NextGen: HN - Support

We have gathered information and resources to support centres delivering NextGen: HN qualifications. 

SQA Academy modules

We have a series of three SQA Academy Modules in production. These offer support on assessment fundamentals, assessment in practice and assessment innovation.

Support materials

NextGen: HN design principles require fewer and larger units, with opportunities to reduce the assessment load for learners and practitioners. We are developing materials to support centres to engage with this opportunity. Follow the links to hear how our pilot centres are responding and to read their top tips.

Digital innovation in learning, teaching and assessment takes many forms and the NextGen: HN project is working with delivering centres and others to explore and showcase what is new and effective.

In recent years there has been a renewed focus on digital learning, teaching and assessment. This accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic. There’s also a need to embrace emerging technologies such as advances in generative artificial intelligence (AI).

The NextGen: HN project benefits from this digital innovation but it also benefits from efforts to upskill those with low levels of digital competence.

We will provide links to relevant blog posts and case studies, external reports and articles exploring different concepts around digital learning, teaching and innovation.

SQA blogs

Case studies

Articles and reports

Use this toolkit to promote the next generation of Higher National Qualifications to potential students and build awareness among employers. Materials are open and free to use for SQA Centres offering NextGen: HN qualifications in Scotland.

You can add your logo and web address to the assets as per the dual brand guidelines. However, the visual element must not be altered in any way.

Key messages

You might find the text below useful when referring to NextGen: HN in your prospectuses, online and in any other materials you produce.

Every year, learners across Scotland enhance their prospects by undertaking a Higher National Certificate (HNC) or a Higher National Diploma (HND). Higher National qualifications are now being adapted to give learners the skills they need to thrive in the 21st century workplace.  The new Next Generation Higher National (NextGen: HN) qualifications will provide the adaptability and flexibility required to respond to a constantly changing employment and working environment, while supporting life-long learning and multiple career options.

Brand guidelines and logo

Social media images





Proposed social posts

Please use our proposed posts for social media. We encourage you to share posts along with the social media images provided in this toolkit. The copy in bold is highlighted so you can adapt it to suit your centre, once updated please ensure bold is removed from the copy. 


SQA is developing its Higher National qualifications to give learners the skills needed to thrive in the 21st century workplace.

The updated Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Television is now available at Centre name. Find out more here: centre link



We’re excited to now be offering SQA’s next generation Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Television.

Find out more: centre link



SQA's next generation Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Television helps you to develop skills which reflect professional practices and behaviours expected in industry.

Find out more: centre link



The Next Generation Higher National (NextGen: HN) qualifications provide the adaptability and flexibility required to respond to a constantly changing working environment, while supporting life-long learning and multiple career options.

Find out more about the subjects available centre link



Web banners