SQA organisation structure

Our activities are directed by an Executive Management Team (EMT) who have responsiblity for the major functions of SQA. These functions include awarding our own qualifications, and accrediting and regulating the activity of other awarding bodies. This function is overseen by our Accreditation Committee, a statutory committee established by the Education (Scotland) Act 1996.

Our Corporate Plan, is developed by the EMT, with direction provided by the Board of Management, and in consultation with Scottish Government. EMT oversees the implementation of the plan, and provides progress reports for the Board. Our Advisory Council, (appointed by Scottish Government) represents our stakeholders and consider and advise SQA on their needs and views in relation to our qualifications.

The organisation's functions are split across eight directorates:

Interim Chief Executive

John Booth


Corporate Strategy and Business Development: John McMorris

Business Systems: Martin Campbell

Communications: Stuart McLaren

Finance: Declan Walsh

Operations: Jean Blair

People: Dawnne Mahmoud

Policy, Analysis and Standard: Martyn Ware

Qualifications Development: Donna Stewart

Accreditation: George Brown

Business Development UK and Ireland: Alastair MacRae

Contract Operations: John Wallace

International: Gillian Hepburn

Opportunity Appraisal and Bid Management: Cheryl Matheson

Test Operations Services: Jacqueline Campbell

Strategic Planning and Governance: Yazmin Raven

Applications Solutions: Lyndsey Riach

Data Solutions: Sean Preston

Planning, Governance and Compliance: Martin Hughes

Service Delivery: Stephen Sharkey

Strategic Design: Vacant

Chief Executive’s Office: Stephen Borley

Communications and Engagement: Richard Pidgeon

Marketing: Vacant

Finance: Alan Dickson

Finance Systems: Caroline Clark

Higher National and Vocational Qualifications: Denise Monteith

NQ Delivery: Assessment & Data Services: Rhona Wright

Operations – Planning and Process Improvement: Michelle Sharpe

Operations – Logistics and Customer Engagement: Martin Ingram

QA (NQ): Catriona Campbell

Appointee Management: Jacqui Faulds

Human Resources: Sharon Coyle

OD & Change Management: Raymond Holloway

Transition & Reform: Bill Cullen

Data and Analytics: Christopher Boulter

Equalities: Mhairi Shillinglaw

Policy - Higher National and Vocational Qualifications: Alasdair Smith

Policy - National Qualifications: Gillian Mann

Research and Evaluation: Simon Allan

Standards, Malpractice and Complaints: Margot McKerrell

Assessment Development and Delivery: Digital Assessment Services: Graeme Clark

Creative, Hospitality and Sport: Margaret Paterson

English, Language and Business: Robert Quinn

Humanities, Care and Services: Iain Morrison

Qualifications Portfolio Management: Liz McGrath

Science, Mathematics and Core Skills: Georgina Holmes

Technology, Engineering and Construction: Alan Ogg