE Limited Moving on - Transition in Action (SCQF Level 4) 4 24 31/10/2013 30/04/2027 Current Breakdown
Playback ICE Limited Moving on Transition in Action - Preparing for work programme Level 3 3 13 13/11/2012 27/01/2016 Expired Breakdown
Playback ICE Limited Moving on Transition in Action - Preparing for work programme Level 4 4 13 13/11/2012 27/01/2016 Expired Breakdown
Pro Vision Fire and Safety Introduction to Managing Hazmat Incidents 7 6 25/03/2013 13/02/2018 Expired  
Proserv Subsea Equipment Service Technician 5 46-47 10/03/2011 31/03/2019 Expired Breakdown
Proserv Senior Subsea Equipment Service Technician 6 36 07/07/2015 01/04/2019 Expired Breakdown
Rathbone OneLife 3 16 09/05/2011 13/09/2019 Expired Breakdown
Renfrewshire Council Customer Service Professional Award 5 9 05/10/2010 31/07/2022 Expired  
Renfrewshire Council Customer Service Professional Certificate 6 9 05/10/2010 31/07/2022 Expired  
Renfrewshire Council The Smart Steps Programme 3 11 16/04/2013 05/01/2018 Expired Breakdown
Road and Construction Training Limited Road and Highways Safety Officers Award 6 16 31/10/2013 31/10/2023 Current Breakdown
Road and Construction Training Limited Road and Highways Inspectors Award 6 23 or 24 31/10/2013 31/10/2023 Current Breakdown
Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) Road Safety - Delivering the Framework (Scotland) 7 42 14/05/2014 31/07/2022 Expired  
Rural and Urban Training Scheme (RUTS) MotoLearn 5 3 08/02/2012 30/04/2027 Current Breakdown
Sabre Safety Sabre Safety - Hydrogen Sulfide Supervisor: Level I 6 46 17/05/2010 01/02/2017 Expired Breakdown
Sabre Safety Sabre Safety - Hydrogen Sulfide Supervisor: Level II 7 61 17/05/2010 01/02/2017 Expired Breakdown
Scottish Disability Sport UK Disability Inclusion Training (UK DIT) Theory Module 6 1 10/03/2011 10/03/2026 Current  
Scottish Federation of Meat Traders Association Craftsman Certificate 5 52 06/04/2010 28/02/2026 Current Breakdown
Scottish Fire Services College Breathing Apparatus Instructor 8 11 02/11/2012 16/03/2017 Expired  
Scottish Fire Services College Compartment Fire Behaviour Training Instructor 8 11 04/02/2013 07/02/2018 Expired  
Scottish Fire Services College FireFighter Foundation Programme n/a n/a 09/01/2013 16/03/2017 Expired  
Scottish Fire Services College ICL 1 Module A 7 6 14/02/2012 28/02/2017 Expired  
Scottish Fire Services College ICL 2 9 5 05/08/2013 14/03/2018 Expired  
Scottish Fire Services College ICL 3 9 6 02/05/2013 14/03/2018 Expired  
Scottish Fire Services College Incident Command Initial Repsonder 7 2 05/11/2013 07/02/2018 Expired  
Scottish Fire Services College Incident Command Level 1B 7 2 22/01/2013 01/01/2017 Expired  
Scottish Fire Services College Road Traffic Collision Instructor 8 10 08/01/2013 16/03/2017 Expired  
Scottish Fire Services College Rope Rescue Supervisor 7 3 23/11/2012 30/11/2017 Expired  
Scottish Fire Services College Rope Rescue Technician 6 6 23/11/2012 30/11/2017 Expired  
Scottish Fire Services College Scottish National Fire Investigators Course 10 12 05/12/2012 31/12/2017 Expired  
Scottish Qualifications Authority Evaluation of Design and Quality Assurance of Qualifications 8 32 28/03/2013 31/07/2021 Expired Breakdown
Scottish Qualifications Authority Essential Training Skills: Skills for Work 6 4 13/08/2013 31/07/2021 Expired  
Scottish Schools Education Research Centre (SSERC) Chemical Handling for Schools 5 2 09/07/2012 31/07/2027 Current  
Scottish Schools Education Research Centre (SSERC) Safe Use of Fixed Workshop Machinery 5 2 20/02/2012 31/07/2027 Current  
Scottish Schools Education Research Centre (SSERC) Electrical Safety and Portable Appliance Testing 6 2 09/07/2012 31/07/2027 Current  
Scottish Schools Education Research Centre (SSERC) Safety in Microbiology for Schools 6 3 01/03/2009 31/07/2027 Current  
Scottish Schools Education Research Centre (SSERC) Introductory Physics for Technical Support Staff 5 2 01/03/2009 31/07/2024 Current  
Scottish Schools Education Research Centre (SSERC) Maintenance of Fixed Workshop Machinery 6 3 20/04/2010 31/07/2025 Current  
Scottish Schools Education Research Centre (SSERC) Introduction to Microscope Maintenance and Use 5 2 09/09/2011 31/07/2027 Current  
Scottish Schools Education Research Centre (SSERC) SCQF Level 6 Award in STEM Leadership 6 4 05/12/2019 31/07/2024 Current  
Centre of Therapy & Counselling Studies Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Toolkit 8 6 17/03/2008 31/07/2028 Current  
Centre of Therapy & Counselling Studies Diploma in Counselling & Groupwork 10 187 17/03/2008 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Centre of Therapy & Counselling Studies Advanced Clinical Skills - Module 9 Professional Practice in Context III 10 30 17/03/2008 31/07/2028 Current  
Centre of Therapy & Counselling Studies Advanced Clinical Skills - Module 10 Professional Practice in Context III 10 30 17/03/2008 31/07/2028 Current  
Scottish Youth Parliament SYP Training -Convener Training 6 3 14/06/2011 30/06/2016 Expired  
Scottish Youth Parliament SYP Training - Core Training 5 7 14/06/2011 30/06/2016 Expired  
Scottish Youth Parliament SYP Training - Organising Local Events 6 1 14/06/2011 30/06/2016 Expired  
Scottish Youth Parliament SYP Training - Project/Campaign Training 6 2 14/06/2011 30/06/2016 Expired  
Scottish Youth Parliament SYP Training - V3 Pupil Council Programme 6 3 14/06/2011 30/06/2016 Expired  
Scottish Youth Parliament SYP Training - Media Training 6 1 14/06/2011 30/06/2016 Expired  
Scottish Youth Parliament SYP Training - Trustee Training 7 3 14/06/2011 30/06/2016 Expired  
Scottish Youth Theatre Performance and Production Learning Programme 7 29 19/01/2012 31/01/2017 Expired Breakdown
Shirlie Project Supported Employment and Personal Development 8 65 09/05/2012 31/07/2017 Expired Breakdown
Skills Development Scotland Certificate of Work Readiness 4 34 28/05/2012 31/12/2024 Current Breakdown
Skills Development Scotland Introduction to Work Place Skills 3 45 01/01/2013 31/12/2018 Expired Breakdown
South Lanarkshire Council Exploring and Sharing Youth Work Practice 1 4 4 01/03/2012 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
South Lanarkshire Council Exploring and Sharing Youth Work Practice 2 5 4 01/03/2012 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
Sports Academy of Scotland Marshalling at a Major Golf Event 4 3 04/07/2011 31/07/2027 Current  
SLQ SCQF Level 4 in Sports Leadership 4 7 05/09/2011 30/06/2022 Expired  
SLQ SCQF Level 4 Qualification in Dance Leadership 4 6 04/11/2013 28/02/2018 Expired  
SLQ SCQF Level 4 Award in Sports Volunteering 4 5 04/11/2013 28/02/2018 Expired  
SLQ SCQF Level 5 Qualification in Community Sports Leadership 5 8 04/11/2013 28/02/2018 Expired  
SLQ SCQF Level 5 Award in Community Sports Volunteering 5 7 04/11/2013 28/02/2018 Expired  
SLQ SCQF Level 5 Qualification in Dance Leadership 5 10 04/11/2013 28/02/2018 Expired  
SLQ SCQF Level 5 Award in Sports Leadership 5 9 04/11/2013 30/11/2018 Expired  
SLQ SCQF Level 6 Certificate in Higher Sports Leadership 6 18 04/11/2013 28/02/2018 Expired  
The Boys Brigade King George VI Leadership Programme 7 13 26/02/2013 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
The Duke of Edinburgh's Award (The DofE) DofE Leadership 5 5 18/10/2011 31/10/2021 Expired  
The Hidden Garden Trust Organic Gardening & Growing Skills 1 10 15/07/2014 04/12/2017 Expired  
The Hidden Garden Trust Organic Gardening & Growing Skills 2 10 15/07/2014 04/12/2017 Expired  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Health and Safety of Self and Others 4 7 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Work With Others 4 2 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Maintain Quality Standards 6 5 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Handover & Takeover Procedures 4 3 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Diagnose & Overcome Operating Problems 6 3 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Hygiene Cleaning 5 4 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Clean in-Place (CIP) 5 6 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Transfer Materials 5 6 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Bulk Intake 5 3 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Intake Goods and Materials 5 3 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Changeovers 5 5 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Control Systems 6 15 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Environmental Protection 6 6 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Security 5 8 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Milling 5 4 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Cooking 5 12 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Mashing 6 8 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Tun Room 5 6 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Distilling 6 17 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Botanicals 6 9 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Demineralisation of Water 5 13 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Pot Ale Syrup Production 5 22 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Pelletising 5 16 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Steeping 5 8 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Germination 5 5 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Drying or Kilning 5 19 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Dressing & Deculming 5 3 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Mixing 5 3 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Filtration 5 7 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Filling 5 10 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Labelling 4 7 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Finishing Work 5 3 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Packing 5 9 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Palletising & Wrapping 5 4 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Case Coding 4 2 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Empty Cask Receipt, Storage & Preparation 4 2 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Cask Filling 5 6 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Storage & Monitoring of Filled Casks 5 8 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Full Cask / Case Maintenance 5 6 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Cask Disgorging Operations 5 6 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Receipt of Casked or Bulk Spirit, or Finished Goods 5 3 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Prepare & Operate Vehicles 5 4 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Effluent Treatment 6 13 07/03/2012 30/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Despatch Bulk Spirit 5 7 12/05/2015 31/07/2023 Current  
The Scotch Whisky Association - Spirits Industry Vocational Qualification Despatch Casked Spirit or Finished Goods 5 7 12/05/2015 31/07/2023 Current  
International Centre for the Environment, Resource Management and Sustainability (ICERMS) Management and Treatment of Healthcare n/a n/a 15/05/2012 08/03/2023 Expired  
International Centre for the Environment, Resource Management and Sustainability (ICERMS) Management of Healthcare Waste n/a n/a 15/05/2012 08/03/2023 Expired  
International Centre for the Environment, Resource Management and Sustainability (ICERMS) Environment Protection Officer 10 100 09/09/2014 31/07/2022 Expired  
International Centre for the Environment, Resource Management and Sustainability (ICERMS) Environment Permit Inspection 10 75 09/09/2014 31/07/2022 Expired  
International Centre for the Environment, Resource Management and Sustainability (ICERMS) Environment Monitoring Laboratory Scientist 10 50 09/09/2014 08/03/2023 Expired  
International Centre for the Environment, Resource Management and Sustainability (ICERMS) Environment Monitoring ¿ Sampling Officer 10 25 09/09/2014 31/07/2022 Expired  
International Centre for the Environment, Resource Management and Sustainability (ICERMS) Environment Manager 10 50 09/09/2014 08/03/2023 Expired  
International Centre for the Environment, Resource Management and Sustainability (ICERMS) The Management & Treatment of Healthcare Waste Pathway 1: Healthcare Waste Manager 9 75-94 13/01/2020 08/03/2023 Expired  
International Centre for the Environment, Resource Management and Sustainability (ICERMS) The Management & Treatment of Healthcare Waste Pathway 2: Managing Healthcare Waste Treatment Operations - Infectious Waste 9 50-67 13/01/2020 08/03/2023 Expired  
International Centre for the Environment, Resource Management and Sustainability (ICERMS) The Management & Treatment of Healthcare Waste Pathway 3: Managing Healthcare Waste Transport Operations 9 38-51 13/01/2020 08/03/2023 Expired  
United Kingdom Alliance Graded Examination in Dance: Highland Dance Grade 1 3 7 05/09/2011 30/09/2026 Current  
United Kingdom Alliance Graded Examination in Dance: Highland Dance Grade 2 4 7 05/09/2011 30/09/2026 Current  
United Kingdom Alliance Graded Examination in Dance: Highland Dance Grade 3 4 7 05/09/2011 30/09/2026 Current  
United Kingdom Alliance Graded Examination in Dance: Highland Dance Grade 4 5 10 05/09/2011 30/09/2026 Current  
United Kingdom Alliance Graded Examination in Dance: Highland Dance Grade 5 5 10 05/09/2011 30/09/2026 Current  
United Kingdom Alliance Graded Examination in Dance: Highland Dance Grade 6 6 13 05/09/2011 30/09/2026 Current  
United Kingdom Alliance Graded Examination in Dance: Highland Dance Grade 7 6 13 05/09/2011 30/09/2026 Current  
United Kingdom Alliance Graded Examination in Dance: Highland Dance Grade 8 6 13 05/09/2011 30/09/2026 Current  
University of Stirling Fitness Leader n/a n/a 12/09/2012 15/11/2016 Expired  
Waverley Care Training in Life Coaching and Self Management Facilitation 7 7 05/08/2013 12/08/2016 Expired Breakdown
West Dunbartonshire Council Introduction to Community Work 5 5 10/03/2011 31/03/2016 Expired Breakdown
West Highland College (UHI) ROV Sub Sea Support Skills 6 28 05/09/2013 31/07/2022 Expired  
West Highland College (UHI) Safety & Environmental Factors 6 4 05/09/2013 05/09/2018 Expired  
West Highland College (UHI) An Introduction to the Operation 6 2 05/09/2013 05/09/2018 Expired  
West Highland College (UHI) An Introduction to Fibre Optics 6 2 05/09/2013 05/09/2018 Expired  
West Highland College (UHI) ROV Manipulator Training 6 2 05/09/2013 05/09/2018 Expired  
West London College Diploma in Business Administration 7 120 12/03/2013 16/03/2017 Expired Breakdown
West London College Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management 7 120 12/03/2013 16/03/2017 Expired Breakdown
West London College Diploma in Business and Information Technology 7 120 12/03/2013 16/03/2017 Expired Breakdown
West Lothian Council Everyday Art and Media Literacies 3 3 22/07/2013 31/07/2018 Expired  
Young Enterprise Scotland Inspiring Enterprise 7 54 26/01/2011 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Youth Scotland Dynamic Youth Awards - One Star Award 3 1 21/05/2012 31/07/2027 Current  
Youth Scotland Dynamic Youth Awards - Two Star Award 3 2 21/05/2012 31/07/2027 Current  
Youth Scotland Dynamic Youth Awards - Three Star Award 3 7 21/05/2012 31/07/2027 Current  
Youth Scotland Dynamic Youth Awards - Four Star Award 3 17 21/05/2012 31/07/2027 Current  
Youth Scotland Dynamic Youth Awards - Five Star Award 3 31 21/05/2012 31/07/2027 Current  
Youth Scotland Bronze Youth Achievement Award 4 7 01/12/2012 01/03/2029 Current  
Youth Scotland Silver Youth Achievement Award 5 8 01/12/2012 01/03/2029 Current  
Youth Scotland Gold Youth Achievement Award 6 10 01/12/2012 01/03/2029 Current  
Youth Scotland Platinum Youth Achievement Award 7 16 01/12/2012 01/03/2029 Current  
Quality Scotland Planning & Undertaking a Young Quality Scot Experience 5 5 28/10/2011 31/12/2012 Expired  
Scottish Prison Service College Negotiators' Training Programme 7 4 14/12/2005 14/12/2010 Expired  
Scottish Autism Autism Trainer Award 7 9 09/12/2014 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
SELECT Design and Verification of Electrical Installations 7 3 17/12/2014 31/07/2026 Current  
SELECT Inspection & Testing of Electrical Installations to BS 7671 (Including Periodic Inspection & Testing) 7 2 17/12/2014 30/09/2022 Expired  
SELECT The Electrotechnical Site Safety Assessment (TESSA 6 1 28/02/2019 31/07/2027 Current  
ServGroupLtd Thru Tubing Supervisor 6 36 02/04/2015 21/12/2017 Expired Breakdown
ServGroupLtd Well Site Management (Well Operations and Well Completions) 8 33-36 31/03/2015 21/12/2017 Expired Breakdown
ServGroupLtd Well Site Management: Well Services 8 22-24 31/03/2015 21/12/2017 Expired Breakdown
Youth Scotland Silver Youth Achievement Unit 5 11 31/01/2015 01/02/2018 Expired  
Youth Scotland Gold Youth Achievement Unit 6 14 31/01/2015 01/02/2018 Expired  
Youth Scotland Platinum Youth Achievement Unit 7 16 31/01/2015 01/02/2018 Expired  
Rural and Urban Training Scherme (RUTS) BikeFix Leadership Award 5 22 02/04/2015 30/04/2027 Current Breakdown
Java Institute for Advanced Technology (Pvt) Limited Professional Diploma in Software Engineering 7 171 20/11/2014 31/07/2022 Expired  
Java Institute for Advanced Technology (Pvt) Limited PCJT Software Engineer  III (SCQF Level 9) 9 153-185 26/09/2019 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Java Institute for Advanced Technology (Pvt) Limited Professional Higher Diploma in Software Engineering (SCQF Level 8) 8 129-185 20/09/2019 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Concept Northern Assistive Technology Associate 5 14 20/04/2015 28/02/2018 Expired  
National Galleries of Scotland Collections Digitisation 7 24 17/12/2014 30/11/2021 Expired  
Starcatchers Creative Skills in Early Childhood Practice 7 24 23/07/2015 15/03/2023 Expired  
NOCN Applying for work (SCQF level 3) 3 3 14/09/2015 30/09/2020 Expired  
NOCN Applying for work (SCQF level 4) 4 3 14/09/2015 30/09/2020 Expired  
Peeple Early Maths (SCQF Level 3) 3 2 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Early Maths (SCQF Level 4) 4 3 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Early Maths (SCQF Level 5) 5 3 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Communication and Language (SCQF Level 3) 3 2 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Communication and Language (SCQF Level 4) 4 3 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Communication and Language (SCQF Level 5) 5 3 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Early Literacy (SCQF Level 3) 3 2 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Early Literacy (SCQF Level 4) 4 3 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Early Literacy (SCQF Level 5) 5 3 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Health and Physical Development (SCQF Level 3) 3 2 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Health and Physical Development (SCQF Level 4) 4 3 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Health and Physical Development (SCQF Level 5) 5 3 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Personal, Social and Emotional Development (SCQF Level 3) 3 2 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Personal, Social and Emotional Development (SCQF Level 4) 4 3 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Personal, Social and Emotional Development (SCQF Level 5) 5 3 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Development of Babies (SCQF Level 3) 3 2 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Development of Babies (SCQF Level 4) 4 3 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Development of Babies (SCQF Level 5) 5 4 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Development of Toddlers (SCQF Level 3) 3 2 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Development of Toddlers (SCQF Level 4) 4 3 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Development of Toddlers (SCQF Level 5) 5 4 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Development of Pre-schoolers (SCQF Level 3) 3 2 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Development of Pre-schoolers (SCQF Level 4) 4 3 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Development of Pre-schoolers (SCQF Level 5) 5 4 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Early Child Development (SCQF Level 3) 3 2 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Early Child Development (SCQF Level 4) 4 3 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Peeple Early Child Development (SCQF Level 5) 5 4 23/09/2015 30/09/2026 Current  
Cycling Scotland Cycle Training Assistant 5 1 10/08/2015 31/08/2020 Expired  
Outward Bound The Adventure and Challenge Award - 5 Day 5 5 10/03/2011 28/02/2027 Current Breakdown
Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education Advanced Diploma in Islamic Studies 10 72-80 11/07/2017 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education Professional Diploma in Islamic Economics and Finance 11 72 22/10/2015 22/05/2020 Expired  
EduQual Access to Operating Theatres Award (SCQF Level 8) 8 3 10/11/2015 31/07/2027 Current  
EduQual Diploma in Business Management (SCQF Level 11) 11 120 05/02/2016 31/07/2027 Current  
EduQual Diploma in Business and Marketing Management (SCQF Level 8) 8 240 05/02/2016 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Direct Devitt Comedy and Confidence The DirectDevitt Comedy Award 6 9 01/02/2016 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Class of Your Own Designing, Engineering and Constructing a Sustainable Built Environment (SCQF level 4) 4 16 26/02/2016 01/08/2017 Expired  
Class of Your Own Designing, Engineering and Constructing a Sustainable Built Environment (SCQF Level 6) 6 16 26/02/2016 01/08/2017 Expired  
Playback ICE Essential Skills for Employment (SCQF Level 3) 3 27 27/01/2016 30/04/2027 Current Breakdown
Playback ICE Essential Skills for Employment (SCQF Level 4) 4 27 27/01/2016 30/04/2027 Current Breakdown
Realise Support and Learning Services Basic Footcare Award 6 4 16/02/2016 16/08/2021 Expired  
Realise Support and Learning Services Basic Footcare Mentoring Award 7 6 16/02/2016 16/08/2021 Expired  
Acting Coach Scotland Professional Diploma in Stage and Screen Performance 8 233-236 27/01/2016 01/10/2018 Expired  
West Lothian Council West Lothian Employability Award Level 6 6 36 01/07/2015 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
West Lothian Council West Lothian Employability Award Level 2 2 36 01/07/2015 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
West Lothian Council West Lothian Employability Award Level 3 3 34.5 01/07/2015 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
West Lothian Council West Lothian Employability Award Level 4 4 34.5 01/07/2015 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
West Lothian Council West Lothian Employability Award Level 5 5 36 01/07/2015 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
EduQual Diploma in Business and Marketing Strategy (SCQF Level 11) 11 120 11/05/2016 31/07/2027 Current  
CEIS Ayrshire Ayrshire Certificate of Employability 1 3 36-66 26/04/2016 08/05/2024 Expired  
CEIS Ayrshire Ayrshire Certificate of Employability 2 4 42 26/04/2016 08/05/2024 Expired  
Realise Support and Learning Services Delivering Person-Centred Services Using an Enabling Approach 7 8 31/05/2016 08/11/2023 Expired  
Glasgow Life The Complete Sports Coach Vocational Qualification 6 47 13/05/2016 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Eduqual Diploma in Accounting and Finance (SCQF Level 11) 11 120 18/08/2016 31/07/2027 Current  
Institute of Directors Certificate in Company Direction 9 18 08/06/2016 30/09/2025 Current Breakdown
Institute of Directors Diploma in Company Direction 11 4 08/06/2016 30/09/2025 Current  
Institute of Directors Director's Role in Leading the Organisation 9 4 08/06/2016 30/09/2017 Expired  
Institute of Directors Director's Role in Strategy and Marketing 9 5 08/06/2016 30/04/2021 Expired  
Institute of Directors Finance for Non-Financial Directors 8 5 08/06/2016 11/03/2019 Expired  
Institute of Directors Role of the Director and the Board 9 4 08/06/2016 11/03/2019 Expired  
Institute of Directors Finance for Non-Finance Directors 8 5 11/03/2019 30/09/2025 Current  
Institute of Directors Role of the Director and the Board 9 4 11/03/2019 30/09/2025 Current  
Institute of Directors Role of the Director and the Board - International 9 4 23/10/2019 30/09/2025 Current  
Java Institute for Advanced Technology (Pvt) Limited Professional Higher Diploma in Software Engineering 8 185 04/08/2016 31/08/2024 Current Breakdown
Eduqual Diploma in Human Resource Management (SCQF Level 11) 11 120 01/09/2016 31/07/2027 Current  
Digital Marketing Institute Professional Diploma in Digital and Social Selling 8 12 15/11/2016 30/11/2021 Expired  
United Eastern Technical and Management Training Advanced Diploma - Electrical Discipline 6 86-96 22/09/2015 16/11/2022 Expired  
United Eastern Technical and Management Training Diploma - Electrical Discipline 5 98 22/09/2015 16/11/2022 Expired  
American Education Centre Ltd (ANC) Diploma in Psychology 7 150 07/11/2016 31/07/2024 Current Breakdown
American Education Centre Ltd (ANC) Advanced Diploma in Psychology 8 142 07/11/2016 31/07/2024 Current Breakdown
Eduqual Diploma in Business Skills (SCQF Level 7) 7 40 21/11/2016 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Eduqual Award in Principles of Business and Finance (SCQF Level 7) 7 5 21/11/2016 31/07/2027 Current  
Eduqual Award in Principles of Business Communications (SCQF Level 7) 7 5 21/11/2016 31/07/2027 Current  
Eduqual Award in Principles of Business Etiquette (SCQF Level 7) 7 5 21/11/2016 31/07/2027 Current  
Eduqual Award in Principles of Information Technology (SCQF Level 7) 7 5 21/11/2016 31/07/2027 Current  
Eduqual Award in Principles of Marketing and Customer Service (SCQF level 7) 7 5 21/11/2016 31/07/2027 Current  
Eduqual Award in Principles of People Skills in Business (SCQF Level 7) 7 5 21/11/2016 31/07/2027 Current  
Eduqual Award in Principles of Self Awareness and Personal Development (SCQF Level 7) 7 5 21/11/2016 31/07/2027 Current  
Eduqual Award in Principles of Time Management in Business (SCQF Level 7) 7 5 21/11/2016 31/07/2027 Current  
IQN Global Certified Management Accountant 8 120 01/12/2016 04/06/2021 Expired  
International Centre for the Environment, Resource Management and Sustainability (ICERMS) Environmental Auditor 10 40 09/09/2014 31/07/2022 Expired  
International Centre for the Environment, Resource Management and Sustainability (ICERMS) Environmental Impact Assessor 10 35 09/09/2014 31/07/2022 Expired  
International Centre for the Environment, Resource Management and Sustainability (ICERMS) Strategic Environmental Assessor 10 35 09/09/2014 31/07/2022 Expired  
International Centre for the Environment, Resource Management and Sustainability (ICERMS) Environmental Permitting Officer 10 50 09/09/2014 31/07/2022 Expired  
International Centre for the Environment, Resource Management and Sustainability (ICERMS) Water Sampling Officer 9 20 09/09/2014 31/07/2022 Expired  
Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Association Army Cadet Achievement, Teamwork and Citizenship (2 Star Equivalent) SCQF Level 4 4 20 26/01/2017 26/01/2025 Current Breakdown
National Company for Training and Education Technologies (Tetec) Certificate in Theory and Practice of Formative Assessment 11 6 30/01/2017 26/07/2023 Expired  
National Company for Training and Education Technologies (Tetec) Diploma in Theory and Practice of Formative Assessment 11 18 30/01/2017 26/07/2023 Expired  
Eric Tobin Associates Ltd Process Engineering Maintenance: Telecommunications 7 66-74 01/02/2017 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
Eric Tobin Associates Ltd Process Operations: Hydrocarbons Control Room Operator 7 102-120 14/02/2017 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
Saudi Electric Services Polytechnic (SESP) Diploma in Operational and Maintenance Engineering ¿ Power Service Maintenance (Substation / Transmission) Technician 7 280 03/02/2017 12/08/2022 Expired  
Saudi Electric Services Polytechnic (SESP) Diploma in Operational and Maintenance Engineering - Power Cable (Distribution/Transmission) Technician 7 200 23/01/2017 12/08/2022 Expired  
Saudi Electric Services Polytechnic (SESP) Diploma in Operational and Maintenance Engineering ¿ Power Overhead Line (Distribution/ Transmission) Technician 7 200 23/01/2017 12/08/2022 Expired  
Saudi Electric Services Polytechnic (SESP) Diploma in Operational and Maintenance Engineering ¿ Power Plant Maintenance (Mechanical) Technician 7 200 23/01/2017 12/08/2022 Expired  
LCCI Global Qualifications Pvt. Ltd Diploma in Hospitality Management 5 64 01/11/2016 31/07/2029 Current Breakdown
LCCI Global Qualifications Pvt. Ltd Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management 7 99 01/11/2016 31/07/2029 Current Breakdown
LCCI Global Qualifications Pvt. Ltd Certificate in Employability Skills 6 4 01/11/2016 31/07/2024 Current Breakdown
LCCI Global Qualifications Pvt. Ltd Diploma in Global Culinary Arts 6 67 21/02/2017 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
Shetland Amenity Trust Shetland Amenity Trust Traditional Boat Building Award 6 28 01/02/2017 17/02/2022 Expired  
OPITO Ltd. OPITO Global Foundation Certificate: Introduction to Maintenance Workshop Practice 3 11 11/04/2017 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
Scottish Amateur Swimming Association (SASA) Early Childhood Swim Teaching 7 6 18/04/2017 31/07/2022 Expired  
OPITO Ltd OPITO Global 1 Training Certificate: Basic Maintenance Practices 4 23 18/07/2016 31/07/2024 Current Breakdown
OPITO Ltd OPITO Global 1 Training Certificate :Basic Maintenance Practices (Instrument and Control)  4 32 11/04/2017 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
OPITO Ltd OPITO Global 1 Training Certificate :Basic Maintenance Practices (Mechanical)  4 32 11/04/2017 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
OPITO Ltd OPITO Global 1 Training Certificate: Basic Maintenance Practices (Electrical)  4 32 11/04/2017 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
OPITO Ltd OPITO Global 2 Training Certificate: Maintenance Practice (Mechanical) 5 17 11/04/2017 31/07/2022 Expired  
OPITO Ltd OPITO Global 2 Training Certificate: Maintenance Practice (Electrical) 5 17-19 11/04/2017 31/07/2022 Expired  
OPITO Ltd OPITO Global 2 Training Certificate: Maintenance Practice (Instrument and Control) 5 14-24 11/04/2017 31/07/2022 Expired  
OPITO Ltd OPITO Global Foundation Training Certificate: Introduction to Oil and Gas Processing 3 4 11/04/2017 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
OPITO Ltd OPITO Global 1 Training Certificate: Basic Oil and Gas Processing 4 10 11/04/2017 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
OPITO Ltd OPITO Global 2 Training Certificate: Oil and Gas Processing 5 14-16 11/04/2017 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
International Centre for the Environment, Resource Management and Sustainability (ICERMS) Understanding and Combatting Environmental Crime 10 60 18/04/2017 08/03/2023 Expired  
SRLPDC SRLPDC BSL/English Interpreting Qualification 10 155 19/02/2020 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Scottish Schools Education Research Centre SSERC Intermediate Physics for Technicial Support Staff 5 2 05/05/2017 31/07/2027 Current  
SESP Diploma in Operational and Maintenance Engineering ¿ Power Network Operator (Transmission/Distribution) Technician  7 200 02/03/2017 12/08/2022 Expired  
Direct Devitt Direct Devitt Confidence Award (SCQF Level 5) 5 4 01/05/2017 31/07/2028 Current  
Direct Devitt Direct Devitt Comedy Award (SCQF Level 6) 6 5 01/05/2017 31/07/2028 Current  
Eco-Genics Cryogenic / Dry Ice Blast Cleaning Services Operator Award 5 48-56 25/05/2017 08/05/2024 Expired  
Eco-Genics Ultrasonic Cleaning Operation Systems Operator Award 5 33 25/05/2017 08/05/2024 Expired  
Eco-Genics Tyre Mould Build and Assembly Operator Award 5 34 25/05/2017 08/05/2024 Expired  
Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI) Certificate in Fundraising Practice 8 33 03/03/2017 18/01/2023 Expired  
Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI) An Introduction to Fundraising Practice 6 12 03/03/2017 18/01/2023 Expired  
Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI) Diploma in Fundraising Practice 8 49 03/03/2017 18/01/2023 Expired  
SESP Diploma in Operational and Maintenance Engineering ¿ Power System Protection (Distribution/Transmission) Technician 7 280 05/06/2017 12/08/2022 Expired  
SESP Diploma in Operational and Maintenance Engineering ¿ Power Plant Maintenance (Electrical) Technician 7 200 05/06/2017 12/08/2022 Expired  
Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust Certificate in Protected Area Management  7 21 19/06/2017 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
IQN Certified Global Public Accountant 8 40 01/11/2011 31/07/2019 Expired  
IQN Certified Finance Specialist 8 80 01/06/2017 04/06/2021 Expired  
IQN Higher Diploma in Business 8 243 01/07/2016 04/06/2021 Expired  
IQN Diploma in Business Management 7 120 01/03/2017 04/06/2021 Expired  
Community Brokerage Network Community Brokerage 7 30 26/07/2017 08/05/2024 Expired  
Glasgow Association for Mental Health Preparation for Practice 6 30 25/07/2017 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
Class of Your Own  TQUK Design Engineer Construct! The Digital Built Environment (SCQF Level 4) 4 16 01/08/2017 19/08/2019 Expired  
Class of Your Own TQUK Design Engineer Construct! The Digital Built Environment (SCQF Level 6) 6 16 01/08/2017 19/08/2019 Expired  
Historic Environment Scotland (HES) Advanced Professional Diploma in Technical Building Conservation 11 127 29/06/2017 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
Historic Environment Scotland (HES) Building Conservation in Context 11 34 29/06/2017 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
Historic Environment Scotland (HES) Conservation of Masonry, Limes and Cements 11 38 29/06/2017 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
Historic Environment Scotland (HES) Conservation of Structures and Finishes 11 35 29/06/2017 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
The FITS Foundation Certificate in ICT Support in Education: Practitioner 7 16 01/03/2017 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
The FITS Foundation Certificate in ICT Support in Education: Manager 8 16 01/03/2017 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
SESP Diploma in Operational and Maintenance Engineering ¿ Power Plant Operators (Combined Cycle) Technician 7 200 23/06/2017 12/08/2022 Expired  
Youth Scotland Hi5 One Star Award  2 1 21/07/2017 31/07/2027 Current  
Youth Scotland Hi5 Two Star Award 2 2 21/07/2017 31/07/2027 Current  
Youth Scotland Hi5 Three Star Award 2 3 21/07/2017 31/07/2027 Current  
EduQual Access to Hospitals Award (SCQF Level 6) 6 3 25/07/2017 31/07/2027 Current  
SESP Diploma in Operational and Maintenance Engineering ¿ Power Plant Maintenance (Instrumentation and Control) Technician 7 280 11/09/2017 12/08/2022 Expired  
Skills Development Scotland  Introduction to Work Place Skills 3 33 01/11/2017 30/11/2025 Current Breakdown
Energy Saving Trust Home Energy Scotland (HES) Advisor Induction Programme (Currently only available for Home Energy Scotland employees) 6 21 12/09/2017 02/10/2027 Current Breakdown
Metropolitan Lifelong Learning Centre  Advanced Professional Diploma in Child and Adolescent Psychology 11 60 27/11/2017 28/04/2022 Expired  
SESP Diploma in Operational and Maintenance Engineering - Electrical Distribution Network Maintenance Technician 7 200 20/11/2017 12/08/2022 Expired  
Deaf Action Introduction to Tutoring British Sign Language 6 14 13/12/2017 31/12/2022 Expired  
SESP Diploma in Operational and Maintenance Engineering ¿ Power Plant Maintenance  (Welding and Machining) Technician  7 200 20/11/2017 12/08/2022 Expired  
SLQ SCQF Level 4 Qualification in  Dance Leadership 4 5 14/12/2017 30/06/2022 Expired  
SLQ SCQF Level 5 Qualification in Community Sports Leadership 5 7 14/12/2017 30/06/2022 Expired  
SLQ SCQF Level 5 Qualification in Dance Leadership  5 7 14/12/2017 30/06/2022 Expired  
SLQ SCQF Level 4 Qualification in Sports Leadership  4 5 14/12/2017 30/06/2022 Expired  
SLQ SCQF Level 5 Qualification in Sports Leadership  5 7 14/12/2017 30/06/2022 Expired  
SLQ SCQF Level 6 Qualification in Sports Leadership 6 14 14/12/2017 30/06/2022 Expired  
Acting Coach Scotland Professional Diploma in Stage and Screen Performance 8 233-243 01/12/2017 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
SESP Diploma in Operational and Maintenance Engineering - Power Plant Maintenance (Power System Dispatching) Technician 7 200 20/11/2017 12/08/2022 Expired  
YMCA Full Board - Board Management Training Course 5 24 14/07/2015 31/01/2026 Current Breakdown
Tech Terrain College Plastic Injection Mould Manufacturing Level 4 5 103 16/01/2018 31/07/2021 Expired  
Tech Terrain College Manufacturing Coordination (CAD/CAM) Level 4  5 89 16/01/2018 31/07/2021 Expired  
IQN Certificate for Project Management Analysts 7 30 23/01/2018 04/06/2021 Expired  
IQN Global Certificate for Management Accountants 8 120 23/01/2018 04/06/2021 Expired  
Tkm Consulting Certificate in Data Protection Compliance  6 1 12/02/2018 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Tkm Consulting Certificate in Managing Data Protection Compliance 8 7 12/02/2018 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Tkm Consulting Diploma in Managing Data Protection Compliance  10 12 12/02/2018 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Concept Northern Assistive Technology and Business Skills for Dyslexia 5 12 01/03/2018 31/07/2022 Expired  
Institute of Directors Leadership for Directors 9 4 14/03/2017 30/09/2025 Current  
Institute of Directors Strategy for Directors 9 5 06/03/2018 30/09/2025 Current  
Scottish Schools Education Research Centre (SSERC) Introductory Chemistry for Technical Support Staff 5 2 08/03/2018 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Concrete Scotland Introduction to Concrete Technology 5 1 01/12/2017 01/12/2025 Current Breakdown
Bakewise Academy Diploma in Professional Baking and Cake Decorating 5 45 03/04/2018 31/07/2024 Current Breakdown
Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Association (RFCA) RAF Air Cadet Aviation Practice 1 (SCQF Level 5) 5 4 26/04/2018 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Skills Development Scotland Race Equality - Improving and Sustaining Outcomes for Minority Ethnic Communities 7 2 12/02/2018 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Skills Development Scotland Challenging Stereotypes: Encouraging Gender Balance 6 1 12/02/2018 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Skills Development Scotland Training the Trainer - Mentoring Women in STEM Apprenticeships 7 1 12/02/2018 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Skills Development Scotland Work Based Learning: Automotive Skills at SCQF Level 4 4 30 13/06/2019 31/12/2020 Expired  
Skills Development Scotland Work Based Learning: Construction Craft at SCQF Level 4 4 30 13/06/2019 31/12/2020 Expired  
Skills Development Scotland Work Based Learning: Construction Craft at SCQF Level 5 5 30 13/06/2019 31/12/2020 Expired  
Skills Development Scotland Work Based Learning: Hospitality at SCQF Level 4 4 30 13/06/2019 31/12/2020 Expired  
Skills Development Scotland Work Based Learning: Hospitality at SCQF Level 5 5 30 13/06/2019 31/12/2020 Expired  
Eric Tobin Associates and Maersk Oil Crane Operations Offshore 7 75 16/05/2018 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
London School of Commerce (LSC) Foundation in Business (SCQF Level 6) 6 120 29/01/2018 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
London School of Commerce (LSC) Professional Diploma in International Business (SCQF Level 11) 11 120 29/01/2018 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
London School of Commerce (LSC) Certificate in Business Administration (SCQF Level 7) 7 120 29/03/2018 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
London School of Commerce (LSC) Diploma in Business Administration (SCQF Level 8) 8 120 29/03/2018 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
NHS Greater Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHSGGC Diploma in Healthcare Technology Management 9 77 01/03/2017 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
IQN Certified Business Manager 6 90 19/03/2018 04/06/2021 Expired  
Metropolitan Lifelong Learning Centre Advanced Professional Diploma in Audio Visual Translation (AVT) and Media Accessibility 11 68 04/06/2018 28/04/2022 Expired  
SAJE Scotland Understanding Domestic Abuse from a Women's Persepctive 6 1 04/07/2018 01/01/2023 Expired  
Venture Scotland Etive Award - Challenge 3 5 25/06/2018 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
ISSEE Ltd Award in Explosives Foundation Studies 4 4 01/08/2018 31/07/2024 Current Breakdown
ISSEE Ltd Award in Explosives Storage Management 4 4 01/08/2018 31/07/2024 Current Breakdown
BAM Nuttall Certificate in Civil Engineering Supervision (SCQF Level 6) 6 18 30/09/2018 31/05/2026 Current Breakdown
BAM Nuttall Diploma in Managing People in Construction (SCQF Level 7) 7 38 03/05/2019 31/05/2024 Expired  
Transport Scotland Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Projects - An Overview 4 2 24/07/2018 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) Certification (ACLIP) 7 27 04/10/2018 31/10/2028 Current Breakdown
Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) Chartership  (MCLIP) 9 30 04/10/2018 31/10/2028 Current Breakdown
Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) Fellowship (FCLIP) 11 40 04/10/2018 31/10/2028 Current Breakdown
Venture Scotland Etive Award - Discover 4 10 12/10/2018 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
Venture Scotland Etive Award - Explore 5 11 12/10/2018 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
Skills Development Scotland Certificate in Managing Work-based Learning and Employability Programmes 8 50 23/10/2018 31/10/2023 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group Ltd Diploma in International Business & Strategy (SCQF Level 11)  11 60 30/10/2018 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group Ltd Extended Diploma in International Business & Strategy (SCQF Level 11) 11 120 30/10/2018 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group Ltd Diploma in Supply Chain and Logistics Management (SCQF Level 11) 11 40 29/03/2019 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group Ltd Diploma in Healthcare Management and Leadership (SCQF Level 11) 11 40 29/03/2019 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group Ltd Extended Diploma in Supply Chain and Logistics Management (SCQF Level 11) 11 120 29/03/2019 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group Ltd Extended Diploma in Business Analytics (SCQF Level 11) 11 120 29/03/2019 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group Ltd Extended Diploma in Global Business Management (SCQF Level 11) 11 120 29/03/2019 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
HorseBack UK Certificate in Personal Development Through Horsemanship 4 13-18 26/10/2018 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
SLQ SCQF Level 5 Qualification in Using Sport to improve Health and Wellbeing 5 7 05/11/2018 14/12/2023 Expired  
Reserve Forces and Cadets Association (RFCA) RAF Air Cadet Aviation Practice 2 (SCQF Level 6) 6 21 02/11/2018 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
SLQ SCQF Level 5 Qualification in Leadership Skills 5 2 05/11/2018 14/12/2023 Expired  
Venture Scotland Etive Award - Leadership 6 22 07/11/2018 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
London School of Mosaic Diploma in Mosaic Studies 7 120 05/11/2018 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Direct Devitt DirectDevitt Confidence Award (SCQF Level 3) 3 4 15/11/2018 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Direct Devitt DirectDevitt Confidence Award  (SCQF Level 4) 4 4 15/11/2018 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
ISSEE Ltd Certificate in Explosives and Munitions Technology (Part 1) 6 12 29/11/2018 31/07/2024 Current Breakdown
ISSEE Ltd Certificate in Explosives and Munitions Technology (Part 2) 7 26 13/12/2018 31/07/2024 Current Breakdown
ISSEE Ltd Certificate in Explosives Ordnance Disposal 1 (IMAS Compliant) 5 11 08/12/2018 31/07/2024 Current Breakdown
ISSEE Ltd Certificate in Explosives Ordnance Disposal 2 (IMAS Compliant) 6 11 08/12/2018 31/07/2024 Current Breakdown
ISSEE Ltd Diploma in Explosives Ordnance Disposal 3 (IMAS Compliant) 7 13 08/12/2018 31/07/2024 Current Breakdown
ISSEE Ltd Certificate in Improvised Explosive Device Disposal 7 16 21/09/2018 31/07/2024 Current Breakdown
ISSEE Ltd Certificate in Counter Terrorist Search Practice & Procedure 6 13 18/01/2019 31/07/2024 Current Breakdown
ISSEE Ltd Certificate in High Risk Search 6 12 18/01/2019 31/07/2024 Current Breakdown
ISSEE Ltd Certificate in Post Bomb Scene Management 6 8 18/01/2019 31/07/2024 Current Breakdown
ISSEE Ltd Diploma in Explosives & Munitions Storage & Transport 8 15 24/01/2019 31/07/2024 Current Breakdown
ISSEE Ltd Diploma in Explosives & Munitions Maintenance 8 16 25/02/2019 31/07/2024 Current Breakdown
ISSEE Ltd Diploma in Explosives & Munitions Disposal 8 16 10/04/2019 31/07/2024 Current Breakdown
ISSEE Ltd Diploma in Applied Explosives & Munitions Technology 8 85 10/04/2019 31/07/2024 Current Breakdown
ISSEE Ltd Diploma in Advanced Improvised Explosive Device Disposal 8 16 10/07/2019 31/07/2024 Current  
Oman Society for Petroleum Services (OPAL) Oman Vocational Diploma in Health, Safety and Environmental Practices 7 125-130 26/11/2018 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Reserve Forces and Cadets Association (RFCA) Sea Cadet Achievement, Teamwork and Citizenship Award 4 12 13/02/2019 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
QA Limited CyberFirst Futures 5 4 15/02/2019 28/02/2025 Current  
QA Limited CyberFirst Defenders 4 4 15/02/2019 28/02/2025 Current  
QA Limited CyberFirst Advanced 6 4 15/02/2019 28/02/2025 Current  
Playback ICE Waste in the Circular Economy 5 3 21/02/2019 01/09/2022 Expired  
National Oilwell Varco Engineering Operations Diploma 5 60 08/04/2019 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
The Chippendale International School of Furniture The Chippendale School of Furniture Award (SCQF Level 8) 8 24 14/05/2019 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
BA School of Business and Finance Financial Management 9 32 28/06/2019 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
The Spark (Scotland) t/a The Spark Diploma in Relational Counselling 11 120 28/06/2019 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
The Spark (Scotland) t/a The Spark Training Relational Trainers 11 60 05/08/2019 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
The Spark (Scotland) t/a The Spark Advanced Course in Counselling Supervision 11 60 10/09/2019 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Lincolnshire County Council Introduction to Family Group Conference 5 3 12/07/2019 13/07/2024 Current  
Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service Management Information and Analysis 6 32-71 08/08/2019 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Nurture UK The Theory and Practice of Nurture Groups 8 13 29/07/2019 31/07/2024 Current  
National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH) NEBOSH HSE Introduction to Incident Investigation 6 1 23/10/2019 31/10/2024 Current  
National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH) NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Health and Safety Leadership Excellence 6 1 23/10/2019 31/10/2024 Current  
National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH) NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Process Safety Management 7 5 23/10/2019 31/10/2024 Current  
AFAQ for Leadership Development LLC Assess Workplace Competence using Direct and Indirect methods 8 10 23/07/2019 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
AFAQ for Leadership Development LLC Internal Verification of Workplace Assessment 8 12 23/07/2019 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Edge Testing Solutions Ltd. Eurofins Digital Testing Academy 6 16 29/10/2019 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Civic Digits Introduction to Basic Cyber Resilience and Digital Citizenship 3 1 30/10/2019 31/10/2024 Current  
Alcohol & Drugs Action (ADA) Certificate in Self-Coaching 5 2 08/05/2019 31/05/2024 Current Breakdown
Alcohol & Drugs Action (ADA) Certificate in Recovery Coaching 7 4 08/05/2019 31/05/2024 Current Breakdown
AAS College Advanced Professional Diploma in Interior Design 8 240 21/11/2019 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
MyBnk Personal Money Management 4 1 06/12/2019 31/12/2024 Current  
Newbattle Abbey College Newbattle Abbey College Diploma in Arts and Social Science 6 9 01/11/2019 26/04/2023 Expired  
Le Cordon Bleu Le Cordon Bleu Grand Diplôme® with Culinary Management (Internship pathway) 8 225 18/02/2020 28/02/2025 Current Breakdown
Le Cordon Bleu Le Cordon Bleu Diplôme de Patisserie with Culinary Management 8 107 18/02/2020 28/02/2025 Current Breakdown
Le Cordon Bleu Le Cordon Bleu Diplôme de Patisserie with Culinary Management (Internship Pathway) 8 152 18/02/2020 28/02/2025 Current Breakdown
Le Cordon Bleu Le Cordon Bleu Grand Diplôme® with Culinary Management 8 180 18/02/2020 28/02/2025 Current Breakdown
Le Cordon Bleu Le Cordon Bleu Diplôme de Cuisine with Culinary Management 8 117 18/02/2020 28/02/2025 Current Breakdown
Le Cordon Bleu Le Cordon Bleu Diplôme de Cuisine with Culinary Management (Internship Pathway) 8 162 18/02/2020 28/02/2025 Current Breakdown
Le Cordon Bleu Le Cordon Bleu Diploma in Culinary Management 8 44 18/02/2020 28/02/2025 Current Breakdown
Le Cordon Bleu Le Cordon Bleu Diplôme de Cuisine 8 73 18/02/2020 28/02/2025 Current Breakdown
Le Cordon Bleu Le Cordon Bleu Diplôme de Pâtisserie 8 63 18/02/2020 28/02/2025 Current Breakdown
Le Cordon Bleu Le Cordon Bleu Grand Diplôme® 8 136 18/02/2020 28/02/2025 Current Breakdown
Le Cordon Bleu Le Cordon Bleu Grand Diplôme® (Internship Pathway) 8 181 18/02/2020 28/02/2025 Current Breakdown
Le Cordon Bleu Le Cordon Bleu Basic Cuisine Certificate 6 24 18/02/2020 28/02/2025 Current Breakdown
Le Cordon Bleu Le Cordon Bleu Intermediate Cuisine Certificate         6 23 18/02/2020 28/02/2025 Current Breakdown
Le Cordon Bleu Le Cordon Bleu Basic Pâtisserie Certificate 6 19 18/02/2020 28/02/2025 Current Breakdown
Le Cordon Bleu Le Cordon Bleu Intermediate Pâtisserie Certificate 6 19 18/02/2020 28/02/2025 Current Breakdown
Le Cordon Bleu Le Cordon Bleu Diplôme de Cuisine (Internship Pathway) 8 118 18/02/2020 28/02/2025 Current Breakdown
Le Cordon Bleu Le Cordon Bleu Diplôme de Pâtisserie (Internship Pathway) 8 108 18/02/2020 28/02/2025 Current Breakdown
Glam Candy Glam Candy  Award in Makeup Artistry 5 24 19/02/2020 28/02/2025 Current Breakdown
Glam Candy Makeup Artistry: An Introduction 5 6 19/02/2020 28/02/2025 Current Breakdown
Glam Candy Bridal Makeup 5 6 19/02/2020 28/02/2025 Current Breakdown
Glam Candy Glam and Trends 5 6 19/02/2020 28/02/2025 Current Breakdown
Glam Candy Fashion & Editorial Makeup 5 6 19/02/2020 28/02/2025 Current Breakdown
Glam Candy SFX, TV, Theatre & Film Makeup 5 6 19/02/2020 28/02/2025 Current Breakdown
Myanmar Business and Technology University Professional Diploma in Computer Systems and Network Engineering 6 90 20/02/2020 08/11/2023 Expired  
Myanmar Business and Technology University Professional Certificate in Computer Systems 6 10 20/02/2020 08/11/2023 Expired  
Myanmar Business and Technology University Professional Certificate in Networking Essentials 6 20 20/02/2020 08/11/2023 Expired  
Myanmar Business and Technology University Professional Certificate in Introduction to Cisco Routing and Switching 6 20 20/02/2020 08/11/2023 Expired  
Myanmar Business and Technology University Professional Certificate in IT Security Management 6 20 20/02/2020 08/11/2023 Expired  
Myanmar Business and Technology University Professional Certificate in Introduction to Project Management 6 20 20/02/2020 08/11/2023 Expired  
The Circle Dundee The Circle Academy Award in Social Entrepreneurship 7 21 09/04/2020 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
Association for Project Management APM Project Fundamentals Qualification (PFQ) 6 3 06/05/2020 31/07/2025 Current  
Association for Project Management APM Project Management Qualification (PMQ) 7 6 06/05/2020 31/07/2025 Current  
Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education Diploma in Moral Economy and Sustainable Development 11 120 21/05/2020 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education Executive Diploma in Islamic Finance and Entrepreneurship 11 120 21/05/2020 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH) NEBOSH Diploma for BP RCA Master Investigators 11 19 05/06/2020 31/07/2025 Current  
National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH) NEBOSH Certificate for BP RCA Skilful Investigators 9 17 05/06/2020 31/07/2025 Current  
Glam Candy Makeup Artistry:Beginners 5 6 19/02/2020 31/07/2025 Current  
Glam Candy Fashion and E-Commerce Makeup 5 6 19/02/2020 31/07/2025 Current  
West Lothian Council West Lothian Employability Award (SCQF Level 3) 3 5.75 01/06/2020 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
West Lothian Council West Lothian Employability Award (SCQF Level 4)  4 5.75 01/06/2020 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
West Lothian Council West Lothian Employability Award (SCQF Level 5)  5 6 01/06/2020 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
West Lothian Council West Lothian Employability Award (SCQF Level 6)  6 6 01/06/2020 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
Skills Development Scotland Financial and Professional Services Fast Track Award 7 16 17/07/2020 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
Cycling Scotland Bikeability Scotland Instructor (BSI) 5 1 01/08/2020 01/08/2025 Current  
Scottish Qualifications Authority Training and Development for Delivery to Groups 7 40 06/08/2019 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Association for Project Management APM Project Professional Qualification (PPQ) 9 7 26/08/2020 31/08/2025 Current  
Equi-Scotia CIC Professional Diploma in Equine Facilitated Learning and Development 8 29 20/12/2021 31/07/2026 Current  
Scottish Schools Education Research Centre (SSERC) SCQF Level 5 Award in STEM Leadership 5 3 15/09/2020 30/09/2025 Current  
Westford Education Group Ltd Professional Global Diploma in Education 10 84 23/09/2020 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
CAMOR Specialist Response (Enhanced Safety & Security Operations) 4 2 13/10/2020 06/01/2023 Expired  
DreamZone School of Creative Studies Professional Diploma in Fashion Design 7 108 17/04/2020 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
Actif4 Limited Actif4 Leadership Diploma 10 48 04/03/2020 31/07/2025 Current  
International Skill Development Corporation (ISDC) International Certificate in Business (SCQF Level 7) 7 120 06/05/2020 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
Institute of Decontamination Sciences (IDSc) The Institute of Decontamination Sciences Technical Certificate (Decontamination) 6 23 22/10/2020 31/07/2026 Current  
National Navigation Award Scheme Navigator Award - Gold 6 2 20/10/2020 31/10/2025 Current  
National Navigation Award Scheme Navigator Award - Silver 5 2 20/10/2020 31/10/2025 Current  
National Navigation Award Scheme Navigator Award - Bronze 4 2 20/10/2020 31/10/2025 Current  
Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education Professional Diploma in Organisational Learning 9 116 18/09/2020 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Donegal Education and Training Board Certificate in Donegal Weaving 6 67 25/09/2020 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
MHEC Limited Mental Health & Exercise Coaching 7 2 15/12/2020 31/12/2025 Current  
Practical Financial Exams Limited Practical Investment Planning 9 10 15/12/2020 15/12/2025 Current  
Scottish Schools Education Research Centre (SSERC) SCQF Level 4 Award in STEM Leadership 4 3 20/01/2021 31/01/2026 Current  
International Skill Development Corporation (ISDC) International Foundation Certificate in Business (SCQF Level 6) 6 120 01/12/2020 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
NSPCC Childline Induction Training 6 20 03/02/2021 28/02/2026 Current  
Le Cordon Bleu Diploma in Pâtisserie Innovation and Wellness 8 38 15/02/2021 28/02/2026 Current Breakdown
Le Cordon Bleu Diplôme de Pâtisserie with Advanced Study (Pâtisserie Innovation) 8 101 15/02/2021 28/02/2026 Current Breakdown
Le Cordon Bleu Diplôme de Pâtisserie with Advanced Study (Pâtisserie Innovation) - Internship Pathway 8 146 15/02/2021 28/02/2026 Current Breakdown
SBS Swiss Business School Executive Diploma in Business Administration 11 117 24/02/2021 21/02/2024 Expired  
The Power Within Training and Development Ltd Executive Diploma in Leading with Motivational Intelligence 7 11 23/02/2021 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Energy Saving Trust Domestic Renewable Energy 7 20 26/02/2021 28/02/2026 Current  
Cycling Scotland Cycle Trainer 7 3 26/03/2021 31/03/2026 Current  
LCCI Global Qualifications PvT Limited Professional Diploma in Animation 7 124 01/05/2020 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
Keep Scotland Beautiful Climate Emergency Training (SCQF Level 4) 4 2 13/04/2021 30/04/2026 Current  
NHS Education for Scotland (NES) Enhanced Psychological Practice - Adults 11 60 16/04/2021 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Mountain Training United Kingdom and Ireland International Mountain Leader 10 45 23/04/2021 30/04/2026 Current  
Le Cordon Bleu Diploma in Wine Gastronomy and Management 8 81 18/05/2021 31/05/2026 Current Breakdown
Le Cordon Bleu Diploma in Wine Gastronomy and Management - Internship Pathway 8 126 18/05/2021 31/05/2026 Current Breakdown
Front Lounge Limited Kindred Clothing Garment Production Award 5 30 02/07/2020 31/07/2025 Current Breakdown
Persona Training and Development Ltd Professional Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy 11 120 06/05/2021 31/05/2026 Current Breakdown
Grounded Learning Ltd Diploma in Pluralistic Counselling and Psychotherapy 10 246 02/04/2024 02/04/2029 Current Breakdown
RiverSide Studios School for Creative Industries Ltd Executive Diploma in Photography: Newborn and Baby Portrait 8 7 24/05/2021 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Paddeco SCQF Level 5: Ventilation Hygiene Certificate 5 199 16/06/2021 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
CAMOR Applied Counter Terrorism & Public Safety  4 1 25/06/2021 06/01/2023 Expired  
CAMOR Counter Terrorism - Risk Assessment and Security Planning 4 1 25/06/2021 06/01/2023 Expired  
ADNOC Field Operations Engineering (Oil & Gas) 9 43-47 01/07/2021 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
CAMOR Employee Vulnerability and Insider Risk (Managerial Awareness) 4 1 14/07/2021 06/01/2023 Expired  
CAMOR Behavioural Detection 4 2 14/07/2021 06/01/2023 Expired  
Westford Education Group Ltd Extended Diploma in Management and Leadership (SCQF Level 11) 11 120 23/07/2021 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group Ltd Extended Diploma in Strategic Business Management (SCQF Level 11) 11 120 23/07/2021 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Paddeco SCQF Level 5: Installation of Fire Resisting Ductwork and Ventilation Systems  5 At least 238 16/08/2021 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Skills Development Scotland Work-Based Skills: Automotive at SCQF Level 4  4 30 13/07/2020 31/12/2026 Current Breakdown
Skills Development Scotland Work-Based Skills: Construction at SCQF Level 4 4 27 13/07/2020 31/12/2026 Current Breakdown
Skills Development Scotland Work-Based Skills: Construction at SCQF Level 5 5 24 13/07/2020 31/12/2026 Current Breakdown
Skills Development Scotland Work-Based Skills: Hospitality at SCQF Level 4 4 30 13/07/2020 31/12/2026 Current Breakdown
Skills Development Scotland Work-Based Skills: Hospitality at SCQF Level 5 5 30 13/07/2020 31/12/2026 Current Breakdown
British Assocation of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Grade 5 Modern Dance 5 6 01/09/2021 30/08/2026 Current  
British Assocation of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Grade 5 Jazz 5 6 01/09/2021 30/08/2026 Current  
British Assocation of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Grade 5 Ballet 5 6 01/09/2021 30/08/2026 Current  
British Assocation of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Grade 5 Tap 5 6 01/09/2021 30/08/2026 Current  
British Assocation of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Grade 6 Ballet 5 6 01/09/2021 30/08/2026 Current  
The British Assocation of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Elementary Modern Dance 6 7 01/09/2021 30/08/2026 Current  
British Assocation of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Elementary Jazz 6 7 01/09/2021 30/08/2026 Current  
British Assocation of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Elementary Ballet 6 7 01/09/2021 30/08/2026 Current  
British Assocation of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Elementary Tap 6 7 01/09/2021 30/08/2026 Current  
British Assocation of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Intermediate Modern Dance 7 8 01/09/2021 30/08/2026 Current  
British Assocation of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Intermediate Jazz 7 8 01/09/2021 30/08/2026 Current  
British Assocation of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Intermediate Ballet 7 8 01/09/2021 30/08/2026 Current  
British Assocation of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Intermediate Tap 7 8 01/09/2021 30/08/2026 Current  
British Assocation of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Advanced Modern Dance 8 10 01/09/2021 30/08/2026 Current  
British Assocation of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Advanced Jazz 8 9 01/09/2021 30/08/2026 Current  
British Assocation of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Advanced Ballet 8 9 01/09/2021 30/08/2026 Current  
British Assocation of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Advanced Tap 8 9 01/09/2021 30/08/2026 Current  
British Assocation of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Associate Modern Dance 8 10 01/09/2021 30/08/2026 Current  
British Assocation of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Associate Jazz 8 10 01/09/2021 30/08/2026 Current  
British Assocation of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Associate Ballet 8 10 01/09/2021 30/08/2026 Current  
British Assocation of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Associate Tap 8 10 01/09/2021 30/08/2026 Current  
International Skill Development Corporation (ISDC) International Specalised Diploma in Business Management (SCQF Level 8) 8 120 (each pathway) 28/07/2021 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
S.M.I.L.E Counselling & Training Mental Wellbeing and Health (M.W.A.H.) (SCQF Level 5) 5 2 01/09/2021 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Paddeco SCQF Level 5: Fire and Smoke Damper Certificate 5 At least 157 16/09/2021 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
QA Ltd Digital Marketplace 7 3 30/09/2021 31/07/2026 Current  
Practical Business Improvements Ltd Lean Practitioner 7 3 13/08/2021 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Digital Marketing Institute Certified Digital Marketing Professional 8 24 15/10/2021 30/11/2026 Current  
Digital Marketing Institute Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing 8 24 15/10/2021 30/11/2026 Current  
Digital Marketing Institute DMI PRO 8 24 15/10/2021 30/11/2026 Current  
Digital Marketing Institute Certified Digital Marketing Expert  11 120 15/10/2021 30/11/2026 Current  
Digital Marketing Institute DMI EXPERT 11 120 15/10/2021 30/11/2026 Current  
Le Cordon Bleu Diplôme de Pâtisserie with Advanced Study (Pâtisserie Innovation, Culinary Management) 8 145 20/10/2021 31/10/2026 Current Breakdown
Le Cordon Bleu Diplôme de Pâtisserie with Advanced Study (Pâtisserie Innovation, Culinary Management) – Internship Pathway 8 190 20/10/2021 31/10/2026 Current Breakdown
Le Cordon Bleu Grand Diplôme with Advanced Study (Pâtisserie Innovation) 8 174 20/10/2021 31/10/2026 Current Breakdown
Le Cordon Bleu Grand Diplôme with Advanced Study (Pâtisserie Innovation) - Internship Pathway 8 219 20/10/2021 31/10/2026 Current Breakdown
Le Cordon Bleu Grand Diplôme with Advanced Study (Pâtisserie Innovation, Culinary Management) 8 218 20/10/2021 31/10/2026 Current Breakdown
Le Cordon Bleu Grand Diplôme with Advanced Study (Pâtisserie Innovation, Culinary Management) – Internship Pathway 8 263 20/10/2021 31/10/2026 Current Breakdown
CAMOR  Crisis Management and Defensible Decision Making 4 1 02/11/2021 06/01/2023 Expired  
CAMOR  Detecting and Responding to Hostile Reconnaissance 4 1 02/11/2021 06/01/2023 Expired  
CAMOR  Managing Disruptive Passengers/Workplace Violence  4 1 02/11/2021 06/01/2023 Expired  
QA Ltd Climate Solutions Accelerator 5 1 04/11/2021 31/07/2026 Current  
QA Ltd Digital Pilot Licence 7 At least 18 04/11/2021 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group Ltd International Diploma in Business and Finance 9 270 16/11/2021 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group Ltd International Diploma in Business Management 9 270 16/11/2021 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group Ltd International Diploma in Business and Marketing 9 270 16/11/2021 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Construction Health and Safety Group Diploma in Construction Fire Safety & Risk Management 10 50 23/11/2021 30/11/2026 Current  
ADNOC Mechanical Maintenance Engineering (Oil/Gas)  9 56-59 03/11/2021 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
NHS Education for Scotland (NES) Professional Diploma in Family Nursing 11 60 07/01/2022 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
The Shieling Project Community Interest Company The Shieling Project Award (SCQF Level 2) 2 2 07/02/2022 31/07/2027 Current  
The Shieling Project Community Interest Company The Shieling Project Award (SCQF Level 3) 3 2 07/02/2022 31/07/2027 Current  
The Shieling Project Community Interest Company The Shieling Project Award (SCQF Level 4) 4 2 07/02/2022 31/07/2027 Current  
Scottish Schools Education Research Centre (SSERC) Working with Technology in Technical: 3D Printing and Laser Cutting 5 2 10/02/2022 31/07/2027 Current  
Historic Environment Scotland (HES) SCQF Level 8: Diploma – Planning, Surveying and Recording the Condition of Built Assets for Conservation 8 18 16/02/2022 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
Scottish Schools Education Research Centre (SSERC) Working with Technology in Science: Datalogging 5 1 10/02/2022 31/07/2027 Current  
Advice Direct Scotland Money and Debt Advice 7 10 16/06/2021 31/07/2026 Current Breakdown
HCS Aberdeen Ltd Principles and Practices of Subsea and Surface Controls Equipment 6 10 12/05/2022 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
West Highland College UHI ROV Subsea Support Skills (SCQF Level 6) 6 20 10/05/2022 31/07/2027 Expired  
NHS Education for Scotland (NES) Enhanced Psychological Practice - Children and Young People 11 60 23/05/2022 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
ACT Counselling Services Ltd ACT Counselling Services Diploma in Counselling Supervision 9 12 07/06/2022 08/06/2027 Current Breakdown
Expert Witness Institute EWI Certification 11 15 06/06/2022 30/06/2027 Current  
ACT Counselling Services Ltd ACT Counselling Services Introduction to Schema Focused Therapy 9 18 21/06/2022 22/06/2027 Current Breakdown
SLQ SCQF Level 6 Qualification in Sports Leadership 6 14 01/07/2022 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
SLQ SCQF Level 5 in Dance Leadership 5 7 01/07/2022 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
SLQ SCQF Level 5 in Community Sports Leadership 5 7 01/07/2022 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
SLQ SCQF Level 4 Qualification in Sports Leadership 4 5 01/07/2022 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
SLQ SCQF Level 4 Qualification in Dance Leadership 4 6 01/07/2022 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Sprinktec Ltd Domestic and Residential Fire Sprinkler Design 7 12 11/07/2022 31/07/2027 Current  
British Association of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Grade 5 Highland Dance 5 6 19/07/2022 31/07/2027 Current  
British Association of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Elementary Highland Dance 6 7 19/07/2022 31/07/2027 Current  
British Association of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Intermediate Highland Dance 7 8 19/07/2022 31/07/2027 Current  
British Association of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Advanced Highland Dance 8 9 19/07/2022 31/07/2027 Current  
British Association of Teachers of Dancing (BATD) Associate Highland Dance 8 10 19/07/2022 31/07/2027 Current  
MyBnk Independent Living Skills 4 1 27/07/2022 28/07/2027 Current  
SELECT Inspection & Testing of Electrical Installations to BS 7671 (including Periodic Inspection) 7 3 16/09/2022 31/07/2028 Current  
Construction Health and Safety Group (CHSG) Construction Fire Risk Assessment Certificate 7 5 25/08/2022 31/08/2027 Current  
The Verdancy Group Waste in the Circular Economy 5 3 01/09/2022 30/09/2027 Current  
Newtyne Consultancy & Training Professional Certificate in Applied Data Programming (SCQF Level 7)  7 25-28 12/10/2022 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
SELECT Initial Verification of Electrical Installations to BS 7671 7 2 16/09/2022 31/07/2027 Current  
SELECT Requirements for Electrical Installations to BS 7671 7 3 16/09/2022 31/07/2027 Current  
Skills Development Scotland  Professional Certificate in Managing Work based Learning 8 8 01/11/2022 30/11/2027 Current  
Skills Development Scotland  Professional Diploma in Managing Work based Learning 8 26 01/11/2022 30/11/2027 Current Breakdown
The Shieling Community Interest Project Shieling Project Unit (SCQF Level 10) Learning for Sustainability - education professionals 10 4 09/11/2022 31/07/2027 Current  
International Skill Development Corporation (ISDC) International Professional Diploma in Business Management (SCQF Level 11) 11 120 16/11/2022 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Inclusive Skating Sports Coaching: Inclusive Skating Assistant Coach 5 6 07/12/2022 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Inclusive Skating Sports Coaching: Inclusive Skating 6 24 07/12/2022 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Inclusive Skating Sports Coaching: Inclusive Skating - Supporting Persons with Disabilities Award 6 5 07/12/2022 31/07/2028 Current  
Westford Education Group Ltd  Diploma in Business Finance (SCQF Level 9) 9 46 08/12/2022 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group Ltd  Diploma in Business Management (SCQF Level 8) 8 68 08/12/2022 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group Ltd  Diploma in Digital Marketing (SCQF Level 8) 8 45 08/12/2022 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group Ltd  Diploma in Organisational Leadership (SCQF Level 11) 11 40 08/12/2022 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group Ltd  Extended Diploma in International Business Management (SCQF Level 11) 11 120 08/12/2022 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group Ltd  Extended Diploma in Healthcare Management and Leadership (SCQF Level 11) 11 120 08/12/2022 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group Ltd  Diploma in Human Resources & Organizational Culture (SCQF Level 9) 9 46 08/12/2022 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
West Lothian Council Business Administration and Customer Service (SCQF Level 5) 5 24 24/01/2023 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
West Lothian Council Business Administration and Customer Service (SCQF Level 6)  6 24 24/01/2023 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education Diploma in Muslim Family Law 11 120 19/01/2023 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Scottish Autism Autism Practitioner Award 6 20 30/01/2023 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Robinson House Studio Furniture Design and Making 8 110 03/11/2022 30/11/2027 Current Breakdown
The National House Project The House Project Programme 2 1 09/03/2023 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education Diploma in Contemporary Islamic Studies 11 120 12/04/2023 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group trading as CIQ Diploma in Finance and Risk Management 11 40 17/04/2023 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group trading as CIQ Diploma in Finance for Business Managers 11 40 17/04/2023 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group trading as CIQ Extended Diploma in Finance and Risk Management 11 120 17/04/2023 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group trading as CIQ Extended Diploma in Operations and Project Management 11 120 17/04/2023 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group trading as CIQ International Business 11 20 17/04/2023 31/07/2028 Current  
Westford Education Group trading as CIQ Diploma in Engineering Management 11 46 17/04/2023 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group trading as CIQ Extended Diploma in Engineering Management 11 126 17/04/2023 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group trading as CIQ Diploma in IT 11 40 17/04/2023 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group trading as CIQ Extended Diploma in IT 11 120 17/04/2023 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Diageo Safe Isolation Reinstatement Plant Systems (SIRPS) 7 14-96 20/04/2023 31/07/2028 Current Breakdown
Full Colour Coaching Coaching Skills for Wellbeing 5 8 10/05/2023 31/05/2028 Current Breakdown
LCCI Global Qualifications Pvt.Ltd Food Production and Patisserie – Advanced 7 15 10/05/2023 11/05/2028 Current  
LCCI Global Qualifications Pvt.Ltd Diploma in Computing and IT 7 139 15/09/2022 31/07/2027 Current Breakdown
Scottish Schools Education Research Centre (SSERC) Safe Use of Fixed Classroom Machinery 5 2 22/05/2023 22/05/2028 Current  
Reserve Forces and Cadet Association (RFCA) Army Cadet Achievement, Teamwork and Citizenship Award (3 Star Equivalent) SCQF Level 5 5 13 23/05/2023 23/05/2028 Current Breakdown
Institute of Directors Award for Further Education Governance Professionals (Award FEGP) 8 7 13/06/2023 30/06/2028 Current  
Institute of Directors Certificate for Further Education Governance Professionals (Cert FEGP) 9 12 13/06/2023 30/06/2028 Current  
Institute of Directors Diploma for Further Education Governance Professionals (Dip FEGP) 11 15 13/06/2023 30/06/2028 Current  
Tayside Regional Improvement Certificate in Preparing for Digital Learning in the Senior Phase 6 3 13/06/2023 30/06/2028 Current  
Le Cordon Bleu Diploma in Plant-Based Culinary Arts - Cuisine 8 37 05/07/2023 06/07/2028 Current  
Le Cordon Bleu Diploma in Plant-Based Culinary Arts – Pâtisserie 8 37 05/07/2023 06/07/2028 Current  
IRPM  IRPM Professional Diploma in Property Factoring 8 29 01/08/2023 31/08/2028 Current  
AI-Maktoum College of Higher
Diploma in Pastoral Care and Muslim Chaplaincy 11 60 07/08/2023 08/08/2028 Current Breakdown
EDUBEX Extended Diploma in International Business Management 11 120 15/08/2023 16/08/2028 Current Breakdown
Westford Education Group trading as CIQ Extended Diploma in HR and Organisational Psychology 11 121 22/08/2023 23/08/2028 Current Breakdown
SELECT Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installations 7 2 09/08/2023 12/07/2028 Current  
East Ayrshire Council Vibrant Communities Vibrant Communities Lifeskills Money MOT (SCQF Level 3)  3 1 30/08/2023 30/08/2028 Current  
East Ayrshire Council Vibrant Communities Vibrant Communities Lifeskills Money MOT (SCQF Level 4)  4 1 30/08/2023 30/08/2028 Current  
East Ayrshire Council Vibrant Communities Vibrant Communities Lifeskills Money MOT (SCQF Level 5)  5 1 30/08/2023 30/08/2028 Current  
Propertymark Qualifications Certificate in Property Agency (Sales) 6 13 01/09/2023 30/09/2028 Current Breakdown
Propertymark Qualifications Certificate in Property Agency (Lettings) 6 14 01/09/2023 30/09/2028 Current Breakdown
Sprinktec Ltd Domestic and Residential (Non-Residential) Fire Sprinkler Design 7 16 07/09/2023 07/09/2028 Current  
Keep Scotland Beautiful Biodiversity Action 4 1 04/10/2023 31/10/2028 Current  
QA Ltd Cyber Explorers - Cyber Squad Member 4 1 13/10/2023 31/10/2028 Current  
QA Ltd Cyber Explorers – Cyber Champion 5 2 13/10/2023 31/10/2028 Current  
Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) KM Chartership (MCLIP KM)
9 30 23/10/2023 31/10/2028 Current  
Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) KM Fellowship (FCLIP KM) 11 40 23/10/2023 31/10/2028 Current  
LCCI Global Qualifications Pvt.Ltd Bakery, Pastry and Patisserie I&II (unit only) 6 15 25/10/2023 25/10/2028 Current  
NAADUK Training Academy Limited SCQF Level 6 Ventilation Maintenance 6 At least 257 points 27/10/2023 27/10/2028 Current Breakdown
The Caddie Academy Certificate in Golf Caddying 7 4 28/11/2023 29/11/2028 Current Breakdown
M&M Consultancy and Training Services Ltd Authorised Person (Ventiliation) 7 100 09/10/2023 09/10/2028 Current Breakdown
Centre of Therapy & Counselling Studies Diploma in CBT & Groupwork (SCQF Level 11) 11 189 16/01/2024 31/01/2029 Current Breakdown
Advice Direct Scotland Energy Advice, Support, and Sustainability Award - SCQF Level 7 7 12 06/02/2024 06/02/2029 Current Breakdown
Versari Growth Enterprises Ltd T/A ESI Professional Diploma: Entrepreneurial Sales Foundation 8 20 01/03/2024 01/03/2029 Current  
ProPaints Certificate in Airless Paint Spraying 6 3 31/01/2024 31/01/2029 Current Breakdown
Leadership Skills Foundation SCQF Level 4 Qualification in Developing Professional Skills 4 1 19/04/2024 30/04/2029 Current  
Scripture Union Scotland COmMISSION Training 1: Basecamp 5 7 19/04/2024 30/04/2029 Current  
Scripture Union Scotland COmMISSION Training 2: LeadUP 6 6 19/04/2024 30/04/2029 Current  
Scripture Union Scotland Gap Year: Youth and Children’s Work Course 7 99 19/04/2024 30/04/2029 Current  
Confident Drivers Ltd Drive with Confidence: Stress Management, Anxiety Reduction and Confidence Building in Driver Training 7 15 24/04/2024 30/04/2029 Current Breakdown
Self Directed Support Scotland Community Brokerage Award 7 30 08/05/2024 31/05/2029 Current Breakdown
Leith School of Art Art and Design Foundation Diploma 7 96 08/05/2024 31/05/2029 Current  
Lcci Global Qualifications Pvt.Ltd Foundation Diploma in Computing and IT 7 45 25/01/2024 31/01/2029 Current Breakdown
Creative Digital Media Institute (CDMI) Creative Media Passport (CMP) 5 7 11/06/2024 30/06/2029 Current  
Lcci Global Qualifications Pvt.Ltd Certificate in Computing and IT 7 18 19/06/2024 30/06/2029 Current Breakdown
Lcci Global Qualifications Pvt.Ltd Certificate in Data Science and Analytics 7 18 19/06/2024 30/06/2029 Current Breakdown
Jump Digital Ltd Digital Sustainability Fundamentals (DSF): A Foundation For Reducing Online Carbon Footprints   5 1 10/07/2024 31/07/2029 Current  
Grounded Learning Advanced Practitioner Certificate in Pluralistic Counselling Children and Young People (aged 4-18 years) 11 87 10/07/2024 31/07/2029 Current Breakdown
Grounded Learning Advanced Practitioner Certificate in Pluralistic Counselling Children (aged 4- 11 years) 11 57 10/07/2024 31/07/2029 Current Breakdown
Grounded Learning Advanced Practitioner Certificate in Pluralistic Counselling Young People (aged 12-18 years) 11 57 10/07/2024 31/07/2029 Current Breakdown