Changes to Published US materials (admin use only)

Subject Level Unit or Component covered Published Name of document Reason for Change Materials removed for revisions Materials revised and republished Materials deleted as no longer relevant Published Document filename
English N5-H-AH Additional resource - overview of available resources Understanding Standards Open site additional resource - overview of available resources N/A N/A N/A September 2021 2020-21-n5-h-ah-english-resources-summary
Fashion and Textile Technology N5 Assignment Understanding Standards Open site Assignment recording sheet N/A N/A N/A September 2021 2020-21-n5-ftt-assignment-recording-sheet.doc
Fashion and Textile Technology Higher Assignment Understanding Standards Open site Assignment recording sheet N/A N/A N/A September 2021 2020-21-h-ftt-assignment-recording-sheet.doc
Gaidhlig N5-H-AH Key evidence and provisional results Understanding Standards Open site Key evidence and provisional results N/A N/A N/A September 2021 2020-21-n5-h-ah-gaidhlig-key-evidence-provisional-results-q-and-a
Health and Food Technology N5 Assignment Understanding Standards Open site Assignment recording sheet N/A N/A N/A September 2021 2020-21-n5-hft-assignment-recording-sheet.doc
Health and Food Technology Higher Assignment Understanding Standards Open site Assignment recording sheet N/A N/A N/A September 2021 H HFT assignment recording sheet
Health and Food Technology Advanced Higher Assignment Understanding Standards Open site Project recording sheet N/A N/A N/A September 2021 AH HFT Project Recording Sheet
Mathematics, Applications of Mathematics, Statistics and Mathematics of Mechanics N5-H-AH All components Understanding Standards Open site Questions frequently asked in relation to the modifications to Higher and Advanced Higher Mathematics, Applications of Mathematics, Statistics and Mathematics of Mechanics course assessment. N/A N/A N/A September 2021 2020-21-mathematics-frequently-asked-questions
Modern Languages N5-H-AH All components Understanding Standards Open site Key evidence and provisional results N/A N/A N/A September 2021 2020-21-n5-h-ah-modern-languages-key-evidence-provisional-ressults-q-and-a
Practical Cake Craft N5 Assignment Understanding Standards Open site Assessment Resources session 2020 -21 Record sheet N/A N/A N/A September 2021 2020-21-n5-practical-cake-craft-assignment-recording-grid
Practical Cookery N5 Assignment Understanding Standards Open site Assessment Resources session 2020 -21 N/A N/A N/A September 2021 2020-21-n5-practical-cookery-assignment-2018-marking-guidance
Practical Cookery N5 Practical Activity Understanding Standards Open site Assessment Resources session 2020 -21 N/A N/A N/A September 2021 2020-21-n5-practical-cookery-practical-activity-recording-sheet
Art and Design N5-H-AH All components Understanding Standards Open site Gathering Evidence - Audio presentation N/A N/A N/A September 2021 2020-2021-n5-h-ah-art-design-gathering-evidence.ppsx
Art and Design N5-H-AH All components Understanding Standards Open site Gathering Evidence - Audio presentation FAQ N/A N/A N/A September 2021 2020-2021-n5hah-artanddesign-gatheringevidence-faq
Computing Science N5-H-AH All components Understanding Standards Open site Evidence and moderation - Audio presentation N/A N/A N/A September 2021 2020-21-computing-science-evidence-and-moderation-audio-presentation.ppsx
Dance N5 - Higher Question paper, Performance and Practical Activity Understanding Standards Open site Question paper, Performance and Practical Activity - Audio presentation N/A N/A N/A September 2021 2020-21-n5-higher-dance-audio-presentation.ppsx
Design and Manufacture N5-H-AH All components Understanding Standards Open site Gathering Evidence - Audio presentation N/A N/A N/A September 2021 2020-2021-design-and-manufacture-gathering-evidence-audio-presentation.ppsx
Drama AH Project - Dissertation and Performance Understanding Standards Open site Assignment, Project-dissertation & Performance - Audio presentation N/A N/A N/A September 2021 ah-drama-audio-presentation-2021.ppsx
Drama H Question paper and Performance Understanding Standards Open site guidance on evidence and provisional results - Audio presentation N/A N/A N/A September 2021 2020-21-h-drama-audio-presentation-gathering-evidence-provisional-results.ppsx
English N5 All components Understanding Standards Open site Provisional results guidance - Audio presentation N/A N/A N/A September 2021 2020-n5-english-audio-presentation.ppsx
Gaidhlig N5-H-AH All components Understanding Standards Open site Gathering Evidence - Audio presentation N/A N/A N/A September 2021 2020-21-Gaidhlig-gathering-evidence-audio-presentation.ppsx
Physical Education Higher Question paper and Performance Understanding Standards Open site Gathering Evidence - Question Paper & Performance - Audio presentation N/A N/A N/A September 2021 2020-2021-higher-physical-education-audio-presentation.ppsx
Physical Education AH Project and Performance Understanding Standards Open site Gathering Evidence - Project and Performance - Audio presentation N/A N/A N/A September 2021 2020-21-ah-physicaleducation-audio-presentation.ppsx
Psychology Higher Question Paper SQA Secure Site Question Paper - Audio presentation N/A N/A N/A September 2021 h_psychology_audiopresentation_2021.ppsx
Baccalaureate SCQF level 7 Webinar recording Understanding Standards Open site Webinar recording 2020 N/A N/A N/A September 2021 2020-scqflevel7-baccalaureate-webinar-presentation.mp4
Practical Electronics N5 Practical Activity Understanding Standards Open site Practical Activity - Webinar recording N/A N/A N/A September 2021 2020-21-practical-electronics-webinar.mp4
Drama N5 Question paper and Performance Understanding Standards Open site QP and Performance - Audio presentation N/A N/A N/A September 2021 n5_drama_audio_presentation_202021.pptx
Classical Studies N5 Question Paper- webinar Understanding Standards Open site Question Paper - Webinar Updated for session 2021-22 N/A September 2021 N/A 2020-21-n5-classical-studies-webinar.mp4
Classical Studies Higher Question Paper 2 (Classical Society) Understanding Standards Open site Question Paper 2- Webinar and FAQ document Updated for session 2021-22 N/A September 2021 N/A Higher-classical-studies-webinar-3-march-2021
Practical Electronics N5 Course - Audio presentations SQA Secure Site Constructing the Solution; Testing the Solution; Reporting on the Solution Updated for session 2021-22 N/A August 2021 N/A Constructing the Solution (13mins 48secs)
August 2020
Testing the Solution (5mins 25secs)
August 2020
Reporting on the Solution (4mins 2secs)
Geography AH Portfolio - Audio Presentation Understanding Standards Open site Project-Folio Audio presentation Updated for session 2021-22 N/A September 2021 N/A advanced-higher-geography-audio-presentation-2021-update-aug-21
Art and Design N5-H Portfolio - Design Understanding Standards Open site Portfolio Updated for session 2021-22 N/A September 2021 N/A 2020-n5-h-art-and-design-designportfolio-assessment-guidance-audiopresentation.pptx
Art and Design N5-H Portfolio - Expressive Understanding Standards Open site Portfolio Updated for session 2021-22 N/A September 2021 N/A 2020-n5-h-art-and-design-expressiveportfolio-assessment-guidance-audiopresentation.pptx
Drama Higher Preparation for Performance SQA Secure Site Preaparation for Performance N/A N/A N/A February 2022 2020-21-Higher-Drama-Preparation-for-Performance-PAD2021
Media N3 Unit Analysing Media Content SQA Secure Site Analysing Media Content Canidate 1 marterials removed Febraury 2022 Febraury 2022 N/A N3AnalysingMedia001HI_R12015
Baccalaureate SQCF 7 Interdisciplinary Project - Science Understanding Standards Open site Obesity and its various causes Candidate 9 superseded with 2022 materials N/A November 2022 BaccalaureateScienceProjectCommentary9.pdf
Baccalaureate SQCF 7 Interdisciplinary Project - Languages Understanding Standards Open site Do foreign comic books translate well? Candidate 7 superseded with 2022 materials N/A November 2022 BaccalaureateLanguagesProjectCommentary7.pdf
Baccalaureate SQCF 7 Interdisciplinary Project - Languages Understanding Standards Open site Keeping minority languages alive through music Candidate 8 superseded with 2022 materials N/A November 2022 BaccalaureateLanguagesProjectCommentary8.pdf
Business Management National 5 Question Paper Understanding Standards Open site 2014 Question Paper Candidate 1 and Candidate 2 superseded with 2022 materials N/A February 2023
Business Management Higher Question Paper Understanding Standards Open site 2015 Question Paper 3 Candidates superseded with 2022 materials N/A February 2023 HigherBusinessMgt2015QPEvidenceCandidate1.pdf
Business Management Advanced Higher Question Paper Understanding Standards Open site 2016 Question Paper 10 Candidates superseded with 2022 materials N/A February 2023 businessmgt_AH_2016_qp_question1_evidence.pdf
Business Management Higher Assignment Understanding Standards Open site 2016 Assignment 8 candidates superseded with 2022 materials N/A February 2023 BusinessMgtHigher2016AssignmentCandidate1.pdf
Computing Science N5 Teaching SQL Understanding Standards Open Teaching SQL - Audio Presentation N/A March 2023 materials republished on subject page N/A N5CompScience_IntroductionTeachingSQL.ppsx
Computing Science N5 Teachng Design Techniques Understanding Standards Open site Teachng Design Techniques - audio presentation N/A March 2023 materials republished on subject page N/A N5CompScience_TeachingTechniques.ppsx
Computing Science N5 Teaching Web Design Understanding Standards Open site Teaching Web Design- audio presentation N/A March 2023 materials republished on subject page N/A N5CompScience_TeachingWebDesign.ppsx
Computing Science N5 Lesson Resource Understanding Standards Open site
Lesson Resource Zip
N/A March 2023 materials republished on subject page N/A
Computing Science N5 Webinar recording Understanding Standards Open site Course Assessment 2017 N/A N/A materials republished on subject page N/A CompNat5_03052017.mp4
Computing Science N5 Webinar recording Understanding Standards Open site Course Assessment 2017 N/A N/A materials republished on subject page N/A comp_Nat5_19062017.mp4
Computing Science Higher Audio Presentation Understanding Standards Open site Course assessment - audio presentation 2018 N/A N/A materials republished on subject page N/A HigherComputingScienceAudioPresentation2018.ppsx
Computing Science Higher Database Design and development Zip Understanding Standards Open site Zip files N/A March 2023 materials republished on subject page N/A
Computing Science Higher Web Design and development Zip Understanding Standards Open site Zip files N/A March 2023 materials republished on subject page N/A
Computing Science Advanced Higher Audio Presentation Understanding Standards Open site Course assessment - audio presentation 2019 N/A March 2023 materials republished on subject page N/A AHComputingScienceAudioPresentation2019.ppsx
Fashion and Textile Technology Higher Evidence and Commentaries Understanding Standards Open site Simulated Q1a from Question Paper 2022, published Feb 2023 Removed for review March 2023 March 2023     2022-23-h-ftt-qp-q1a-candidate-evidence.pdf
English Advanced Higher Evidence and Commentaries Understanding Standards Open site Literary Study materials published in session 2021-2022 Materials Revised March 2023 March 2023 N/A 2020-21-ah-english-lit-study-additional-guidance__1_.pd
Physics Advanced Higher Evidence and Commentaries Understanding Standards Open site Project Materials for Candidates 3, 5 and 8 revised N/A March 2023 N/A AHPhysics_Project_Candidate3and4Commentary_2019-revised-mar-2023AHPhysics_Project_Candidates5,6,7Commentary_sections1,2,3,5a,6b_2019-revised-mar-2023AHPhysics_Project_Candidates8910Commentary_Sections45b5c_2019 -revised-mar-2023
Physics Advanced Higher Evidence and Commentaries Understanding Standards Open site Question Paper Materials for Workshop 1 and 2 revised N/A March 2023 N/A 018-2019-higher-qp-ws1-commentary-revised-mar-20232018-2019-higher-qp-ws2-commentary-revised-mar-2023
Physics Higher Evidence and Commentaries Understanding Standards Open site Assignment Materials for Workshop 1 and 2 revised N/A March 2023 N/A




Physics Higher Evidence and Commentaries Understanding Standards Open site Question Paper Materials for Workshop 1 and 2 revised N/A March 2023 N/A



Physics N5 Evidence and Commentaries Understanding Standards Open site Assignment Materials for Workshop 1 and 3 revised N/A March 2023 N/A

N5USAssignment_Commentary _WS1

N5USAssignment_Commentary _WS3

Physics N5 Evidence and Commentaries Understanding Standards Open site Question Paper materials published in session 2021-2022 revised N/A March 2023 N/A 2021-22-n5-physics-question-paper-commentary
History Higher Webinar Q&A Understanding Standards Open site Question Paper 2 Scottish History Change to course Modifications N/A March 2023 N/A 2020-2021-webinar-qanda-h-history-paper2-Scottish-revised-mar-2023
History Higher Commentaries Understanding Standards Open site Question Paper 2 Scottish History Change to course Modifications N/A March 2023 N/A 2020-21-h-history-qp2-commentaries-candidate-2-final-revised-mar-2023
History Higher Commentaries Understanding Standards Open site Question Paper 2 Scottish History Change to course Modifications N/A March 2023 N/A 2020-21-h-history-qp2-commentaries-candidate-1-additional-revised-mar-2023
Music N5-AH Commentaries SQA Secure Site Music Performance 1 Candidate removed from pack N/A March 2023 N/A 2020-21-n5-h-ah-musicperformance-001va2015-2019-revised-mar-2023
Media National 5 Webinar Recording Understanding Standards Open site Question Paper and Assignment Course Modifications Session 2023-24 N/A April 2023 N/A 2021-22-n5-media-webinar-recording-17-jan-2022-revised-apr-2023
Media Higher Webinar Recording Understanding Standards Open site Question Paper 2022 Course Modifications Session 2023-24 N/A April 2023 N/A 2021-22-h-media-qp1-webinar-24-january-2022-revised-apr-2023
Media Higher Webinar Recording Understanding Standards Open site Assignment 2022 Course Modifications Session 2023-24 N/A April 2023 N/A 202`1-22-h-media-assignment-recording-9-february-2022-revised-apr-2023
Chemistry Advanced Higher Commentaries and Evidence Understanding Standards Open site Project 2016 materials N/A N/A N/A March 2022 chemistry_AH_2016_project_CS_candidate1
Physics National 5 Commentaries and Evidence Understanding Standards Open site 2017 Question Paper, workshop 1 Materials N/A N/A N/A April 2023 PhysicsN5QP2017Workshop1Evidence.pdf
Physics National 5 Commentaries and Evidence Understanding Standards Open site 2017 Question Paper, workshop 2 Materials N/A N/A N/A April 2023 PhysicsN5QP2017Workshop2Evidence.pdf
Physics National 5 Commentaries and Evidence Understanding Standards Open site 2017 Question Paper, workshop 4 Materials N/A N/A N/A April 2023 PhysicsN5QP2017Workshop4Candidate1Evidence.pdf
Physics National 5 Commentaries and Evidence Understanding Standards Open site 2017 Question Paper, workshop 3 Materials Repackaged N/A April 2023 N/A PhysicsN5QP2017Workshop3Evidence.pdf&
French National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher Case Study Understanding Standards Open site National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher French Case Studies Removed May 2023 May 2023 N/A French_N5_CaseStudy.pdf
Physics National 5 Assignment Understanding Standards Open site 2017 Assignment Revised N/A N/A May 2023

N5USAssignment_Commentary _WS1

N5USAssignment_Commentary _WS3

Business Management National 5 Assessment Resource Understanding Standards Open site 2021 resources Removed N/A N/A June 2023 2021-22-n5-bm-assessment-resources.docx
Business Management Higher Assessment Resource Understanding Standards Open site 2021 resources Removed N/A N/A June 2023 2021-22-h-bm-assessment-resources
Business Management Advanced Higher Assessment Resource Understanding Standards Open site 2021 resources Removed N/A N/A June 2023 2021-22-ah-bm-assessment-resources
Design and Manufacture Advanced Higher Question Paper Understanding Standards Open site Question paper Commentaries and Evidence Removed N/A N/A June 2023 2020-2021-ah-designandmanufacture-questionpaper-evidence.pdf
Economics National 5 Assessment Resource Understanding Standards Open site 2021 resources Removed N/A N/A June 2023 2021-22-n5-econ-assessment-resources
Economics Higher Assessment Resource Understanding Standards Open site 2021 resources Removed N/A N/A June 2023 2021-22-h-econ-assessment-resources
Economics Advanced Higher Assessment Resource Understanding Standards Open site 2021 resources Removed N/A N/A June 2023 2021-22-ah-econ-assessment-resources
Health and Food Technology National 5 Candidate Workbook Understanding Standards Open site 2020 Resources Removed N/A N/A June 2023 2020-21-n5-hft-assignment-candidate-workbook
Health and Food Technology National 5 Marking Instructions Understanding Standards Open site 2020 Resources Removed N/A N/A June 2023 HealthAndFoodTechnologyN5AssignmentMarkingInstructions2020-21.pdf
Health and Food Technology National 5 Specimen Question Paper Understanding Standards Open site 2021 resources Removed N/A N/A June 2023 2021-22-n5-health-and-food-tech-sqp.pdf
Health and Food Technology National 5 2020 Setting Grid Understanding Standards Open site 2020 Resources Removed JN/A N/A June 2023 2020-n5-hft-setting-grid
Health and Food Technology National 5 Candidate Workbook (Assignment) Understanding Standards Open site 2020 Resources Removed N/A N/A June 2023 2020-21-n5-hft-assignment-candidate-workbook
Health and Food Technology Higher 2019 Marking instructions Understanding Standards Open site 2020 Resources Removed N/A N/A June 2023 health-and-food-technology-higher-assignment-2019-marking-instructions-2020-21.pdf
Health and Food Technology Higher Candidate Workbook (Assignment) Understanding Standards Open site 2021 Resources Removed N/A N/A June 2023 H-Health-and-Food-Technology-Assignment-Candidate-Workbook-2021
Health and Food Technology Higher Candidate Workbook (Assignment) 2019 Understanding Standards Open site 2020 Resources Removed N/A N/A June 2023 health-and-food-technology-higher-assignment-2019-candidate-workbook-2020-21.pdf
Health and Food Technology Higher Candidate Workbook (Assignment) Understanding Standards Open site 2021 Resources Removed N/A N/A June 2023 H-Health-and-Food-Technology-Assignment-Candidate-Workbook-2021
Media National 5 and Higher Audio Presentation Understanding Standards Open site 2020 Resources Removed N/A N/A June 2023 N5HMediaAudioPresentation2020-21
Practical Cake craft National 5 Candidate Workbook (Assignment) Understanding Standards Open site 2020 Resources Removed N/A N/A June 2023 2020-21-n5-practical-cake-craft-assignment-candidate-workbook.docx
Photography Higher Event Presentation Understanding Standards Open site Revised Higher Course Dec 2018 No longer relevant N/A N/A July 2023 PhotographyHigherPresentationDec18.ppt
Drama Advanced Higher Audio Presentation Understanding Standards Open site Audio presentation - An overview of course assessment Removed -No longer relevant N/A N/A Aug 2023 AHDramaAudioPresentation2019
Media National 5 and Higher Audio Presentation Understanding Standards Open site Audio presentation - An overview of course assessment Removed -No longer relevant N/A N/A Aug 2023 2020-21-n5-and-h-media-audio-presentation
Modern Languages National 5 and Higher and Advanced Higher Audio Presentation Understanding Standards Open site Audio presentation - Gathering Evidence Republished on SQA subject page N/A Republished on SQA subject page Aug 2023 2020-21-n-h-ah-mod-lang-gathering-evidence-audio-presentation-updated-sept-21.ppsx
English Advanced Higher Webinar recording and supplementary Audio Presentation Understanding Standards Open site Dissertation Removed -No longer relevant N/A N/A Aug 2023 2020-21-ah-english-dissertation-webinar.mp4 2020-21-ah-english-dissertation-webinar-presentation.pptx
Media National 5 Webinar recording Understanding Standards Open site Webinar Removed -No longer relevant N/A N/A Aug 2023 2020-21-n5-media-webinar-presentation.mp4
Dance Higher Performance 2015 SQA secure site Higher Dance – Performance commentary 
Higher Dance – performance (video 3 of 3) 
Higher Dance – performance (video 2 of 3) 
Higher Dance – performance (video 1 of 3)
December 2015
Removed -No longer relevant N/A N/A October 2023
Dance Higher Practical Activity 2015 SQA secure site Higher Dance – Practical Activity (video) 
Higher Dance – Practical Activity commentary 
December 2015
Removed -No longer relevant N/A N/A October 2023
Dance Higher Performance 2016 SQA secure site Higher Dance – Performance commentary 
Higher Dance – performance (video) 
December 2016
Removed -No longer relevant N/A N/A October 2023
Dance Higher Practical Activity 2016 SQA secure site Higher Dance – Practical Activity (video) 
Practical Activity commentary 
December 2016
Removed -No longer relevant N/A N/A October 2023
Business Management Advanced Higher Project 2019 Understanding Standards Open site Project 2019 Introduction
Candidate evidence
Candidate evidence (annotated)
Analysis and evaluation
Candidate evidence
Candidate evidence (annotated)
Conclusions and recommendations
Candidate evidence
Candidate evidence (annotated)
No longer relevant N/A N/A October 2023 BusinessManagementAHProject2019IntroductionEvidence.pdf
Dance Higher Performance 2018 SQA Secure Site HigherDancePerformance commentaries 
Higher Dance - Performance Ballet (video 4 of 4) Higher Dance - Performance Commercial (video 3 of 4) 
Higher Dance - Performance Contemporary (video 2 of 4)
Higher Dance - Performance Jazz (video 1 of 4)
No longer relevant N/A N/A October 2023 HigherDancePerformance01VA2018.pdf
Higher Dance - Performance Ballet (video 4 of 4) -
Higher Dance - Performance Commercial (video 3 of 4) -
Higher Dance - Performance Contemporary (video 2 of 4) -
Higher Dance - Performance Jazz (video 1 of 4) -
Dance Higher Practical Activity SQA Secure Site Higher Dance practical Activity (video)
Higher Dance practical Activity Commentary
No longer relevant N/A N/A October 2023 HigherDancePracticalActivity01VA2018.pdf
Design and Manufacture Advanced Higher Audio Presentation SQA Secure Site Advanced Higher Design and Manufacutre Assignment Reinstatement of Component Diet 2024 N/A October 2023 N/A 2020-21-ah-design-manufacture-audio-presentation-assignment
Design and Manufacture National 5 Audio Presentation SQA Secure Site National 5 Design and Manufacutre Assignment Reinstatement of Component Diet 2024 N/A November 2023 N/A 2020-2021-n5-design-and-manufacture-audio-presentation.ppsx
Accounting National 5 Assessment Resource Document Understanding Standards Open site Assessment Resource Document Revised and republished on the Accounting Subject page N/A Revised and republished on the Accounting Subject page November 2023 2021-22-n5-accounting-assessment-resources
Accounting Higher Assessment Resource Document Understanding Standards Open site Assessment Resource Document Revised and republished on the Accounting Subject page N/A Revised and republished on the Accounting Subject page November 2023 2021-22-h-accounting-assessment-resources
Accounting Advanced Higher Assessment Resource Document Understanding Standards Open site Assessment Resource Document Revised and republished on the Accounting Subject page N/A Revised and republished on the Accounting Subject page November 2023 2021-22-ah-accounting-assessment-resources
Administration and IT National 5 Assessment Resource Document Understanding Standards Open site Assessment Resource Document evised and republished on the Admin Subject page N/A Revised and republished on the Accounting Subject page November 2023 2022-23-n5-ait-assessment-resources.docx
Administration and IT Higher Assessment Resource Document Understanding Standards Open site Assessment Resource Document Revised and republished on the Admin Subject page N/A Revised and republished on the Accounting Subject page November 2023 2022-23-h-ait-assessment-resources.docx
Biology Higher Assigment 2019 Understanding Standards Open site Candidate 1. The effect of substrate concentration on enzymes Revisions underway N/A November 2023 N/A BiologyHigherAssignment2019Candidate1.pdf BiologyHigherAssignment2019Commentary1.pdf
Physical Education Advanced Higher 2022-2023 Webinar recording and Q&A Understanding Standards Open site 2023 November 10th Webinar (recording) and Q&A Superseded by 2023-2024 materials N/A N/A November 2023 2022-23-advanced-higher-physical-education-webinar-10thNov-recording
Administration and IT National 5 2017 Assignment Understanding Standards Open site Pratice Assignment Paper, Marking Instructions, Evidence, Commentaries and E-files 2017 Superseded by 2023-2024 materials N/A N/A November 2023 AdminITN5Assgn2017Commentary.pdf,
Administration and IT National 5 Audio Presentation Understanding Standards Open site Assignment Audio Presentation Superseded by 2023-2024 materials N/A N/A November 2023 AdministrationAndITN5Assignment2020-21TheoryWorkshopPresentation.pptx
Administration and IT Higher Commentaries and Evidence Understanding Standards Open site Question Paper Marking instructions and Past Paper Superseded by 2023-2024 materials N/A N/A November 2023 HigherAdminIT2015QPCommentary.pdf,
Administration and IT Higher Commentaries and Evidence Understanding Standards Open site Assignment Superseded by 2023-2024 materials N/A N/A November 2023 HigherAdminIT2015AssignmentCommentaryCandidate4.pdf,
Accounting Higher Commentaries and Evidence Understanding Standards Open site Question Paper Superseded by 2023-2024 materials N/A N/A November 2023 AccountingHigherQPFinancialStatementsResponsesGuidanceJan2021.pdf, 
Health and Food Technology National 5 Candidate 1 evidence and Candidate 1 Commentary Understanding Standards Open site Assingment No longer relevant N/A N/A November 2023

Candidate 1 evidence and candidate 1 commentary



Health and Food Technology Higher Commentaries and Evidence Understanding Standards Open site Assingment 2022 Superseded by 2023-2024 materials N/A N/A November 2023 Assignment 2022 - candidate evidence and commentary
History National 5 Commentaries and Evidence Understanding Standards Open site Assignment 2018 Superseded by 2023-2024 materials N/A N/A November 2023

Nat 5 History - Assignment 2018 Candidate 1, 2 and 3






Biology National 5 Audio Presentation 2019 Understanding Standards Open site Overview of course Assessment Audio Presentation 2019 To be supreceded by 2023 presentation N/A N/A December 2023 N5BiologyAudioPresentation2019.ppsx
Biology/Human Biology Higher Audio Presentation 2019 Understanding Standards Open site Overview of course Assessment Audio Presentation 2019 To be supreceded by 2023 presentation N/A N/A December 2023 HBiologyHumanBiologyAudioPresentation2019.ppsx
Biology Advanced Higher Audio Presentation 2019 Understanding Standards Open site Overview of course Assessment Audio Presentation 2019 To be supreceded by 2023 presentation N/A N/A December 2023 AHBiologyAudioPresentation2019.pptx
Modern Studies National 5 Commentaries and Evidence Understanding Standards Open site Question Paper 2023 Revisions required N/A December 2023   2023-24-n5-modern-studies-qp-commentaries.pdf
Fashion and Textile Technology Higher


Practical Activity

Understanding Standards Open site - Additional Resources 2020-2022

Childrens Dungarees Patterns and Instructions

Assignment and Practical Activity Modified Marking Instructions

Assignment and Practical Activity Candidate Workbooks and recording sheets

No longer relevant N/A N/A December 2023








Fashion and Textile Technology National 4

Patterns and Instructions

Understanding Standards Open site - Additional Resources 2020-2022 Childrens Dungarees and Toolwrap Instructions and Patterns No longer relevant N/A N/A December 2023





Fashion and Textile Technology National 5

Assignment and Practical Activity

Understanding Standards Open site - Additional Resources 2020-2022

Childrens Dungarees Patterns and Instructions

Toolwrap Patterns and Instructions

Assignment and Practical Activity Modified Marking Instructions

Assignment and Practical Activity Candidate Workbooks

No longer relevant N/A N/A December 2023










Fashion and Textile Technology N3-Higher Practical Activity Understanding Standards Open site - Additional Resources 2020-2022 Audio Presentation No longer relevant N/A N/A December 2023 2021-22-n3-h-fft-qp-assignment-practicalactivity-guidance-audio-presentation.ppsx
Health and Food Technology Advanced Higher Webinar Understanding Standards Open site - Additional Resources 2020-2022 Webinar No longer relevant N/A N/A December 2023 ah-health-and-food-technology-webinar-2020.mp4
Design and Manufacture  National 5 Marking Table PDF SQA Secure Site  - Additional Resources 2020-2022 Marking Table PDF No Longer Relevant N/A N/A December 2023 2020-2021-n5-design-and-manufacture-marking-table.pdf
Design and Manufacture Higher  Marking Table PDF SQA Secure Site  - Additional Resources 2020-2022 Marking Table PDF No Longer Relevant N/A N/A December 2023 2020-2021-h-design-and-manufacture-markingtable.pdf
Design and Manufacture Advanced Higher Assignment Candidate Evidence Record PDF SQA Secure Site  - Additional Resources 2020-2022 Candidate Evidence Record Assignment  PDF No Longer Relevant N/A N/A December 2023 advanced-higher-design-and-manufacture-assignment-candiate-evidence-record.pdf
Health and Food Technology  Advanced Higher Setting Grid Understanding Standards Open site - Additional Resources 2020-2022 Setting Grid N/A N/A December 2023 - re-published under Course support on SQA subject level page  December 2023 2020-ah-hft-setting-grid.docx
Health and Food Technology  Higher Setting Grid Understanding Standards Open site - Additional Resources 2020-2022 Setting Grid N/A N/A December 2023 - re-published under Course support on SQA subject level page December 2023 2020-h-hft-setting-grid.docx
Practical Cookery  N3-N5 Audio Presentation  Understanding Standards Open site - Additional Resources 2020-2022 Audio Presentation Question Paper and Assignment  No Longer Relevant N/A N/A January 2024


Health and Food Technology  N5-Advanced Higher  Audio Presentation  Understanding Standards Open site - Additional Resources 2020-2022 Audio Presentation Question Paper and Assignment and Practical Activity  No Longer Relevant N/A N/A January 2024


Classical Studies  N5 Constructing a Question Paper  Understanding Standards Open site - Additional Resources 2020-2022 Constructing a Question Paper N/A N/A January 2024- re-published under Course support on SQA subject level page  January 2024 2020-21-n5-classical-studies-constructing-a-question-paper-updated-aug-21.pdf 
Design and Manufacture  N5  Audio Presentation  SQA Secure Site  Assignment  Revisions N/A N/A January 2024 2020-21-n5-design-and-manufacture-audio-presentation-revised-dec-23
Design and Manufacture  Higher   Audio Presentation SQA Secure Site Assignment  Revisions N/A N/A January 2024 2020-21-higher-design-and-manufacture-audio-presentation-revised-dec-23
Music Technology Higher  Commentaries and Evidence SQA Secure Site Assignment - candidates 1-3 (published April 2023)  No longer Relevant  N/A N/A February 2024 2022-23-higher-music-technology-assignment-123us2023
Music Technology Higher  Commentaries and Evidence SQA Secure Site Assignment - candidates 4-6 (published April 2023)  No longer Relevant  N/A N/A February 2024 2022-23-higher-music-technology-assignment-456us2023 assignment-candidate-4-456us2023.mp4
Philosophy  National 5 Model Questions  Understanding Standards Open site - Additional Resources 2020-2022 Model questions (published Febraury 2022)  Revisions N/A February 2024- re-published under Course support on SQA subject level page  February 2024 2021-22-n5-philosophy-model-questions.pdf
Philosophy Higher Model Questions  Understanding Standards Open site - Additional Resources 2020-2022 Model questions (published May 2022)  Revisions N/A February 2024- re-published under Course support on SQA subject level page  February 2024 2022-23-H-philosophy-model-questions.pdf
Biology  Higher  Assignment 2019 Understanding Standards Open site

Candidate 1- the effect of substrate concetration on enzymes 

Revisions complete  N/A March 2024 N/A HigherBiology_Assignment_Candidate1Commentary_2019-revised-Jan-2024
Health and Food Technology  Higher  Assignment 2022 Understanding Standards Open site Assignment 2022 N/A N/A N/A March 2024 2022-23-h-hft-assignment-candidate-evidence.pdf
Physical Education  Higher  Webinar Understanding Standards Open site

Question Paper Webinar 

Revisions  N/A March 2024 N/A 2021-22-h-pe-qp-webinar-06-dec-21-revised-june-2023-revised-march-2024
Music Technology  National 5  Assignment  SQA Secure Site Assignment 2022  candidates 1, 2 and 6 removed from publication  N/A March 2024 candidates 1, 2 and 6 2022-23-n5-music-technology-assignment-123us2023-revised-feb-2024
Music Technology  National 5  Assignment SQA Secure Site Audio Presentation and Audio evidence  revised  N/A March 2024 N/A 2021-22-n5-music-technology-assignment-candidate-evidence-audio-presentation-revised-feb-2024
Music Technology  Higher Assignment SQA Secure Site Audio Presentation revised N/A March 2024 N/A 2021-22-higher-music-technology-assignment-audio-presentation-revised-feb-2024.ppsx
Biology  N4 Added Value Unit  SQA Secure Site AVU unit pack (published October 2016)  removed N/A N/A March 2024 N4BiologyAssignmentAVUAB_R22016.V2.pdf
Biology  Advanced Higher  Cells and Proteins SQA Secure Site Cells and Proteins Unit pack (published February  2016)  removed N/A N/A March 2024 AHBiologyCellsandProteins_002457121415_CS2015.pdf
Biology  Advanced Higher  Investigative Biology SQA Secure Site Investigative Biology Unit pack (published October 2016)  removed N/A N/A March 2024 AHInvestigativeBiology_AC_PVS2016.pdf
Psychology Higher  Assignment - webinar Understanding Standards Open site Webinar recording 2021 removed N/A N/A March 2024 2020-21-higher-psychology-assignment-webinar.mp4
Psychology Higher  QP and Assignment - Webinar Understanding Standards Open site Webinar recording 2020 removed N/A N/A March 2024 Higher Psychology Recording.mp4
Psychology Higher  QP and Assignment - Audio Presentation  Understanding Standards Open site Audio Presentation 2018 removed N/A N/A March 2024 HigherPsychologyAudioPresentation2018.ppsx
Economics  National 5 Question Paper   Understanding Standards Open site Question Paper Guidance Audio Presentation Revisions  N/A March 2024 revised and re-published under Course support on SQA subject level page N/A EconomicsNational5QPGuidance2020-21.pptx
Economics  National 5 Question Paper   Understanding Standards Open site Question Paper Guidance Audio Presentation   N/A March 2024 revised and re-published under Course support on SQA subject level page N/A 2020-21-H-economics-qp-guidance-audio.ppsx
Business Management Higher  Question Paper   Understanding Standards Open site Question Paper Guidance Audio Presentation   N/A March 2024 revised and re-published under Course support on SQA subject level page N/A 2020-21-n5-business-managementt-qp-guidance-audio-presentation.ppsx
Business Management Higher  Question Paper   Understanding Standards Open site Question Paper Guidance Audio Presentation   N/A March 2024 revised and re-published under Course support on SQA subject level page N/A 2020-21-h-busmgt-qp-guidance-audio.ppsx
Administration and IT National 5 Question Paper SQA Secure Site - Additional resources  Adapted exemplar question paper Removed  N/A N/A April 2024 2021-22-n5-ait-qp-database.docx
Administration and IT National 5 Question Paper SQA Secure Site - Additional resources  Adapted exemplar question paper marking instructions Removed  N/A N/A April 2024 2021-22-n5-ait-qp-mi-database.docx
Administration and IT National 5  Question Paper SQA Secure Site - Additional resources  Adapted exemplar question paper Removed  N/A N/A April 2024 2021-22-n5-admin-it-exemplar-qp-updated-aug21.docx
Administration and IT National 5 Assignment  SQA Secure Site - Additional resources  Adapted exemplar e-files for assignment  Removed  N/A N/A April 2024
Administration and IT National 5 Assignment  SQA Secure Site - Additional resources  Adapted exemplar assignment marking instructions Removed  N/A N/A April 2024 2021-22-n5-admin-it-exemplar-qp-mis-updated-aug-21.docx
Administration and IT National 5 Question Paper SQA Secure Site - Additional resources  Adapted exemplar QP instructions for teachers Removed  N/A N/A April 2024 2021-22-n5-admin-it-exemplar-qp-teacher-instructions-updtaed-aug-21.docx
Administration and IT National 5 Question Paper SQA Secure Site - Additional resources  Adapted exemplar e-files for QP Removed  N/A N/A April 2024
Administration and IT National 5 Assignment SQA Secure Site - Additional resources  Exemplar Assignment assessment teacher instructions Removed  N/A N/A April 2024 2020-21-n5-admin-it-exemplar-assignment-teacher-instructions.docx
Administration and IT National 5 Assignment SQA Secure Site - Additional resources  Adapted exemplar assignment task Removed  N/A N/A April 2024 2020-21-n5-admin-it-exemplar-assignment.docx
Administration and IT National 5 Assignment SQA Secure Site - Additional resources  Adapted exemplar assignment marking instructions Removed  N/A N/A April 2024 2020-21-n5-admin-it-exemplar-assignment-mis.docx
Administration and IT National 5 Assessment Guidance  SQA Secure Site - Additional resources  National 5 Admin and IT advice on producing assessments Removed  N/A N/A April 2024 2021-22-n5-ait-advice-for-producing-assessments.docx
Administration and IT National 5 Assignment SQA Secure Site - Additional resources  Adapted exemplar e-files for Assignment Removed  N/A N/A April 2024
Biology Advanced Higher Question Paper  Understanding Standards - Additional Resources Page Question Paper Analysis 2016-2019 Excel version  Removed  N/A N/A April 2024 2016-2019-ah-biology-qp-analysis.xlsx
Biology Higher  Question Paper  Understanding Standards - Additional Resources Page Question Paper Analysis 2015-2019 Excel version  Removed  N/A N/A April 2024 HigherBiologyQPAnalysis2015-19.xlsx
Business Management  Higher  Question Paper  Understanding Standards - Additional Resources Page Audio presentation 2021/22- Creating a Question Paper guidance  Removed N/A N/A April 2024 2021-22-h-bus-mgt-qp-creating-a-qp-guidance-audio-presentation.ppsx
Business Management  Higher Question Paper  Understanding Standards - Additional Resources Page Audio presentation 2021/22-  Question Paper Composition guidance and accompanying spreadsheet Removed N/A N/A April 2024 2021-22-h-bus-mgt-qp-qp-composition-guidance-audio-presentation.ppsx
Business Management  National 5 Question Paper  Understanding Standards - Additional Resources Page Audio presentation 2021/22- Creating a Question Paper guidance  Removed N/A N/A April 2024 2021-22-n5-bm-creating-a-qp-audio-presentation
Business Management  National 5 Question Paper  Understanding Standards - Additional Resources Page Audio presentation 2021/22 -  Question Paper Composition guidance and accompanying spreadsheet Removed N/A N/A April 2024 2021-22-n5-bm-qp-qp-composition-accompanying-spreadsheet.xlsx
Economics Higher Question Paper Understanding Standards - Additional Resources Page Audio presentation 2021/22-  Question Paper Reviweing Composition guidance and accompanying spreadsheet Removed N/A N/A April 2024 2021-22-h-econ-reviewing-qp-composition-audio-presentation
Economics Higher Question Paper Understanding Standards - Additional Resources Page Audio presentation 2021/22- Creating a Question Paper guidance  Removed N/A N/A April 2024 2021-22-h-econ-creating-a-qp-audio-presentation.ppsx
Economics National 5 Question Paper Understanding Standards - Additional Resources Page Audio presentation 2021/22-  Question Paper Reviweing Composition guidance and accompanying spreadsheet Removed N/A N/A April 2024 2021-22-n5-econ-reviewing-qp-composition-audio-presentation
Economics National 5 Question Paper Understanding Standards - Additional Resources Page Audio presentation 2021/22- Creating a Question Paper guidance  Removed N/A N/A April 2024 2021-22-n5-econ-creating-a-qp-audio-presentation
Fashion and Textile Technology  Higher  Practical Activity  Understanding Standards - Additional Resources Page 2020 bespoke-childrens-dungarees, Toolwrap  instructions and Marking instructions  Removed N/A N/A April 2024 2021-22-h-ftt -bespoke-childrens-dungarees-instructions.pdf
Fashion and Textile Technology  National 3 Preparing Assessment Materials 2020 Understanding Standards - Additional Resources Page 2020 bespoke-children's-trousers-instructions.pdf
Removed N/A N/A April 2024 2021-22-n3-ftt-bespoke-children's-trousers-instructions.pdf
Health and Food Technology  National 5 and Higher  Preparing Assessment Materials 2020 Understanding Standards - Additional Resources Page 2020-hft-ftt-pc-pcc-assessmentmaterials-webinar-qanda
Removed N/A N/A April 2024 2020-hft-ftt-pc-pcc-assessmentmaterials-webinar-qanda
Fashion and Textile Technology  National 3-Higher  Preparing Assessment Materials 2020 Understanding Standards - Additional Resources Page 2020 tool-wrap-pattern.pdf
bespoke-child garments-points-for-noting.pdf
Removed N/A N/A April 2024 2021-22-hn5-ftt-tool-wrap-pattern.pdf
2021 22-ftt-n3-h-Bespoke-toolwrap-points-for-noting.pdf
2021 22-ftt-n3-h-bespoke-childgarments-points-for-noting.pdf
Practical Cake Craft  National 5 Preparing Assessment Materials 2020 Understanding Standards - Additional Resources Page 2020-hft-ftt-pc-pcc-assessmentmaterials-webinar-qanda
Removed N/A N/A April 2024 2020-hft-ftt-pc-pcc-assessmentmaterials-webinar-qanda
Practical Cookery  National 5 Preparing Assessment Materials 2020 Understanding Standards - Additional Resources Page 2020-hft-ftt-pc-pcc-assessmentmaterials-webinar-qanda
Removed N/A N/A April 2024 2020-hft-ftt-pc-pcc-assessmentmaterials-webinar-qanda
Practical Cake Craft  National 5  Practical Activity  Understanding Standards - Additional Resources Page Practical Activity-  assignment workbook  Removed N/A N/A April 2024 Practical Cake Craft: practical activity - recording sheet (.docx)
Practical Cake Craft: assignment - candidate workbook (Google Doc)
Accounting  National 5 Question Paper Understanding Standards - Additional Resources Page National 5 adapted QP workbook Removed N/A N/A April 2024 2021-22-n5-accounting-qp-adapted-questions-workbook.docx
Chemistry National 5 Assignment  Understanding Standards Open site Assignment 2022 Candidate 2 Removed from publication  N/A N/A April 2024 2022-23-n5-chemistry-assignment-candidate2-evidence.pdf
Music National 5 Performance  SQA Secure Site - Additional resources  Performance  Candidate 10 removed from publication N/A N/A May 2024 2020-21-n5-h-ah-music-performance-001va2015-2019-revised-mar-2023
Art & Design  Higher  Portfolio (expressive) Understanding Standards Open site Portfolio (expressive) Candidate 6 removed from publication  N/A N/A May 2024 Growing up with siblings 
Appications of Mathematics  Higher  Project  Understanding Standards Open site

Project (Candidate 1 ) Commentary and vidence (including Gaelic medium version) 

Candidate 1 removed from publication  N/A N/A July 2024


