FOI21/22 123 Assessment Arrangement Requests

Date published: 09/02/2022

FOI reference: 21/22 123

Date received: 18/01/2022

Date responded: 28/01/2022

Information requested

Please provide the following information for Peebles High School for the academic years 2017 through to 2021.

The number of requests (number of students, number of assessments) for Additional Assessment Arrangements with the following requirements:

  • extra time
  • readers
  • numerical support in maths
  • separate accommodation
  • supervised rest breaks (separated by reason for rest break - medical, dyslexia etc)


Information relating to your request is in the document below.

These are for candidates with a disability or additional support needs, although in some cases these will be for a temporary disability, for example a broken arm. AAs are needs-led and in many cases learners don’t require or decide not to request an AA for some or all of their subjects, or may request it but then in reality do not use the provisions.

This data is taken from information provided by the centre to SQA through our Assessment Arrangement Requests (AAR) system.

In both 2019/20 and 2020/21 the exam diet was cancelled and, as a result, the AAR system closed early. The data for those years is incomplete and unlikely to be valid for comparison purposes therefore it has not been provided.

Note however that we have only been able to provide the requested data for 2018 and 2019.


Response Information (14 KB)