Foirm Ceiste Tagraiche

Raon a dh'fheumar a lìonadh





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Tha mi a' dearbhadh gur mise an tagraiche air a bheilear ag iarraidh dàta agus nach eil an t-iarrtas seo a' buntainn ri dàta neach sam bith eile.




Taing airson d' ùine a' lìonadh an fhoirm seo.

Le bhith a' cur an fhoirm seo a-steach, tha thu ag aontachadh ri briathran Iomradh Dìomhaireachd SQA.

Candidate Enquiry Form

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Format: 01632 960 001

I confirm that I am the candidate whose data is requested and that this request does not relate to the data of any other person.


Thank you for taking time to complete this form.

We will use these details to respond to your comments and provide you with the information you requested.

For more details about how SQA uses your personal information, please read our Privacy Statement.

Having problems with our form?

Call SQA 0345 279 1000

Our working hours are 8.30 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday.