Summary of Assessment Arrangements


Information on assessment arrangements requested in the 2023/24 academic year. See below for publication date.


  • Assessment Arrangements 2024
  • Background Information

Date of publication: 06 August 2024

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Historical information


Information on assessment arrangements requested in the 2022/23 academic year.


Date of publication: 08 August 2023

Table 3 in Assessment Arrangements 2023 publication has been updated due to a data processing error. This resulted in the Braille certificate figure changing from 0 to 20, the Enlarged certificate figure changing from 0 to 45, and the Total figure changing from 210,845 to 210,915.

Date of correction: 18 August 2023


Information on assessment arrangements requested in the 2021/22 academic year.


Date of publication: 09 August 2022

For yearly information prior to 2022 please visit our Information Archive.