Street Works Awards - England and Scotland

Operative and Supervisor Awards and Re-assessed Awards
There are 32 units (16 Initial Units and 16 Re-assessed units) covered by the scheme and anyone acting as a qualified operative or supervisor must hold the correct units for the activities they cover.
Operative Awards
Mandatory Units for Operatives
Candidates can hold either LA or O1 (formerly 001&002) as stand-alone qualifications, however in order to have additional units -O2-O8 (formerly 003-009) it is mandatory that the candidate holds both LA & O1.
- LA (001) - Location and avoidance of underground apparatus - F932 04
- O1 (002) - Signing, lighting and guarding - F8M5 04
- O2 (003) - Excavation in the road/highway - F933 04
- O3 (004) - Reinstatement and compaction of backfill materials - F934 04 (618 KB) (593 KB)
- O4 (005) - Reinstatement of sub-base and roadbase in non-bituminous materials - F935 04
- O5 (006) - Reinstatement in cold-lay bituminous materials - F936 04
- O6 (007) - Reinstatement in hot-lay bituminous materials - F937 04
- O7 (008) - Reinstatement of concrete slabs - F938 04
- O8 (009) - Reinstatement of modular surfaces and concrete footways - F939 04
Mandatory Re-assessed Units for Operatives
Candidates can hold either RLA or RO1 (formerly 101&102) as stand-alone qualifications, however in order to have additional units -RO2-RO8 (formerly 103-109) it is mandatory that the candidate holds both RLA & RO1.
- RLA (101) - Re-assessed Location and avoidance of underground apparatus - F92F 04
- RO1 (102) - Re-assessed Signing, lighting and guarding - F92G 04
- RO2 (103) - Re-assessed Excavation in the road/highway - F92H 04
- RO3 (104) - Re-assessed Reinstatement and compaction of backfill materials - F92J 04
- RO4 (105) - Re-assessed Reinstatement of sub-base and roadbase in non-bituminous materials - F92K 04
- RO5 (106) - Re-assessed Reinstatement in cold-lay bituminous materials - F92L 04
- RO6 (107) - Re-assessed Reinstatement in hot-lay bituminous materials - F92M 04
- RO7 (108) - Re-assessed Reinstatement of concrete slabs - F92N 04
- RO8 (109) - Re-assessed Reinstatement of modular surfaces and concrete footways - F92P 04
Supervisor Awards
Mandatory Units for Supervisor
Candidates can hold either LA or S1 (formerly 001&010) as stand-alone qualifications, however in order to have additional units – S2 – S7 (formerly 011-016 ) it is mandatory that the candidate holds both LA & S1.
- LA (001) - Location and avoidance of underground apparatus - F932 04 (552 KB)
- S1 (010) - Monitoring, signing, lighting and guarding - F8M4 04 (220 KB)
- S2 (011) - Monitoring excavation in the road/highway - F93A 04 (255 KB)
- S3 (012) - Monitoring reinstatement and compaction of backfill materials - F93C 04 (241 KB)
- S4 (013) - Monitoring reinstatement of sub-base and base in non-bituminous materials - F93D 04 (227 KB)
- S5 (014) - Monitoring reinstatement in bituminous materials - F93E 04 (230 KB)
- S6 (015) - Monitoring, reinstatement of concrete slabs - F93F 04 (215 KB)
- S7 (016) - Monitoring reinstatement of modular surfaces and concrete footways - F93G 04 (232 KB)
Mandatory Re-assessed Units for Supervisor
Candidates can hold either RLA or RS1 (formerly 101&110) as stand-alone qualifications, however in order to have additional units – RS2 – RS7 (formerly 111-116) it is mandatory that the candidate holds both RLA & RS1.
- RLA (101) - Re-assessed Location and avoidance of underground apparatus - F92F 04
- RS1 (110) - Re-assessed Monitoring signing, lighting and guarding - F92R 04
- RS2 (111) - Re-assessed Monitoring excavation in the road/highway - F92T 04
- RS3 (112) - Re-assessed Monitoring reinstatement and compaction of backfill materials - F92V 04
- RS4 (113) - Re-assessed monitoring reinstatement of sub-base and roadbase in non-bituminous materials - F92W 04
- RS5 (114) - Re-assessed Monitoring reinstatement in bituminous materials - F92X 04
- RS6 (115) - Re-assessed Monitoring, reinstatement of concrete slabs - F92Y 04
- RS7 (116) - Re-assessed Monitoring reinstatement of modular surfaces and concrete footways - F930 04
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Renewing your certificate
When do my certificates expire?
Street Works certificates are valid for 5 years after which they require to be renewed as per the legislation covering your main country of work. For England and Scotland, it is via Re-assessment and for Wales and Northern Ireland it is re-registration.
What is Re-assessment? (England and Scotland)
Candidates attend a training/assessment centre to undertake a series of multiple-choice on-line examinations covering each of the certificates they currently hold.
The examinations contain 20 questions with a pass mark of 80%. There is no training element to these, but a candidate can choose to undergo training if they so wish, prior to the examinations.
Where can you take this course?
These qualifications are offered at SQA recognised assessment centres, details of which can be obtained from:
Centre enquiries, Call 0303 333 0330
General enquiries form, T: Call 0345 279 1000
For more information email our Construction team