Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations - Slinger/Signaller (Construction)

SQA code: GT6R 68
Ofqual code: 610/0942/8
Total Qualification Time: 430
Guided Learning Hours: 217
Credit value: 43
This qualification will develop knowledge and skills in areas such as general health, safety and welfare, and conforming to productive working practices. Learners can specialise in attaching and preparing suspended loads in the workplace.
This qualification covers the following areas:
- attaching and preparing suspended loads for movement using lifting accessories in the workplace
- conforming to general health, safety and welfare in the workplace
- conforming to productive working practices in the workplace
This qualification may be available through employers, training providers and colleges and may be offered in England and Wales.
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Rationale and purpose of this qualification
This qualification is aimed at those who are in work and are looking for recognition of their prior learning and experience.
Its primary purpose is to confirm the learner's occupational competence as a Controlling Lifting Operations Operative. As a work-related, competence-based qualification, it provides confirmation to employers, industry managers and card schemes that the learner has the skills and knowledge needed to meet the nationally recognised standard to carry out the role.
Learners who achieve this qualification can use it to gain employment, to progress in the industry, or to work towards another qualification (see Progression).
The qualification is designed to meet the following objectives:
- supporting a role in the workplace
- confirming knowledge, understanding and skills
- enabling professional membership
- providing access to a relevant card scheme
- enabling learners to gain the relevant licence to practice
This qualification is supported by the Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS).
CSCS provides a registration card scheme acknowledged by industry for those involved in construction. The scheme recognises skills, knowledge and understanding, competence and qualifications.
What does this qualification cover?
As this is a competence-based qualification, learners will be acquiring the knowledge and skills required through either on-the-job experience or in a learning environment.
Who is this qualification for?
This qualification is suitable for:
- workers who need the qualification to meet legislative requirements
- workers wishing to progress into a supervisory position
- people in employment who wish to enhance their career prospects
- individuals who wish to start their own business
- full-time and part-time study
There are no specific skills, knowledge, understanding or any other qualifications that must be achieved to start this qualification. However, learners must have the potential and opportunity to gain this qualification successfully.
Entry to the qualification is at the discretion of the centre.
This qualification is mainly taken by individuals employed or seeking employment as:
- controlling lifting operations operative
There are no Apprenticeship Programmes applicable to this qualification.
Learners may progress from the level 2 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations — Slinger/Signaller (Construction) to the level 4 Controlling Lifting Operations — Supervising Lifts (Construction) and level 5 in Controlling Lifting Operations — Planning Lifts (Construction).
The Controlling Lifting Operations — Slinger/Signaller (Construction) can lead to employment within the construction industry.
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Qualification structure
To gain the qualification, learners must achieve the three mandatory core units.
Please refer to the qualification structure (81 KB) for more information
How to assess
Ongoing course assessment will apply. Each unit specification gives detailed information on the assessment criteria, assessment (evidence) requirements and guidance on instruments of assessment for the unit.
The qualification is assessed by completing a portfolio of evidence which details what the learner has completed at work. This can be gathered through observation, professional discussion, witness testimony or supporting documentary evidence. The assessor can work alongside the learner to confirm that they have met the requirements of the qualification and that they are therefore competent in their role.
Competence is displayed through the assessor observing the learner demonstrate that they carry out their normal work activities competently and to the industry standard and comply with current legislation and company procedures.
The assessment process will ensure that the learner can complete the tasks that they have been directed to undertake and that they can interpret the instructions correctly. They will demonstrate that they can select the appropriate resources for the tasks and can complete them within the given timescales and specifications.
Learner portfolio
Assessment strategy/principle
Qualification Verification Summary Reports
GR06 68 - SQA Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Slinger/Signaller (Construction)
This group award has been replaced.
It entered its lapsing period on: 30 June 2022
It finishes on: 30 June 2024
Qualification structure
To gain the qualification, learners must achieve mandatory core units.
Please refer to the qualification structure (78 KB) for more information.
How to assess
Ongoing course assessment will apply. Each unit specification gives detailed information on the assessment criteria, assessment (evidence) requirements and guidance on instruments of assessment for the unit.
The qualification is assessed by completing a portfolio of evidence which details what the learner has completed at work. This can be gathered through observation, professional discussion, witness testimony or supporting documentary evidence. The assessor can work alongside the learner to confirm that they have met the requirements of the qualification and that they are therefore competent in their role.
Competence is displayed through the assessor observing the learner demonstrating that they carry out their normal work activities competently and to the industry standard and comply with current legislation and company procedures.
The assessment process will ensure that the learner can complete the tasks that they have been directed to undertake and that they can interpret the instructions correctly. They will demonstrate that they can select the appropriate resources for the tasks and can complete them within the given timescales and specifications.
Learner portfolio
Assessment strategy/principle
Qualification Verification Summary Reports
Related Information
- Customer Case Study: MDH Plant Training Ltd
- SQA Construction Qualifications
- SQA Construction Welcome Page
- National Occupational Standards
- SQA Secure Construction Page
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- Education and Skills Funding Agency