Childcare and Development
The Course enables candidates to understand child development from pre-birth to 16 and the roles and responsibilities of practitioners, other professionals, parents/carers and others in contributing to the development of children and young people.
21 January 2019
Centres need to apply for approval before delivering the qualification for the first time, and must consider the resources that are available to them to do this.
In order to deliver this qualification in the next academic session, and in order for candidates to be certificated in August the following year, centres must apply for approval by the end of September of the previous year (for example, the deadline for applications for approval must be submitted by September 2020 in order to deliver and certificate the qualification by August 2021).
Subject specific requirements
For approval to deliver Childcare subjects, centre staff should have occupational knowledge and/or experience. Ideally, they should have experience of working in the Childcare sector or experience delivering Childcare qualifications, and should be knowledgeable about SSSC Codes of Practice, National Care Standards and relevant legislation. It would also be beneficial if staff have, or are working towards, assessor qualifications, or are GTC registered.
Find out more about our approval process
See also:
Where can you take this course?