HNC/HND Petroleum Engineering (England)

The HNC/HND Petroleum Engineering has been designed to provide a broad-based, multi-disciplinary, petroleum exploration, production and environmental qualification which will allow candidates to progress to higher education and to advance their career.
In the UK outside of Scotland, Higher National Diploma (HND) or Higher National Certificate (HNC) is the registered trademark of Pearson Education Limited and the trademark is used under licence from Pearson Education Limited.
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Who does this qualification suit
The HND Petroleum Engineering has been designed to provide you with a broad-based, multi-disciplinary, petroleum exploration, production and environmental qualification which will allow you to progress to higher education and to advance your career.
You will develop a variety of knowledge and skills including:
- Physical and chemical aspects of petroleum engineering
- An introduction to petroleum geology and geophysics
- Petroleum reservoir engineering
- Oilfield drilling operations
- Petroleum recovery techniques and production processes
You will also be able to develop your planning, analysis and evaluation skills.
Progression and employment
With this qualification, you may be able to gain employment as a trainee production engineer assistant or a trainee process engineer operator in the production area.
It may be possible to progress to degree courses in Geoservices, Petroleum Engineering, Chemical Engineering, or Chemical Engineering: Oil and Gas. You should liaise directly with your centre or the HE establishment about this.
Where can you take this course?
Group Award Specification
Related Information
- A guide to HNs (406 KB)
- HN Catalogue (2.03 MB)
- Changes to unit/group award and frameworks
- HN Annual Update (362 KB)
- Authenticating learners work good practice advice (123 KB)
- Updated conditions of assessment for HN Graded Units - August 2018 (49 KB)