Mentoring Award SCQF level 4

The Mentoring Award at SCQF level 4 has been designed to recognise the knowledge and skills developed by mentors when taking part in organised mentoring programmes.
This award covers both the theory of mentoring and mentoring in practice. The fact that a mentor will have to reflect on their own experiences and share those experiences with mentees that they are trying to help can have many benefits. Performing the role of mentoring can increase confidence, self-esteem and self-worth, while also developing skills such as leadership, communication, and empathy.
Achievement of the award is nationally recognised and is made up of two units:
- Mentoring: An Introduction
- Mentoring in Practice
These awards may be available through schools, colleges, training providers, community organisations, and voluntary sector organisations.
Use the tabs below to open each section individually. Alternatively you can show all the sections.
Why deliver this qualification
This award is accessible and manageable for most of those who might take part in and benefit from an organised mentoring programme. For that reason, the content of the units and the complexity of the tasks that learners are expected to complete have been set at a level that anticipates minimal entry qualifications.
Who does this qualification suit
This award can be delivered in many different settings, including education, employment, rehabilitation, reducing drug dependence, harm reduction, etc.
There are a wide range of settings in which mentoring may be taking place and sometimes the term 'mentoring' is used to describe less formal arrangements, such as 'buddying' or 'befriending'. For this award though, it is essential that those undertaking the units are involved in a properly organised and managed mentoring programme. It will be important for the staff in centres delivering this award to go through a careful vetting process to determine the suitability of potential mentors before they join the programme. For information relating to mentoring programmes and the vetting process please see the group award specification.
Entry is at the discretion of the centre.
It will increase learners' chances of success in the award if they have already achieved some units and/or courses at SCQF level 3 and 4, or equivalent (as a minimum) before they start. However, centres should also take into account a learner's life experience and their ability to communicate effectively, to reflect and to empathise with others.
There is no direct progression from the Mentoring Award (level 4).
For some learners, the Mentoring Award may offer an opportunity to widen their skills and the award can be done at the same time as a range of other qualifications. Other learners could be completing the Mentoring Award on its own and after a break from formal education. For these learners, the award may offer a starting point for further study and the exact nature and level of any future qualifications will be for the centre and the learner to decide.
Centres with devolved authority for approval should use their own internal approval process.
These awards will be available to any centre that has automatic approval. Centres that do not have automatic approval should seek approval in the normal way and if necessary, they can contact SQA's Business Development Team for guidance on the approval process.
Assessors and verifiers must be able to meet SQA's general requirements for technical/occupational competence as outlined in the Systems and Qualification Approval Guide. The specific delivery requirements are set out in the group award specification (arrangements document).
How to assess
The first unit in the award, Mentoring: An Introduction, covers the underpinning knowledge and it must be assessed using the on-screen SOLAR assessment provided by SQA. The on-screen assessment will be computer marked and the learner will find out if they have passed the unit as soon as they have finished the assessment.
The second unit, Mentoring in Practice, covers the practical tasks involved in mentoring. Learners must collect evidence during the mentoring process, taking care to maintain confidentiality and evidence collected must ensure the anonymity of the mentee. The assessor must judge the evidence collected against the unit standards in the normal way. The evidence collected can be stored within the SOLAR e-assessment system provided by SQA, or it can be stored in a portfolio in the centre, either electronically or in hard copy.
Where can you take this course?
Qualification content and delivery tools
Information about the qualification(s)
Qualification Structure
Group award code: GP0J 44 (12 SCQF credit points)
The Mentoring Award at SCQF level 4 consists of two mandatory units (12 SCQF credit points).
To achieve the Mentoring Award at level 4, a learner must achieve the following two units:
Code | Unit title | SQA credit | SQA credit points | SCQF level |
J02R 44 | Mentoring: An Introduction | 1 | 6 | 4 |
J02S 44 | Mentoring in Practice | 1 | 6 | 4 |
Information about delivery, assessment, quality assurance and support material
Group award specification
- Group award specification - GP0J44 (254 KB)
Related Information
- Awards from SQA (336 KB)
- Catalogue of National Qualifications (836 KB)
- Changes to Unit Specifications and Frameworks
- NQ Annual Update (406 KB)