FOI21/22 072 Attainment Statistics

Date published: 07/10/2021

FOI reference: 21/22 072

Date received: 09/09/2021

Date responded: 28/10/2021

Information requested

I am seeking information on the Attainment gap between pupils with Additional Education Needs (who require Adjustments when sitting exams, for example additional time or a scribe) and those who do not have Additional Education Needs (who do not require Adjustments when sitting exams).

How many pupils in Scotland sat Higher Physics from each of the above distinct groups?

How many pupils in Scotland sat Higher Mathematics from each of the above distinct groups?

What percentage of each of the above described groups gained a "C" grade + in Higher Mathematics?

What percentage of each of the above described groups gained a "C" grade + in Higher Physics?

Covering the Academic years of - 2020/21 - 2019/20 - 2018/19

Finally, what was the difference, if any, between those at State school and those at Private school in Scotland for each of the years stated


We had stated that we are unable to provide any information for 2020 and 2021 but can provide the information for 2019.

How many pupils in Scotland sat Higher Physics from each of the above distinct groups?”

In 2019, there were 7,486 learners entered for Higher Physics without one (or more) Assessment Arrangements requested.

There were 841 learners entered for Higher Physics with one (or more) Assessment Arrangements requested.

How many pupils in Scotland sat Higher Mathematics from each of the above distinct groups?”

In 2019, there were 16,902 learners entered for Higher Maths without one (or more) Assessment Arrangements requested.

There were 1,724 learners entered for Higher Maths with one (or more) Assessment Arrangements requested.

“What percentage of each of the above described groups gained a "C" grade + in Higher Mathematics?”

In 2019, of the learners entered for Higher Maths without one (or more) AAs requested, 12,303 attained an A-C grade. This is 72.8% (to one d.p).

Of the learners entered for Higher Maths with one (or more) AAs requested, 1,182 attained an A-C. This is 68.6% (to one d.p)

“What percentage of each of the above described groups gained a "C" grade + in Higher Physics? Covering the Academic years of - 2020/21 - 2019/20 - 2018/19”

In 2019, of the learners entered for Higher Physics without one (or more) AAs requested, 5,672 attained an A-C grade. This is 75.8% (to one d.p).

Of the learners entered for Higher Physics with one (or more) AAs requested, 570 attained an A-C. This is 67.8% (to one d.p)

“Finally, what was the difference, if any, between those at State school and those at Private school in Scotland for each of the years stated.”

The difference in A-C attainment rates between Education Authority Schools and Independent Schools can be found in our Centre Type publications published in September 2021 for historical years, including 2019.

Notes: December attainment data was used for this analysis as it represents the most complete data available for diet 2019. Candidates indicated in the figures could be entered for one or more Assessment Arrangements, and could have requested different Assessment Arrangements for different subjects (e.g. Maths vs Physics). Candidates requesting Assessment Arrangements do not necessary use the requested Assessment Arrangements on the day of assessment. Candidates requesting Assessment Arrangements but who did not enter for the qualification are not included in the above figures. Mathematics figures include both Mathematics and Matamataig (Gaidhlig version) entries