Site Login
A Username and Password are required to view the page requested. Please type your Username and Password then press Login.
Passwords should be lower-case characters and numerals only, ie abc123.
NB By entering your username and password above, you agree to SQA's Terms of Use.
Terms of use
- Login details for SQA's secure website are only issued to the Co-ordinator of each centre.
- As SQA Co-ordinator, it is your responsibility to maintain the security of these details within your centre.
- Memorise your login details and do not keep any written record of them.
- Never use any software or browser to record your login details (eg Password Manager).
- If there are a lot of staff within your centre requiring secure materials, the login details can be shared – but only with trusted members of staff.
- If you chose to share your login details, please ensure that other members of staff do not change the password. If this happens, however, the 'Forgotten password' link can be used to retrieve the current details to the current registered Co-ordinator e-mail address.
- If you suspect that the security of your login details has been compromised, you should change the password immediately, and e-mail with details of the possible breach.
Problems logging in?
If you are redirected to SQA's home page after logging in, please return to this login page and refresh (Control f5) then re-enter your credentials.