FOI22/23 120 Appeals Information

Date published: 19/01/2023

FOI reference: 22/23 120

Date received: 13/12/2022

Date responded: 19/01/2023

Information requested

I can confirm this the first of my requests and I am applying under FOISA and the information I need to complete my analysis is as follows;

Higher 2022

Question Total Requested Total Granted
How many Woodfarm Physics appeals were granted?    
How many East Ren Physics appeals were granted?    
How many Scottish Physics appeals were granted?    


Individual School Work Review in Physics

Question Total Requested Total Reviewed
Was my Physics School Work Reviewed? Yes or No    
How many Woodfarm Physics appeals Student had their School Work Reviewed?    
How many Woodfarm Physics appeals Student had their School Work Reviewed?    
How many East Ren Physics appeals Student had their School Work Reviewed?    
How many Scottish Physics appeals Student had their School Work Reviewed?  



Assessor Statistics

Question Total Assessed Total Granted After School Work Reviewed
How many assessors checked All appeals for Physics In East Ren?    
How many papers did each assessor review?    
Did each assessor review a mixture of schools? Yes or No?  



Also, I would like to see;

Question Total Requested Total Granted
How many Woodfarm Geography appeals were granted?    
How many East Ren Geography appeals were granted?    
How many Scottish Geography appeals were granted?    
Individual School Work Review in Geography    


Question Total Requested Total Reviewed
How many Woodfarm Geography appeals Student had their School Work Reviewed?    
How many East Ren Geography appeals Student had their School Work Reviewed?    
How many Scottish Geography appeals Student had their School Work Reviewed?    


Assessor Statistics

Question Total Assessed Total Granted After School Work Reviewed
How many assessors checked All appeals for Geography In East Ren?    
How many papers did each assessor review?    
Did each assessor review a mixture of schools? Yes or No?    


Lastly for the moment I would like to see;

Higher 2022 Private Schools

Question Total Requested Total Granted
How many Greater Glasgow and Edinburgh Private School appeals were granted?    
How many Glasgow Private Physics appeals were granted?    
How many Scottish Private Schools Physics appeals were granted?    


Assessor Statistics

Question Total Assessed Total Granted After School Work Reviewed
How many assessors checked All appeals for Private School Physics In Greater Glasgow and Edinburgh?    
How many papers did each assessor review for Private Schools in Greater Glasgow and Edinburgh?    
Did each assessor review a mixture of schools? Yes or No?    


Firstly, please accept my apologies for the response being a couple of days late. We try to ensure that all requests are responded to within the required timescales, but on this occasion it was not possible.

The information requested is contained within the attached spreadsheet, where applicable.

I understand that our Data Protection team have provided the information relating to your physics review question.

However, some information is considered exempt from release for the following reasons:

Information relating to the appeals specific to Woodfarm School is considered to be exempt under section 38(1)(b) which states:

38        Personal information

(1)        Information is exempt information if it constitutes—

(a) personal data of which the applicant is the data subject;

(b) personal data and the first, second or third condition is satisfied (see subsections

(2A) to (3A));

(c) personal census information; or

(d) a deceased person’s health record.

(2A)     The first condition is that the disclosure of the information to a member of the public

otherwise than under this Act—

(a) would contravene any of the data protection principles, or

(b) would do so if the exemptions in section 24(1) of the Data Protection Act 2018

(manual unstructured data held by public authorities) were disregarded.

(2B)     The second condition is that the disclosure of the information to a member of the

public otherwise than under this Act would contravene Article 21 of the (general

processing: right to object to processing).

(3A)     The third condition is that—

(a) on a request under Article 15(1) of the (general processing: right of access by the

(b) data subject) for access to personal data, the information would be withheld in reliance on provision made by or under section 15, 16 or 26 of, or Schedule 2, 3 or 4 to, the Data Protection Act 2018, or

(c) on a request under section 45(1)(b) of that Act (law enforcement processing: right of access by the data subject), the information would be withheld in reliance on subsection (4) of that section.

The numbers of appeals for the subjects for a specific school are likely to be very low and as such the likelihood of being able to identify individuals, particularly as you are associated with the school. We have to ensure that we do not release information into the public domain that would be likely to identify individuals. Appeals information is considered to be personal information, so we are unable to provide the appeals numbers to that level of detail. However, as you will see in the spreadsheet, we are able to provide the numbers of appeals for East Renfrewshire. The appeals information for Scotland is available on our website.

When applying a section 38(1)(b) exemption a public authority must apply the public interest test.

Information relating the appeals of other students may be of interest to some people, but it is not considered to be in the public interest. The appeals result of individual students is personal to those students and it is important that this is not placed in the public domain.

We have also considered whether you have a legitimate interest in receiving the information. Whilst you may have an interest in knowing the appeals information relating to other students, it is considered that due to the personal nature of the information, it is unlikely that you will have a legitimate interest in receiving this information.

Accordingly, the public interest in maintaining the information outweighs that of releasing the information.

Under section 25(1) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, an authority is not obliged to provide information if it otherwise and easily accessible. Accordingly, as stated above the appeals information for Scotland is available on our website using the following link:

Appeals Statistics 2022 - SQA

The information for the number of appeals granted for Greater Glasgow and Edinburgh independent schools is available within the disclosure log on our website. This information was released in response to a previous freedom of information request and can be found using the following link:

Appeals by school 2022 - SQA


Information Sheet (14 KB)