Equality impact assessments
We aim to ensure all SQA policies and procedures promote equality, and that employees embed equality impact considerations in the work they do.
SQA are committed to reviewing and documenting equality impact assessments on all policies and processes across the organisation’s functions and further developing our approach to the development of new policies and procedures.
Equality impact assessments are undertaken and documented in accordance with its duties.
We are committed to making progress with equality impact assessments (EqIAs) to maximise positive impacts and reduce negative impacts on people who share one or more of the protected characteristics. Equality impact assessment of new and revised policies is a requirement of SQA’s policy development cycle and we aim to engage with our union representatives and employee networks as part of this process.
SQA internal and staff
Use the tabs below to open each section individually. Alternatively you can show all the sections.
Current Equality Impact Assessments
- Addressing Financial Irregularity (553 KB)
- Adoption (636 KB)
- Alcohol Drugs substance misuse (1.10 MB)
- Alternative Venue Service (309 KB)
- Anti-Bribery and Corruption (251 KB)
- Appointee Engagement and Interaction (152 KB)
- Appointee Disclosure Scotland (165 KB)
- Attendance Management (1.49 MB)
- Business Continuity policy (195 KB)
- Car Parking Guidance (267 KB)
- Childcare voucher Scheme (734 KB)
- Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Analysis ( with Summary) (1.03 MB)
- Closed Circuit Television (204 KB)
- Code of conduct (680 KB)
- Compassionate Leave (837 KB)
- Complaints Handling Procedure (242 KB)
- Conflict of interest (908 KB)
- Corporate Induction Programme (160 KB)
- Corporate Credit Card (188 KB)
- Data Protection (179 KB)
- Dignity at work(1.07 MB)
- Discipline (1.09 MB)
- Driving for Work (123 KB)
- Driving Office Vehicles (161 KB)
- Email Acceptable Use and Access Control (189 KB)
- Environmental Management Policy (167 KB)
- Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (1.02 MB)
- Essential car user (882 KB)
- Expected Behaviours (184 KB)
- External Communication Policy (598 KB)
- Fixed term contract (904 KB)
- Flexible working (948 KB)
- Flexitime (747 KB)
- Gender identity and transitioning at work (741 KB)
- Gifts and Hospitality (324 KB)
- Grievance (1.10 MB)
- Health and Safety (258 KB)
- Home based workers (714 KB)
- Improving performance (1.04 MB)
- Induction and onboarding (367 KB)
- Information Security Policy (215 KB)
- Internal Communications (382 KB)
- Job Evaluation (175 KB)
- Learning and Development (804 KB)
- Maternity (903 KB)
- Mental Health, stress and wellbeing (1.24 MB)
- Mentoring Programme (615 KB)
- Paternity (777 KB)
- Pay (1.32 MB)
- Pay Award 2022-23 (536 KB)
- Pensions discretion (712 KB)
- Plain English (150 KB)
- Priority task arrangements (724 KB)
- Probation (683 KB)
- Procurement (260 KB)
- Prospectus for Change (1.01 MB)
- Quality Policy (206 KB)
- Reasonable adjustment guidance (802 KB)
- Reasonable adjustment passport (226 KB)
- Recognition scheme (636 KB)
- Recruitment and selection (1.69 MB)
- Redundancy (1.03 MB)
- Relocation (675 KB)z
- Reopening of the SQA Offices (283 KB)
- Restructure (820 KB)
- Retention redeployment (1.05 MB)
- Retirement (858 KB)
- Risk opportunity and issue (220 KB)
- Secondary employment (842 KB)
- Secondment (974 KB)
- Shared Parental leave (802 KB)
- Smoking and e-cigarettes (514 KB)
- Special Category Data (187 KB)
- Staff Leave (965 KB)
- Standby and call out (772 KB)
- Succession Planning (0.96 MB)
- Time off in lieu (713 KB)
- Time recording (595 KB)
- Travel, Expenses and Accommodation (161 KB)
- Volunteering Policy (284 KB)
- Whistleblowing (1.07 MB)
- Young Talent Strategy (430 KB)
Work in progress
- Clear Desk & Clear Screen policy
- Copyright policy
- Corporate Credit Card policy
- Credit, Invoicing & Debt Management policy
- Data Quality Policy
- Foreign Currency policy
- Guidance on Losses & Special Payments GUIDELINES
- Internal Communications
- Petty Cash policy
- Publishing and Communications policy
- Records Management policy
- Smarter Working Programme (282 KB)
SQA learners
Current Equality Impact Assessments
- National Qualifications 2024 – Standards and Awarding Equality Impact Assessment (306 KB)
- National Qualifications 2024 – Standards and Awarding Children’s Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (130 KB)
- 2024 Appeals and Exam Exceptional Circumstances Consideration Services - Equality Impact Assessment (448 KB) and Children’s Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment 2024 (209 KB)
- Approval of Awarding Bodies
- Awarding Meetings and Grading for National Courses (164 KB)
- Candidates with Incompatible Components (150 KB)
- Core Skills Policies (181 KB)
- Equality of access to SQA qualifications (288 KB)
- Children’s Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment: Equality of Access to SQA Qualifications Policy (139 KB)
- External Assessment Examination Scripts Policy (144 KB)
- HNVQ Candidate Malpractice Approval (273 KB)
- HN and VQ Qualification Approval and Verification Approval (251 KB)
- HN and Vocational Qualifications Data Management and Certification (173 KB)
- HN and VQ Systems Approval and Verification Approval (252 KB)
- Language of Assessment and Certification in Units and Qualifications Vaidated by SQA (Delivered in the United Kingdom) (212 KB)
- Language of Assessment and Certification in Units and Qualifications Validated by SQA (Delivered outside of the United Kingdom) (308 KB)
- Language of Assessment and Certification in Regulated Qualifications offered by SQA (Delivered in the United Kingdom) (266 KB)
- Lifespan of SQA Qualifications (159 KB)
- Malpractice Information for Centres (348 KB)
- Malpractice Information for Centres (Grievance) (234 KB)
- Malpractice policy and procedures for SQA Qualifications regulated by Ofqual and/or Qualifications Wales (329 KB)
- Modifications to National Courses 2023-24 (153 KB) equality impact assessment, and children’s rights and wellbeing impact assessment 2024 (149 KB)
- Modifications to National Courses (1.03 MB)
- National Courses with Grades, Criteria for Development (170 KB)
- Qualifications Committee Consultative Role (171 KB)
- Quality Assurance of Awarding Bodies
- Recognition of Prior Learning (141 KB)
- Regulatory Sactions of Awarding Bodies
- Retention of candidate assessment evidence for SQA centres (177 KB)
- Retention of candidate assessment records for SQA centres (174 KB)
- Skills for Learning, Life and Work (137 KB)
- Social Media for Personal Use policy (498 KB)
- Use of ICT in external exams (220 KB)
Work in progress
- Awarding Body Approval Policy
- External Communications
- National Courses with grades criteria for development
- SQA Accreditation’s Quality Assurance of Approved Awarding Bodies Policy
- SQA Accreditation's Regulatory Sanctions Policy
- SQA Accreditation's Zero uptake Policy
- Stakeholder engagement
- Arrangements for assessing National Qualifications in 2023 (402 KB) equality impact assessment, and children’s rights and wellbeing impact assessment 2023 (417 KB)
- Arrangements for Assessment of National Qualifications in 2022 equality impact assessment (372 KB),and children’s rights and wellbeing impact assessment 2022 (374 KB)
- Complaints handling procedure (242 KB)
- Covid-19 EQIA (321 KB)
- Qualifications Design Principles 2021 (163 KB)
- 2020 SQA Alternative Certification Model (12 KB)
- 2021 SQA Alternative Certification Model (12 KB)
- 2021 SQA Appeals Service (1.03 MB)
- 2021 SQA Contingency Arrangement for incomplete Evidence (1.03 MB)
Related Information
- Assessment Arrangements
- Corporate Parenting Plan
- Digital Question Papers
- Equality Mainstreaming Report 2017-19 (2.35 MB)
- Equality Mainstreaming Report 2019-21 (1.82 MB)
- Equality Outcomes 2017-21 (213 KB)
- Equality Strategy 2013-17 (373 KB)
- Equal Opportunities Committee Disability Inquiry (314 KB)
- Section 96(7) Equality Act 2010
- SQA Complaints and feedback
- Workforce Equality Monitoring Report 2019-21 (1.43 MB)