Exceptional circumstances

The Examination Exceptional Circumstances Consideration Service (EECCS) supports learners who have been:

  • unable to attend the exam
  • or whose performance in an exam has been affected by a personal circumstance, or an unplanned incident on the day.

This is a pre-certification service that covers situations where an exceptional circumstance has impacted a learner’s performance on the day of an exam.

It is available for all exams that appear in the exam timetable. Non-question paper components are not eligible for this service.

Disruption to learning that has occurred before the exam is not considered a valid exceptional circumstance.

The service will open on 28 April 2025 and the closing date is 10 working days after the exam for which the request is being made. EECCS is a pre-certification service. SQA is unable to accept requests after results are issued. There is no charge for this service.

Only schools, colleges and training providers may submit requests. We are unable to accept requests from learners or parents/carers. Learners who believe they are eligible for this service should contact their school, college or training provider. Learners will not be eligible for the Appeals Service if they have gone through EECCS.


Learners are eligible for EECCS consideration if:

  • they have experienced a valid exceptional circumstance (either examination or personal circumstance. See below for more information)
  • they have completed all the compulsory non-question paper components
  • an estimate has been submitted for them
  • alternative evidence for the impacted exam component(s) is available