NPA Harris Tweed SCQF level 5

The main aim of the National Progression Award in Harris Tweed is to provide an insight into the history of the Harris Tweed industry, an awareness of the development of the industry, a practical understanding of how Harris Tweed is produced and a knowledge of the many uses which can be made of it. The NPA will provide an introduction to the techniques used in the sector including:
- weaving
- designing and making products using tweed
- promoting tweed based products.
The popularity and versatility of Harris Tweed means that there are many vocational opportunities within the industry. These opportunities are constantly expanding. The National Progression Award for Harris Tweed will raise awareness of the career opportunities available and prepare candidates to undertake further study/training which could then lead to a range of employment opportunities within the Harris Tweed or textile sectors. Employment opportunities could include becoming a weaver, mill worker, designer, tailor or retailer.