Generative Artificial Intelligence and Learners with Additional Support Needs: Literature Review

Date: March 2025

Why did we do this research?

Evidence suggests that the number of learners with additional support needs in Scotland has risen substantially in recent years. Since 2019, the number of requests for reasonable adjustment received by SQA has increased by 32%. There is a growing body of research that indicates Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) has the potential to support learners with ASN. In this context, GenAI tools could prove to be beneficial.

What are we trying to find out?

How did we do the research?

What did we learn?

The literature indicates that, in general, GenAI tools show promise for supporting learners with ASN. In particular, the GenAI tools researched may enhance ASN learners’ self-directed learning to facilitate parity with their peers.

In particular, the research demonstrated that:

What will change because of the research?

The studies reviewed in this paper provide a good starting point for SQA to carry out further research and inquiry into this issue, and how these tools could be used to support learners with ASN with their qualifications

Read the Full Report

Generative Artificial Intelligence and Learners with Additional Support Needs: Literature Review (320 KB)