Certificate Introduction to the Role of the Professional Taxi and Private Hire Driver SCQF level 5

This Certificate provides learners with the knowledge and skills to support their professional development as a taxi or private hire driver - helping them to meet and adapt to the challenges they face.
The Certificate in Introduction to the Role of the Professional Taxi and Private Hire Driver at SCQF level 5 develops essential knowledge in:
- health and safety in the taxi work environment
- vehicle maintenance and safety inspections
- routes and fares
- safely transporting passengers, luggage and parcels
- providing a professional customer service, and
- an understanding of relevant licensing regulations that relate to the operation of taxi and private hire operations in Scotland
Learners will also develop the skills necessary to support passengers who require mobility assistance or use of a wheelchair.
Qualification structure
Group award specification: GP3J 45 (19 SCQF credit points) (75 KB)
SCQF level: 5
The Certificate in Introduction to the Role of the Professional Taxi and Private Hire Driver at SCQF level 5 consists of nine mandatory units (19 SCQF credit points).
How to assess
Each unit is assessed online using SQA’s e-assessment platform, SOLAR.
One unit, Taxi and Private Hire: Mobility and Wheelchair Assistance, also has a practical assessment involving the safe transfer of a passenger using a wheelchair.
Qualification Verification Summary Report
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SQA Connect Process
Update to SOLAR – SQA Connect process
Candidate data relating to this qualification is now automatically transferred between SQA Connect and SOLAR.
This means that – instead of having to enter candidate details on both SOLAR and SQA Connect – you only have to enter candidates details once, on SQA Connect. The details are then automatically transferred to SOLAR.
Likewise, once candidates have completed the assessment on SOLAR, the results automatically pass to SQA Connect without the need for any further input from you.
Information is transferred between SQA Connect and SOLAR hourly – so you may need to wait up to an hour for updated candidate details to display on SOLAR, and for results to appear on SQA Connect.
What do I need to do?
- You must use SQA Connect to enter candidates for this qualification, or to update any candidate details.
- You must not create or update any candidate details directly in SOLAR, as this may result in errors processing the candidate’s result.
If you need support or information on SOLAR you can contact the Digital Services Support Helpdesk. There are several ways you can contact the team:
- Complete the Helpdesk Support form.
- Email DAS.Helpdesk@sqa.org.uk.
- If you need to contact the team urgently, call 0345 213 5060.
Our helpdesk is available from Monday to Friday between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm. Any breaks in this service will be noted in the ‘Latest updates’ section on the homepage of the SOLAR website.
If you need support on SQA Connect with regards to your candidate data, you can contact the Centre Support Team. There are several ways you can contact the team:
- contact us by completing the form
- If you need to contact the team urgently, call 0345 213 6015.
Enhanced Quality Assurance Arrangements
Alongside our standard quality assurance processes for Taxi qualifications, we also carry out enhanced quality assurance arrangements to comply with qualification and regulatory requirements. These additional measures comprise of two distinct components: unannounced activity and indirect claim status.
Unannounced activity
SQA undertakes unannounced activity to ensure that standards and conditions of assessments are being met and maintained.
Centres delivering assessments for these qualifications must advise SQA a minimum of 5 working days prior to the assessment taking place by completing the MS Form available in the Quality Assurance section of the website.
You will also find further information and guidance on the unannounced activity process within the Quality Assurance pages.
Indirect Claim Status
Indirect claim status will be applied to centres coming forward for approval for Taxi qualifications, either as a first time SQA centre, or at an existing SQA approved centre.
In practice, this means that prior to certificating candidates, a successful qualification verification activity has to take place. Further information and guidance on the indirect claim status process is available in the Quality Assurance section of the website
Where can you take this course?
Why study this qualification
This qualification is suitable for individuals who are:
- currently a taxi or private hire driver
- wishing to become a taxi or private hire driver
- aspiring to run a taxi or private hire business in the future
No prior qualifications or knowledge are required to undertake this qualification, although typically candidates will be over 18 and have held a driving licence for one year.
Employment and progression
The Certificate in Introduction to the Role of the Professional Taxi and Private Hire Driver at SCQF level 5 may provide progression opportunities to:
- an SVQ in the transport sector
- employment in the passenger transport sector as a taxi or private hire driver
Qualification structure
Group award specification: GP3J 45 (19 SCQF credit points) (75 KB)
SCQF level: 5
The Certificate in Introduction to the Role of the Professional Taxi and Private Hire Driver at SCQF level 5 consists of nine mandatory units (19 SCQF credit points).