Unit standards
SQA qualifications are unit based. Each SQA unit is a qualification in its own right, but many are grouped into larger qualifications.
Statement of standards
All unit specifications include a statement of standards.
For Higher National units:
- Outcomes which say what a candidate will be able to do as a result of their learning
- Knowledge and/or skills that are essential for achieving the outcome and for which the candidate would have to produce evidence
- Evidence Requirements, exactly what candidates have to do to demonstrate that they have achieved the unit or outcome, and how much evidence is required
How are unit standards applied and maintained?
All units are assessed internally by centres.
Internal assessment means that assessors in our centres decide how candidates have performed in relation to the standards for the qualification. They do this either by using assessment tasks that they have devised themselves, or by using assessments that SQA has devised.
Verification is used to make sure assessment decisions are in line with national standards.
How do we report on standards?
Our annual statistical report includes information on how candidates have performed in all SQA qualifications.
Assessment reports
External assessment reports provide information on how candidates have performed in National Qualification external assessments.
Internal Assessment reports provide information on how candidates have performed in Vocational, Higher National, and National Qualification internal assessments.
External and internal assessment reports can be found on course pages.