National 4 Latin
Course Specification
This explains the overall structure of the Course, including its purpose and aims and information on the skills, knowledge and understanding that will be developed.
- N4 Latin Course Specification
Mar 2014
Unit Specifications
These provide an outline of what each Unit will cover within the following Unit Specifications and detail the Outcomes and Assessment Standards.
Added Value Unit Specification
These define the mandatory requirements for the Added Value Unit, including the Outcomes and Assessment Standards.
They also include the further mandatory information on Course coverage for the National 4 Course and include information on the assessment method to be used and the conditions of assessment.
Added Value Unit Assessment
The Latin Added Value Unit assessment is an assignment. While describing what candidates must do, the published assessment offers considerable flexibility in the choice of a context for the assessment.
In the assessment, candidates (in discussion with the assessor) select a topic and aspect of Roman culture to investigate and agree with the assessor at least two relevant straightforward texts, one of which must be a Latin text and one of which may be a Latin text in translation. Candidates translate the Latin text and then select, analyse and evaluate relevant information from that text and from at least one other chosen text on the topic for investigation.
Centres can access the assessment through their SQA Co-ordinator.
As with all SQA Unit assessments, Added Value Unit assessments must be internally verified by centres.
Course and Unit Support Notes
These provide advice and guidance for teachers/lecturers on learning, teaching and assessment within the Course and its Units.
Past Papers and Marking Instructions
Unit Assessment Support
These documents contain details of Unit assessment task(s), show approaches to gathering evidence and how the evidence can be judged against the Outcomes and Assessment Standards. Teachers/lecturers can arrange access to these confidential documents through their SQA Co-ordinator.
Verification and Course reports
Understanding Standards
Please note: Understanding Standards material is regularly reviewed to ensure it remains up to date.
Examples of candidate evidence and commentaries for unit assessment can be found on the SQA secure site. You can access these through your SQA Coordinator.