Health and Safety in a Construction Environment Award SCQF level 4

The SQA Award in Health and Safety in a Construction Environment at SCQF level 4 will develop the necessary knowledge required to progress on to complete the assessment to gain the CSCS Green Card.
Achievement of this Award is nationally recognised. It is available through colleges and training providers.
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Why deliver this qualification
This Award has a wide potential market.
It is open to all learners, regardless of age, academic experience or ability. Centres have the flexibility to choose the delivery method which best suits their circumstances and their learners.
The Award can be used to offer a progression pathway to other qualifications (see Progression).
Who does this qualification suit
The Health and Safety in a Construction Environment Award at SCQF level 4 is suitable for:
- school leavers
- college students
- trainees preparing for employment
Entry is at the discretion of the centre. No specific knowledge is required to undertake this Award.
The Award may provide progression to a range of qualifications at SCQF Level 5 and above, including Operative and Craft SVQs.
The Award can lead to employment within the Construction industry.
Centres with devolved authority for approval should use their own internal approval process.
Centres without devolved authority require to come forward for approval and should contact SQA's Business Development Team for guidance.
Assessors and verifiers must be able to meet SQA's general requirements for technical/occupational competence as outlined in the Systems and Qualification Approval Guide.
Assessors need to hold or be working towards an acceptable Assessor qualification. As the assessment is completed on-line there is no need for a named or qualified Internal Verifier.
The assessors must have occupational experience within the construction sector and have experience of the Health & Safety requirements of this qualification. If an assessor is in possession of CSCS or has previously delivered the CSCS training, this is acceptable.
Assessors must have a clear understanding of the assessment requirements of this qualification and its specific unit assessment demands.
A construction related Health & Safety Qualification is required along with appropriate CPD.e.g NEBOSH, IOSH, CCNS Safety Passport, CIEH.
Note: the qualifications named above are examples of acceptable qualifications, evidence of CPD of the qualification in also required.
How to assess
The Unit specification gives detailed information on the Evidence Requirements and approaches to assessment for the Unit.
The Unit requires the candidate to pass a multiple-choice question paper.
Assessment must be undertaken using our SOLAR platform.
For further information, please see links below or contact your regional manager.
Where can you take this course?
Qualification Structure
Group Award code: GN2A 44
The Award in Health and Safety in a Construction Environment at SCQF level 4 consists of 1 mandatory Unit (6 SCQF credit points)
Qualification Structure (54 KB)
CITB assessment strategy (145 KB)
Qualification Verification Summary Reports
- Health and Safety in a Construction Environment 2021 (130 KB)
- Health and Safety in a Construction Environment 2019 (137 KB)
- Construction and Civil Engineering Services 2019 (138 KB)
- NQ Construction Health and Safety in a Construction Environment 2018 (194 KB)
- Construction and Civil Engineering Services 2018 (176 KB)
Transfer of candidate data to SOLAR
Transfer of candidate data to SOLAR
Candidate data relating to this qualification is now automatically transferred to SOLAR when the entry is received by SQA.
The entry can be made through SQA Connect – Candidate Services or your own Management Information System (MIS)
When the entry is received by SQA, by any of these means, the candidate and qualification details will be transferred to SOLAR. The transfer happens every hour.
This means that – instead of having to enter candidate details on both SOLAR and SQA Connect and your own MIS – you will only need to enter the candidate details once.
When the candidate completes the outcomes, the final result for this unit must manually be entered on to the candidates record, either through SQA Connect – Candidate Services or through your own MIS.
What do I need to do?
- You must use SQA Connect – Candidate Services or your own MIS to enter candidates for this qualifications or to update any candidate details.
- You must not create or update any candidate details directly in SOLAR
If you need support or information on SOLAR you can contact the Digital Services Support Helpdesk. There are several ways you can contact the team:
- Complete the Helpdesk Support form.
- Email
- If you need to contact the team urgently, call 0345 213 5060.
Our helpdesk is available from Monday to Friday between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm. Any breaks in service will be noted in the ‘Latest updates’ on the SOLAR website.
If you need support on SQA Connect with regards to your candidate data, you can contact the Centre Support Team. There are several ways you can contact the team:
- Email
- If you need to contact the team urgently, call 0345 213 6015
Enhanced quality assurance arrangements
We have introduced enhanced quality assurance processes for Health and Safety in a Construction Environment qualifications to comply with qualification and regulatory requirements. These additional measures will operate alongside our standard quality assurance processes and comprise of two distinct components: unannounced activity and indirect claim status.
Unannounced activity
SQA undertakes unannounced activity to ensure that standards and conditions of assessments are being met and maintained.
Centres delivering assessments for these qualifications must advise SQA a minimum of 5 working days prior to the assessment taking place by completing MS Form available in the Quality Assurance section of the website
Indirect Claim Status
Indirect claim status will be applied to centres coming forward for approval for Health and Safety in a Construction Environment qualifications, either as a first time SQA centre, or at an existing SQA approved centre.
In practice, this means that prior to certificating candidates, a successful qualification verification activity has to take place. Further information and guidance on the indirect claim status process is available in the Quality Assurance section of the website
Related Information
- Awards from SQA (336 KB)
- Catalogue of National Qualifications (836 KB)
- Changes to Unit Specifications and Frameworks
- NQ Annual Update (406 KB)