Street Works Awards - England and Scotland

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Operative and Supervisor Awards and Re-assessed Awards

There are 32 units (16 Initial Units and 16 Re-assessed units) covered by the scheme and anyone acting as a qualified operative or supervisor must hold the correct units for the activities they cover.

Operative Awards

Mandatory Units for Operatives

Candidates can hold either LA or O1 (formerly 001&002) as stand-alone qualifications, however in order to have additional units -O2-O8 (formerly 003-009) it is mandatory that the candidate holds both LA & O1.

Mandatory Re-assessed Units for Operatives

Candidates can hold either RLA or RO1 (formerly 101&102) as stand-alone qualifications, however in order to have additional units -RO2-RO8 (formerly 103-109) it is mandatory that the candidate holds both RLA & RO1.

  • RLA (101) - Re-assessed Location and avoidance of underground apparatus - F92F 04
  • RO1 (102) - Re-assessed Signing, lighting and guarding - F92G 04
  • RO2 (103) - Re-assessed Excavation in the road/highway - F92H 04
  • RO3 (104) - Re-assessed Reinstatement and compaction of backfill materials - F92J 04
  • RO4 (105) - Re-assessed Reinstatement of sub-base and roadbase in non-bituminous materials - F92K 04
  • RO5 (106) - Re-assessed Reinstatement in cold-lay bituminous materials - F92L 04
  • RO6 (107) - Re-assessed Reinstatement in hot-lay bituminous materials - F92M 04
  • RO7 (108) - Re-assessed Reinstatement of concrete slabs - F92N 04
  • RO8 (109) - Re-assessed Reinstatement of modular surfaces and concrete footways - F92P 04

Supervisor Awards

Mandatory Units for Supervisor

Candidates can hold either LA or S1 (formerly 001&010) as stand-alone qualifications, however in order to have additional units – S2 – S7 (formerly 011-016 ) it is mandatory that the candidate holds both LA & S1.

Mandatory Re-assessed Units for Supervisor

Candidates can hold either RLA or RS1 (formerly 101&110) as stand-alone qualifications, however in order to have additional units – RS2 – RS7 (formerly 111-116) it is mandatory that the candidate holds both RLA & RS1.

  • RLA (101) - Re-assessed Location and avoidance of underground apparatus - F92F 04
  • RS1 (110) - Re-assessed Monitoring signing, lighting and guarding - F92R 04
  • RS2 (111) - Re-assessed Monitoring excavation in the road/highway - F92T 04
  • RS3 (112) - Re-assessed Monitoring reinstatement and compaction of backfill materials - F92V 04
  • RS4 (113) - Re-assessed monitoring reinstatement of sub-base and roadbase in non-bituminous materials - F92W 04
  • RS5 (114) - Re-assessed Monitoring reinstatement in bituminous materials - F92X 04
  • RS6 (115) - Re-assessed Monitoring, reinstatement of concrete slabs - F92Y 04
  • RS7 (116) - Re-assessed Monitoring reinstatement of modular surfaces and concrete footways - F930 04

When do my certificates expire?

Street Works certificates are valid for 5 years after which they require to be renewed as per the legislation covering your main country of work. For England and Scotland, it is via Re-assessment and for Wales and Northern Ireland it is re-registration.

What is Re-assessment? (England and Scotland)

Candidates attend a training/assessment centre to undertake a series of multiple-choice on-line examinations covering each of the certificates they currently hold. 

The examinations contain 20 questions with a pass mark of 80%.  There is no training element to these, but a candidate can choose to undergo training if they so wish, prior to the examinations.

These qualifications are offered at SQA recognised assessment centres, details of which can be obtained from:

Centre enquiries, Call 0303 333 0330

General enquiries form, T: Call 0345 279 1000

For more information email our Construction team