FOI21/22 021 Appeals System 2021

Date published: 20/08/2021

FOI reference: 21/22 021

Date received: 02/06/2021

Date responded: 20/08/2021

Information requested

Any communication discussing / responding to concerns about the quantity of appeals that the SQA may receive in relation to any 2021 appeals processes

The time frame for this request is 1/2/2021 - 2/6/2021



Please note SQA has published the 2021 National Qualifications Appeals Process Consultation Analysis and the Consultation responses.

In addition to this the information you have requested has been provided in the attached file.  The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act (FOISA) provides the right of access to information and not documents and SQA has provided a table of the references to the quantity of appeals that SQA may receive in relation to the 2021 appeals process from a variety of internal documents.   This has been redacted for personal data only.


Response (381 KB)