Diploma Creative Media SCQF level 7

The Diploma in Creative Media at SCQF level 7 is a work-based qualification that will allow learners to demonstrate their aptitude in creative media. This diploma will develop the learner's confidence and awareness of the skills that they have acquired which they can use for employment and/or further study. This qualification is supported by the Scottish Government and is also part of a Modern Apprenticeship for Digital and Creative Media.
This qualification covers areas such as production, radio, social media/marketing communications and video journalism. More specifically, it covers presenting ideas and information to others in the creative industries, working effectively with others and developing one's own professional practice. In addition, it includes managing and marketing oneself as a freelancer and ensuring one's own actions reduce risks to health and safety in a creative industry environment.
This qualification is available through employers and training providers.
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Why deliver this qualification
The diploma enables the learner to demonstrate both underpinning knowledge and performance evidence of competence in a variety of media and creative skills.
This qualification is supported by the Scottish Government and is also part of a Modern Apprenticeship for Digital and Creative Media. Various representatives from the media industry were also involved in the development of the diploma.
The diploma is made up of units which are based on National Occupational Standards (NOS) developed by ScreenSkills — the Sector Skills Council and government-recognised standards-setting body for the creative industries. ScreenSkills works across film, television, radio, animation, visual effects, games, fashion, textiles, publishing, advertising and marketing communications.
Candidates can progress to a range of courses at a higher level including HNC/D Creative Industries: Television; HNC/D Radio; or HNC/D Creative Industries: Media and Communication — allowing centres to retain or build student numbers.
The competence-based units specify the standard of performance an individual must achieve to be deemed competent. Learners undertaking this qualification must be employed in a suitable work role that will allow them to generate the evidence for the diploma. The evidence demonstrating achievement of the qualification can be assessed within the workplace environment or, where simulation is used, within a realistic working environment.
The unit-based structure aids flexibility, with learners generating the required evidence naturally through their current job role. In addition, learners can work through the units at their own pace.
Who does this qualification suit
The main target audience for the Diploma in Creative Media is those currently employed as apprentices in the creative industries sector. However, the Diploma in Creative Media at SCQF level 7 is suitable for a range of people:
- learners who may have just left school
- mature candidates who may have been out of education for some time
- individuals who are currently in employment and who wish to obtain a formal qualification
- employers who wish their employees to obtain a recognised qualification
No prior qualifications or knowledge are required to undertake this qualification; however, learners must be employed in a suitable position to allow them to generate the evidence for the qualification.
The Diploma in Creative Media at SCQF level 7 is a work-based qualification which could provide progression to:
- a promoted post within employment in the creative industries
- HNC/HND in Creative Industries: Television
- HNC/HND in Radio
- HNC/HND in Creative Industries: Media and Communication
Centres with devolved authority for approval should use their own internal approval process.
Centres without devolved authority require to come forward for approval and should contact SQA's Business Development Team for guidance.
Assessors and verifiers must be able to meet SQA's general requirements for technical/ occupational competence as outlined in the Systems and Qualification Approval Guide.
How to assess
As this diploma is based on NOS, the assessment is governed by ScreenSkills's assessment strategy.
Learners gather evidence of their performance through normal workplace activity, in line with the requirements of the diploma. This evidence will be assessed using usual workplace assessment methods, such as use of portfolios/e-portfolios; observation; examining of work products; testimonial evidence from witnesses; personal statements; accreditation of prior learning.
Where can you take this course?
Qualification content and delivery tools
Information about the qualification(s)
Qualification Structure
Centres can enrol learners on the Gaelic Group Award Code to acknowledge learners that are being assessed and attaining the qualification through the medium of Scottish Gaelic.
Group Award Code: GR1J 47
The Diploma in Creative Media at SCQF level 7 consists of seven mandatory units and five optional units selected from a range of 17 units. Please refer to the Qualification Structure (97 KB) for details on the units making up this qualification.
Faodaidh ionadan luchd-ionnsachaidh a chlàradh leis a’ Chòd Duaise Buidhne Gàidhlig gus aithne a thoirt do luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha gan measadh agus a’ coileanadh na teisteanais tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig.
Còd Duaise Buidhne: GV73 47
Tha an Dioplòma ann am Meadhanan Cruthachail aig SCQF ìre 7 a’ toirt a-steach seachd aonadan riatanach agus còig aonadan roghainneil air an taghadh à raon de 17 aonad. Thoir sùil air an Structar Teisteanais (47 KB) airson fiosrachadh mu na h-aonadan a tha a’ dèanamh suas an teisteanais seo.
Modern Apprenticeships
The Diploma in Creative Media SCQF level 7 is a mandatory component of the Modern Apprenticeship in Creative and Digital Media Level 3.
There are opportunities to develop the following Core Skills through the achievement of the diploma:
Unit title | SCQF level |
Core Skills: Communication | 6 |
Core Skills: Numeracy | 5 |
Core Skills: Information and Communication Technology | 6 |
Core Skills: Problem Solving | 5 |
Core Skills: Working with Others | 6 |
The Core Skills do not require separate certification for achievement of the Modern Apprenticeship. Screenskills has provided a detailed mapping to the Diploma in Creative Media.
Information about delivery, assessment, quality assurance and support material
Assessment strategy
Assessor's guidelines
- Assessor's guidelines (326 KB)
Candidate Guidance and Portfolio
Candidate guidance and portfolio (502 KB)