
Faodaidh sgilean cànain a tha air an leasachadh tro fhoghlam meadhan-Gàidhlig sa bhun-sgoil agus san dachaigh, a bhith air an leasachadh is air an neartachadh barrachd le teisteanasan nam fileantach. Tha na teisteanasan sin a' toirt comas do fhileantaich a bhith a' leughadh, a' sgrìobhadh, ag èisteachd agus a' labhairt ann an Gàidhlig airson diofar adhbharan, do dhiofar luchd-èisteachd agus ann an diofar shuidheachaidhean. 

Tha iad cuideachd a' leasachadh tuigse do dh'ioma-fhoillteachd cànain tro sgrùdadh air teacsaichean agus ag adhartachadh smaoineachadh sgrùdail is mothachadh don bhuaidh a tha aig a' Ghàidhlig.  

Teisteanasan Nàiseanta


Language skills developed in Gaelic-medium primary education, and at home, can be further developed and strengthened by these fluent speaker qualifications. These qualifications enable fluent Gaelic speakers to read, write, listen and talk in Gaelic for different purposes, audiences and contexts.

They also develop understanding of the complexities of language through the study of texts and promote analytical thinking and awareness of the impact of the Gaelic language.

National Qualifications