A Prospectus for Change - Corporate Plan

Our Prospectus is an ambitious blueprint for Scotland's new qualifications body. It is a significant milestone for the education and skills community and marks the start of a year-long transition from SQA to Qualifications Scotland.

The Prospectus has been developed through extensive consultation and engagement with learners, teachers, lecturers, employers, training providers and many stakeholder organisations, as well as SQA staff.

Three key pledges lie at the heart of the Prospectus:

SQA Prospectus for Change (3.75 MB)

Framework document

This framework document has been drawn up by the Scottish Government (SG) in consultation with SQA. It sets out the broad framework within which SQA will operate and defines key roles and responsibilities which underpin the relationship between SQA and the SG.

Annual Business Plan 2023-24

Previous Corporate Plan

Our previous (2020-23) Corporate Plan is also available.