FOI24/25 062 Attainment by school and subject for N5, Higher, and AH

Date published: 15/08/2024

FOI reference: 24/25 062

Date received: 14/08/2024

Date responded: 15/08/2024

Information requested

Please provide updated data on SQA attainment (numbers of A, B, C, D, N/A) by school and by subject and level for each N5, Higher and AH course for exam year 2024. Please include A-C and A-D pass rates as percentages and total number of presentations for each course in each school.


The information requested is contained within the attached spreadsheet.

Please note these statistics are provisional and may be subject to change after completion of SQA’s appeals process.


FOI24/25 062 Information Sheet (1.63 MB)