West Lothian Employability Award (SCQF Level 3)

Component Title SCQF Level SCQF Credit Points Period of Credit Rating From: Period of Credit Rating To:
Working with Others 3 6 01/06/2020 31/07/2025
Problem Solving 3 6 01/06/2020 31/07/2025
Information and Communication Technology 3 6 01/06/2020 31/07/2025
Personal Development: Self and Work 3 6 01/06/2020 31/07/2025
Personal Development: Practical Abilities 3 6 01/06/2020 31/07/2025
Building own Employability Skills 3 6 01/06/2020 31/07/2025
Responsibilities of Employment 3 1.5 01/06/2020 31/07/2025