Appeals service

In keeping with last year, the Appeals Service will continue to be free and available for learners to access directly if they are concerned about a National 5, Higher or Advanced Higher grade and feel there may have been a mistake in the marking.

You can appeal directly to us or ask your school to do this for you.

The service will open on Results Day, Tuesday 6 August at 9 am, and the learner direct submission deadlines are:

Your appeal can only be prioritised if you have a conditional place at university or college, or in training or employment that depends on your grade.

What is the Appeals Service?

If you appeal your grade, a senior appointee will carry out a marking review of your SQA-marked assessments.

This is not a re-mark.

A marking review checks that:

Please note that after being reviewed, your result could stay the same, go up or go down.

Roles and responsibilities

The Appeals Service Roles and Responsibilities (112 KB) document outlines the duties and tasks that SQA, schools, colleges, training providers, learners and local authorities must undertake both pre and post certification. Speak to your teacher or lecturer if you have any questions about the document or service.

Further information

For more information, please read our update on National Qualifications 2023-24 from Thursday 7 March.

We’ll send system guidance to schools, colleges, and training providers and publish further information for learners before the service opens.