Gnàthachas Litreachaidh Gàidhlig SQA
Ann an 1976, chuir Bòrd Dheuchainnean Foghlam na h-Alba (SCEEB) mar thoradh air iarrtas bhon Phannal Ghàidhlig aca, Fo-chomataidh den Phannal air bhonn a rannsachadh chùisean co-cheangailte ri litreachadh na Gàidhlig. Bha luchd-sgrùdaidh SCEEB air neo-chunbhalachdan ann an inbhe sgrìobhaidh Gàidhlig a thoirt fa-near, agus bhathar a' faireachdainn gum bu chòir stiùireadh a chruthachadh gus a dhèanamh cinnteach gun gabhadh tidsearan agus tagraichean dheuchainnean ri seat ùghdarraichte de ghnàthasan litreachaidh. Bha e cudromach cuideachd gun cleachdadh luchd-sgrùdaidh, luchd-seataidh agus luchd-comharrachaidh an sgrìobhainn aig àm dèiligidh le pàipearan agus sgriobtaichean dheuchainnean.
Chaidh toraidhean an Fho-chomataidh fhoillseachadh ann an 1981 anns an dreach Bheurla de Ghnàthachas Litreachaidh na Gàidhlig (4.08MB). Tha an sgrìobhainn seo air dearbhadh a bhith na bhunait luachmhor do mhòran raointean de leasachadh na Gàidhlig bhon uair sin, fhad 's a tha cleachdadh air a' Ghàidhlig air leudachadh a-mach do dhiofar cheàrnaidhean den bheatha phoblaich ann an Alba.
SQA Gaelic Orthographic Conventions
In 1976, the Scottish Certificate of Education Examination Board (SCEEB), at the request of its Gaelic Panel, set up a Sub-committee of the Panel to investigate issues related to Gaelic orthography. Inconsistencies in the standard of written Gaelic had been noted by SCEEB examiners and it was felt that guidelines should be created to ensure that an authoritative set of orthographic conventions was adopted by teachers and examination candidates. It was also important that examiners, setters and markers would use the document when dealing with Gaelic examination papers and scripts.
The findings of the Sub-committee were published in 1981 in Gaelic Orthographic Conventions English version (4.08 MB). This document has proved to be a valuable foundation for many areas of Gaelic development since then as Gaelic usage has expanded into different domains of public life in Scotland.
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