NC Hospitality Operations SCQF level 6

This National Certificate (NC):
- is a broad based qualification that provides a platform for learners to either progress to further study in hospitality or pursue employment opportunities
- contains units that mirror those in the SCQF level 5 NC but at a more advanced level and that have a particular focus on leading a small hospitality team
- focuses on development of key soft and transferable skills common to all customer facing roles
- enables development of technical specialisms in front of house/back of house activities
- offers optional units to enable centres to meet local needs
- can provide progression on to the HNC in Hospitality Operations at SCQF level 7, to a modern apprenticeship or to employment
This qualification is mostly available through colleges.
National Certificates are designed for full-time delivery over one year or part-time delivery over two years (including evening provision). Many are suitable for open and distance learning and may also be offered as January-start access to HN courses.
Qualification structure
Group award code: GP6R 46 (72 SCQF credit points)
SCQF level: 6
This National Certificate consists of 7 mandatory units (48 SCQF credit points) and 4 optional units (24 SCQF credit points).
Mandatory units include:
- Hospitality Industry
- Food Hygiene for the Hospitality Industry
- Customer Care Excellence in Hospitality
- Costs and Control in Hospitality
- Leading a Hospitality Team
- Food and Beverage Operations
- Work Placement
See the group award specification (760 KB) for the full list of mandatory and optional units.
How to assess
Assessment of this NC is through a series of theoretical and practical assessments or tasks. Some assessments will be carried out under supervised open-book conditions.
There are opportunities to combine the delivery and assessment of various units. For example, the units Food and Beverage Operations, Customer Care Excellence in Hospitality and Leading a Hospitality Team work well together.
Assessment support packs are available for selected units and can be found on SQA's secure website.
Qualification Verification Summary Report
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Qualification Support Team Meeting Notes
- Hospitality QST note of meeting 1 (93 KB)
- Hospitality QST note of meeting 2 (25 KB)
- Hospitality QST note of meeting 3 (92 KB)
- Hospitality.QST note of meeting 4 (87 KB)
- Hospitality QST note of meeting 5 (148 KB)
- Hospitality QST note of meeting 6 (148 KB)
- Hospitality QST note of meeting 7 (79 KB)
- Hospitality QST note of meeting 8 (119 KB)
Industry relevant facilities appropriate to the award content delivered. This may include:
- commercial grade kitchen and restaurant facilities with appropriate equipment
- access to 'real' customers for service and development of customer care and communication skills
- excellent links with industry to enable appropriate work experience, visits and visiting speakers
- appropriate classroom and ICT facilities to enable appropriate approaches to development of skills and knowledge (including research, and digital skills). This may include specialist software to support accommodation and front of house specialisms
Please see our information sheet (164 KB) for detailed resource requirements for the Barista Skills unit.
Where can you take this course?
Why study this qualification
The NC in Hospitality Operations at SCQF level 6 is designed for a wide range of learners, including:
- learners who have just left school
- adults returning to education
- individuals who are currently in employment and wish to obtain a formal qualification
- employees who want to develop their careers
The qualification is also suitable if you are interested in pursuing a career in the hospitality industry in a wide range of roles, for example in food and beverage service, housekeeping, concierge and guest services, reception and reservations, or to help you to progress to more advanced qualifications in hospitality at college.
You will develop knowledge and understanding of the size and scope of the hospitality industry, as well as technical skills required for a team-leading role in front of house/back of house.
You will also develop important Core Skills in Communication, Numeracy, Problem Solving, ICT and Working with Others, as well as employability skills for working in the hospitality industry, such as customer care, leadership and health and safety.
Entry is at the discretion of the centre. However, you would benefit from having attained the skills, knowledge and understanding required by one or more of the following or equivalent qualifications and/or experience:
- National Certificate in Hospitality Operations at SCQF level 5
- Appropriate groupings of National Units
- Relevant SVQs at SCQF level 5
- Relevant industrial experience
Employment and progression
You could use this level 5 award to progress to:
- further study at SCQF level 6
- an HNC in hospitality or related area
- a PDA in hospitality
- employment in the hospitality sector
Qualification structure
Group award code: GP6R 46 (72 SCQF credit points)
SCQF level: 6
This National Certificate consists of 7 mandatory units (48 SCQF credit points) and 4 optional units (24 SCQF credit points).
Mandatory units include:
- Hospitality Industry
- Food Hygiene for the Hospitality Industry
- Customer Care Excellence in Hospitality
- Costs and Control in Hospitality
- Leading a Hospitality Team
- Food and Beverage Operations
- Work Placement
See the group award specification (760 KB) for the full list of mandatory and optional units.
Your college will advise you of any resources required.