Advanced Higher Biology

Course Specification (08/2022)

Explains the structure of the Course, including its purpose and aims and information on the skills, knowledge and understanding that will be developed.

Past Papers and Marking Instructions

Access all past papers by subject/level

Additional question papers resources

Illustrates the standard, structure and requirements of the question papers candidates will sit (includes marking instructions).


There were no exams in 2021. The 2020-21 question paper resources are, for most subjects, modified papers which reflect the modifications put in place for session 2020-21.


This section provides information on marking instructions and/or the coursework assessment task(s). It includes information that centres need to administer coursework and must be read in conjunction with the course specification.

          May 2019

Understanding Standards (03/04/2024)

Examples of candidate evidence with commentaries

Further examples of candidate evidence and commentaries can be found on SQA's secure website and you can access these through your SQA co-ordinator.

Audio presentation

Changes to Understanding Standards materials

Changes to published Understanding Standards materials for all subjects

Please note: Understanding Standards material are regularly reviewed to ensure they remain up to date

Additional Resources session 2020-22

Further information can be found on the Understanding Standards Website.

Course reports (14/09/23)

Course Reports

Verification Reports

In 2019, a single qualification verification summary report replaced the verification key messages.


Course support (14/03/2024)

Advanced Higher Biology project support

To support with project planning, we have produced a limited list of suggestions for project topics with accompanying questions and an example project plan with commentary.

Advanced Higher Biology project: supporting candidates with planning (160 KB)

Advanced Higher Biology: example project plan with commentary (155 KB)

Organisms and Evolution: selection materials

We worked with Glasgow University on sessions to support the delivery of Advanced Higher Biology.

Find the Advanced Higher Biology materials used at the events

Ushare open learning resources