Higher education institutions
What is SQAs Diploma to Degree pathway?
SQA's Diploma to Degree programme is a proven route for students to progress onto second or third year of a degree after successful completion of an SQA Advanced Diploma in their home country. SQA has a growing network of universities making up over 50 progression partners around the world.
Why become an SQA Progression Partner?
SQA Advanced Diploma graduates from around the world are looking for an opportunity to study at an institution like yours. Our progression partners gain access to a talented pool of SQA Advanced Diploma graduates from education training providers in the UK and SQAs three key international regions through our Diploma to Degree programme.
How to become an SQA Progression Partner
Benefits to you
- Increase your student reach with Diploma to Degree and build a diverse student population
- Build a direct relationship with an international leader in education
- Promotion of your institution and pathways to SQA Advanced Diploma students
Skills for English SELT test for Higher Education Institutions
SQA and PSI Services (PSI) have partnered to provide Skills for English, a leading brand of English language proficiency tests used for work, study, travel, and residency purposes.
The Skills for English: SELT (Secure English Language Test) has been approved by the UK Home Office and is designed to meet the English language requirements of higher education institutions as part of their admission process. This will help students to meet their visa application requirements for their study career. Find out how to offer Skills for English in your university.
Find out more about becoming a progression partner?
Find out the benefits of partnering with us and discover how we can help you.
Learn about becoming a progression partner
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