FOI21/22 001 National Attainment Statistics

Date published: 09/04/2021

FOI reference: 21/22 001

Date received: 06/04/2021

Date responded: 09/04/2021

Information requested


I have been looking at your Annual Statistical Excel Table for 2004 in relation to Higher exam results that year. You state what percentage of candidates achieve 1, 2, 3.. up to 7 'A' grades. I was wondering if you could please provide me with the percentage of candidates who achieved 5, 6 or 7 band 1 'A' grades in the 2004 sitting (i.e. specifically 'A's at band 1 level).


You later clarified your request that you accidentally asked for the wrong year group when requesting this information - I am looking for the information stated in my previous email but for the year 2003, not 2004.


The information you have requested for 2003 is provided in the attached file.


FOI 21-22 001 Stats (20 KB)