SVQ Learning and Development SCQF level 8 and 9

The Scottish Vocational Qualifications Learning and Development are suitable for people working in a training or learning development role, with individuals or groups of learners.
They include a wide choice of optional Units which allow candidates to develop planning, design, delivery, assessment and evaluation skills. These two SVQs replace the previous six, but accommodate all target groups covered by the lapsing qualifications.
Please contact our Customer Contact Centre by completing our contact form or telephone 0345 279 1000 for providers delivering these qualifications.
SQA support materials are available from the SQA secure site via centre's SQA Co-ordinators. These include the Standards with assessment guidance and evidence requirements; CPD Toolkit and Templates; and a range of other support and guidance materials.
Use the tabs below to open each section individually. Alternatively you can show all the sections.
Why deliver this qualification
- they mirror the latest National Occupational Standards (2.78 MB)
- the language used has been simplified, making it easier for candidates and assessors to know what is required of them
- practitioners have more scope to use professional judgement when assessing candidate performance - there is no need for independent assessment
- duplication between Units has been removed
- the reduced number of Units makes the SVQs more attractive to candidates
- the Units meet the needs of a diverse range of practitioners
- comprehensive range of support materials available from SQA
Who does this qualification suit
The SVQ in Learning and Development at level 3 is suitable for trainers, facilitators, mentors, tutors, coaches, instructors or anyone with a training responsibility in addition to their main job.
The SVQ in Learning and Development at level 4 is aimed at senior trainers, or training co-ordinators/managers who plan, deliver and evaluate programmes and/or have some management responsibility for others.
Entry is at the discretion of the centre. As these are work-based qualifications candidates should be working in a training role to ensure they are able to generate the required work-based evidence.
Level 3 candidates would be expected to have responsibility for planning, delivering and evaluating training. Level 4 candidates would be expected to have responsibility for developing and implementing training programmes, and some management of direct trainers.
For candidates where English is not their first language it is recommended that they possess English for Speakers of other Languages (ESOL) level 5 or a score of 5.5 in IELTS.
Candidates could progress to a higher level SVQ in Learning and Development or in management.
Centres interested in offering this qualification should come forward for approval and contact SQA's Business Development Team for guidance.
Assessors and verifiers must be able to meet SQA's general requirements for technical/occupational competence as outlined in the Systems and Qualification Approval Guide (510 KB). The specific delivery requirements are set out in the Assessment Strategy.
Where can you take this course?
Qualification content and delivery tools
Information about the qualification(s)
National Occupational Standards
Unit information for this qualification is available on our Unit Search.
Information about delivery, assessment, quality assurance and support material
Assessment strategy
Assessment Guidance
Assessment is through performance in the workplace and simulation is not allowed. Evidence may be classified into three categories:
- work produced by the candidate as part of his/her job
- work produced by others relating to the work that the candidate does
- witness statements produced by others about what the candidate has done
This evidence may be gathered by observed performance, products of work, witness testimony and personal statement, and presented as a portfolio of candidate work.
The SVQs contain optional management Units. If centres choose to offer these Units they must sign up to the Management and Leadership Assessment Strategy (31 KB) of the Standards Setting Body for Management and Leadership.
Candidate Guidance and Portfolio
Qualification Verification Summary Reports
Qualification Frameworks
- Learning and Development Frameworks and Unit Standards (548 KB)
- Learning and Development NOS (123 KB) (including SQA Unit Codes)
Current SVQ Units
Related Information
Train the Trainer
- Mapping SQA PDLSG with City & Guilds PTLLS (272 KB)
- Planning and Delivering Training Sessions to Groups (HE0T 33) provides more information
Qualifications for non-workplace Assessors and Internal Verifiers
Contact Information