FOI23/24 094 Modern Studies, History, Geography & RMP Studies average marks for Renfrewshire schools

Date published: 20/10/2023

FOI reference: 23/24 094

Date received: 02/10/2023

Date responded: 20/10/2023

Information requested

For National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher courses across Modern Studies, History, Geography and Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies

please provide an average mark attained by students per exam question for the last five years.

This breakdown is to show all average marks per question in the above subjects for all Secondary schools in Renfrewshire,

please separate to show these per school in your response.

Please also detail whether any questions set in the exam for those subjects was not attempted by any candidate.

Please also provide an average mark attained by each exam section in the aforementioned subjects, again per school in Renfrewshire.


The information requested is contained within the attached spreadsheet.

However, there were no exams held in 2020 and 2021 so there is no information for those years.

Item marks are not captured for Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies, except for the assignment which was available in 2019.

We have included a ‘not attempted’ column which indicates the numbers who did not answer any components.

We are unable to provide the average mark attained by each exam section in the subjects as we do not hold exam sections in our data sets.

Where there are fewer than five entries, the average mark has been replaced with *** to protect against the risk of disclosure of personal information


FOI23/24 094 Information Sheet (545 KB)