FOI21/22 099 Additional Support Need

Date published: 10/11/2021

FOI reference: 21/22 099

Date received: 15/10/2021

Date responded: 08/11/2021

Information requested

If possible please provide the average leaver tariff score for those with dyslexia, those with ASN and those without. For Scottish Borders council secondary schools and the figure for Scotland as a whole. For 2017, 2018 and 2019.



We are unable to provide the information requested as it is not held by the SQA. We do not hold Additional Support Needs (ASN) data for learners.


However, we do hold some data relating to Assessment Arrangements (AA). These are for candidates with a disability or additional support needs, although in some cases these will be for a temporary disability, for example a broken arm. AAs are needs-led and in many cases learners don’t require or decide not to request an AA for some or all of their subjects, or may request it but then in reality do not use the provisions. As such, we wouldn’t know if all ASN learners required/registered for the AA service. If requested, we could provide the relevant analysis based on the AA data we have for 2019, inferences from this data would be limited given the caveats mentioned above. NB We can only provide 2019 as we don’t retain the data for more than 2 years as per our Records Retention Schedule.

Section 25 of FOISA provides that where an authority does not hold information requested it should notify the requester to that effect. As stated, we don’t hold the information for the ASN. However, we believe that the Scottish Government may hold the information relevant to your requests and you should direct your requests to that organisation.

You can submit your requests via the Scottish Government’s FOI Department at the following link;

Or the specific department (Education Analysis) can be reached at: