
What is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)?

Recognition of Prior Learning is a method of assessing whether a learner’s experience and achievements meet the evidence requirements for a unit (or units) in an SQA qualification. This experience may or may not have been developed through a course of learning. For further information visit: SQA RPL Policy

Can I make changes to a candidate's personal details?

You can make changes to your registered candidate's personal details as long as these details are accurate and the proper identification is provided to support this change. If you have any queries relating to this process please e-mail:

How do I update my centre’s details with SQA?

You can update your centre's details, including details for the SQA Co-ordinator, either by contacting our Customer Service Team or on SQA Connect by your Centre Administrator.

How do I provide feedback, comments or make a complaint to SQA?

If you don't already have a named contact within SQA, contact our Customer Service Team. Our Customer Charter gives further details and information on how to make a formal complaint.

How do I make a Freedom of Information (FOI) request?

Please complete our Freedom of Information request form. Full details on how to make a request are available in our Access Information section.

I would like to deliver a specific qualification, how would I go about this?

If you know the name of your Business Development Manager/Consultant then you can contact them directly.

Alternatively call 0303 3330330 or contact myCentre and we will put you in touch with the relevant contact.

For more information visit: How do I deliver SQA qualifications

How can I access support materials for National Qualifications?

A range of documents and support materials is available from the subject pages of our website at www.sqa.org.uk/nqsubjects. Support materials for unit assessments and coursework are held on our secure website at www.sqa.org.uk/secure

You can arrange access to secure materials through your SQA co-ordinator. These materials must be stored securely and treated as confidential.

I have a candidate who requires additional support during their exams, how can I arrange this?

Any requests for additional support needs must come directly from the centre and should be sent to assessment arrangements or call 0303 3330330

I am interested in becoming an SQA Appointee, where can I get more information?

For more information and to apply for Appointee positions please visit: Applying to be an Appointee

Or contact us by e-mail appointee management or call 0845 2791000

How do I contact SQA?

There are a number of communication methods, depending on the nature of your enquiry. Full details are available on our Contact SQA page.

Can material that is subject to a Post-results Services request be returned?

Material which is subject to a Post-results Services request must be retained by SQA for at least 12 months from the date of certification before it can be returned to centres. This is to enable any subsequent enquiries or complaints to be dealt with efficiently.

What are Foundation Apprenticeships?

Foundation Apprenticeships are a Skills Development Scotland (SDS) initiative, providing new, work-based learning opportunities for S5 and S6 learners. For further information visit.