NPA Professional Cookery SCQF level 4

This National Progression Award (NPA) introduces learners to techniques that are important in the professional cookery
It develops practical, technical and transferable skills in food preparation and cooking, and provides bite-sized chunks of learning that are straightforward for centres to adopt and for learners to study.
It covers areas such as food hygiene, food preparation techniques, cookery processes and organisational skills.
The National Progression Award in Professional Cookery at SCQF level 4 is designed to equip candidates with the skills and knowledge required to progress onto full-time college programmes such as the National Certificate (NC) in Professional Cookery at SCCF level 5, or to seek employment in the hospitality and catering industry, eg as trainee commis chef/chef apprentice. The NPA is aimed at candidates who may be interested in pursuing a career in the catering industry but who do not necessarily have prior experience of cookery.
This qualification is available through schools, colleges and training providers.
NPAs can be taught as a full-time or part-time course.
Qualification structure
Group award code: GP6W 44 (24 SCQF credit points)
SCQF level: 4
This National Progression Award consists of three mandatory units (18 SCQF credit points) and one optional unit (6 SCQF credit points).
Mandatory units include:
- Food Preparation Techniques: An Introduction
- Cookery Processes: An Introduction
- Food Hygiene for the Hospitality Industry
See the group award specification (800 KB) for the full list of mandatory and optional units.
How to assess
Assessment will be a combination of practical and knowledge assessments. See the assessment and evidence requirements for each unit.
Assessment and/or e-assessment support packs are available for this qualification.
Qualification Verification Summary Report
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Access to appropriate commercial tools and equipment is required. A wide range of ingredients will also be necessary.
Where can you take this course?
Why study this qualification
The NPA in Professional Cookery at SCQF level 4 is designed for a wide range of learners, including:
- learners who are at school or who have just left school
- adults returning to education
The qualification is also suitable if you are interested in pursuing a career in the hospitality industry as a commis chef.
You will develop basic knowledge and technical skills to enable you to prepare and cook a range of ingredients to a commercially acceptable standard.
You will also develop important Core Skills in Numeracy, Problem Solving and Working with Others, as well as employability skills for working in a professional kitchen, such as food safety and personal hygiene.
Entry is at the discretion of the school, college or training provider.
Employment and progression
You could use this level 4 award to progress to:
- study at SCQF level 5
- employment in the hospitality sector, perhaps as a commis chef
Qualification structure
Group award code: GP6W 44 (24 SCQF credit points)
SCQF level: 4
This National Progression Award consists of three mandatory units (18 SCQF credit points) and one optional unit (6 SCQF credit points).
Mandatory units include:
- Food Preparation Techniques: An Introduction
- Cookery Processes: An Introduction
- Food Hygiene for the Hospitality Industry
See the group award specification (800 KB) for the full list of mandatory and optional units.
Your school, college or training provider will provide you with any resources required.