FOI21/22 007 Social Media

Date published: 01/06/2021

FOI reference: 21/22 007

Date received: 06/05/2021

Date responded: 01/06/2021

Information requested

Any materials held by the SQA discussing, referring to or recording criticism of the SQA and/or the 2021 Alternative Certification Model on social media sites between Jan 1 2021 - present

This may include, but is not necessarily limited to, email exchanges, other communications (such as Slack, Whatsapp, OneNote, Teams), analysis documents, records from meetings etc.

It may include specific references to comments made by individuals or more general discussions of criticism that the SQA has received


As part of ongoing awareness of the environment in which SQA operates as an organisation we monitor where SQA is mentioned in the public domain.   This includes but is not limited to social media and is a list of the links to the relevant public sites where SQA has been mentioned.  This information is already in the public domain and under section 25(1) of FOISA, SQA is not obliged to provide you with the information which is already reasonably accessible to you and can be accessed from public sites.  

SQA has no other written information that meets your request in terms of correspondence, analysis documents, minutes of meetings etc.  Section 17 of FOISA provides that where an authority does not hold information requested then it should notify the requester to that effect.