Teisteanasan eile
Tha SQA a' solarachadh raon de theisteanasan Gàidhlig do na h-uile bho luchd-ionnsachaidh gu fileantaich. Tha iad a' cuimseachadh air, chan e a-mhàin sgilean cànain, ach a' gabhail a-steach eileamaidean ciùil, cultarail, eachdraidheil agus dreuchdail.
Tha am Barantas Nàiseanta (NC) ann an Eòlas Ceilteach a' solarachadh luchd-ionnsachaidh le tuigse do leasachaidhean làithreach anns na gnìomhachasan cruthachail, cultarail is dualchais, cànan na Gàidhlig, poilitigs nan nàiseanan Ceilteach agus ceòl is dannsa traidiseanta - le comas air a dhol air adhart gu sgrùdadh nas adhartaiche anns na raointean sin. Faodaidh luchd-ionnsachaidh Duaisean Buidhne a bharrachd a choileanadh a tha neadaichte an taobh a-staigh a' Bharantais Nàiseanta.
Far am bi ionadan a' taghadh nan Aonadan buntainneach mar roghainnean, faodaidh tagraichean Cùrsa Sgilean Obrach, Duais no Duais Adhartais Nàiseanta, a chosnadh.
Tha an Duais Adhartais Nàiseanta a' leasachadh tuigse fharsaing de shaoghal na Gàidhlig agus buntanas na Gàidhlig ann an co-theacsaichean cho-aimsireil. Tha i ag adhartachadh luach agus cleachdadh air cànan is cultar na Gàidhlig le bhith a' dèanamh feum de sgilean ciùil ann an sgrìobhadh, rèiteachadh agus coileanadh òrain Gàidhlig fèin-sgrìobhte. Thathar a' cur luchd-ionnsachaidh an aithne do fhreumhan dèanamh- ciùil Gàidhlig mus cuimsichear air an eadar-ghluasad gu ceòl co-aimsireil Gàidhlig, còmhla ri cur an gnìomh Gàidhlig an lùib ghnèithean an latha an-diugh.
NC and NPA
SQA provides a range of Gaelic qualifications suitable for everyone from learners to fluent speakers. They focus not only on language skills but also incorporate musical, cultural, historical and vocational elements.
The National Certificate (NC) in Celtic Studies provides learners with an understanding of current developments in the creative, cultural and heritage industries, Gaelic language, the politics of the Celtic nations and traditional music and dance — with the possibility of progression to more advanced study in these areas. Learners can achieve additional Group Awards that are embedded within the NC.
Where centres choose the relevant Units as options, candidates can gain a Skills for Work Course, an Award, or a National Progression Award.
The National Progression Award develops a broad understanding of the Gaelic world and the relevance of Gaelic in contemporary contexts. It promotes the appreciation and use of Gaelic language and culture by harnessing musical skills and talents in the writing, arranging and performing of self-composed Gaelic songs. Learners are introduced to the roots of Gaelic music making before focusing on the transition to contemporary Gaelic music and the application of Gaelic to current genres. They also have the opportunity to become familiar with the latest sound recording technology.
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Contact Information
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- 0345 279 1000
- Centre Enquiries
- 0303 333 0330