SQA Committees

Audit Committee

The Committee structure that has been established by, and supports the SQA Board, comprises: Audit Committee; Performance Committee; Qualifications Committee; Remuneration Committee.

Audit Committee

This Committee was established by the Board of Management, in accordance with the guidance on Audit Committees within the Scottish Public Finance Manual and has very specific requirements.

It is responsible, on behalf of the Board of Management, to ensure SQA is subject to independent and objective review of financial systems and reporting, to review the effectiveness of internal controls and risk management systems, to ensure compliance with law and codes of conduct and to monitor SQA’s relationship with its auditors.

The SQA Audit Committee:

The Committee meets at least four times per year.

Audit Committee minutes









Audit Committee standing orders

Performance Committee

Established in February 2019, this Committee was developed to fulfil three primary functions:

The Committee comprises of a Convenor and three non-executive Board members who are appointed by the Board.

The Committee may seek to appoint co-opted members in order to add value from specialist skill sets not currently met from within existing membership.

The Committee meets four times a year.

Performance Committee standing orders

SQA Qualifications Committee

The Qualifications Committee provides strategic, policy and technical advice to the Board and senior officers on SQA’s qualifications and their assessment, quality assurance and awarding systems. It also oversees the work of SQA in developing qualifications that meet the needs of candidates, centres and employers, now and into the future.

This Committee has the ability to co-opt members as part of its membership.

The Committee meets at least five times per year.

Qualifications Committee standing orders

SQA Remuneration Committee

The duties of the Remuneration Committee include setting and reviewing the annual performance plan for the Chief Executive and members of the Executive Management Team for each calendar year in advance.

The Remuneration Committee meets at least once a year and reports annually to the Board.