NPA in Sports Coaching at SCQF level 4, 5 and 6

All qualifications will either have finished on 31 July 2024 or will finish on 31 July 2026. See Group Award Specification for details.
These National Progression Awards (NPAs) were formerly known as UKCC qualifications. From 1 April 2020 UKCC has been removed from the title of all UKCC Sports Coaching NPAs. The UKCC logo has also been removed from all certificates, including those which may be issued as replacement certificates.
The NPAs in Sports Coaching at SCQF levels 4, 5 and 6 give a cohesive structure to coaching, from enthusiastic amateurs to experienced professionals.
The NPA Sports Coaching at SCQF level 4 introduces new coaches to the role of coaching as defined by the Scottish Governing Body of Sports Guidelines.
The NPA Sports Coaching at SCQF level 5 delivers the skills and knowledge required by coaches to plan and deliver coaching sessions while not directly supervised, but as stated within the Scottish Governing Body of Sport Guidelines.
Qualification structure
Group Award Specification - NPA Sports Coaching SCQF levels 4, 5 and 6 - Excl. Football and Boxing (0.99 MB)
The NPAs in Sports Coaching at each level have an identical structure, and are designed to build upon the previous level of skill, knowledge and competence. Units do not necessarily cover the same ground as the preceding level.
SCQF level 4
The NPA qualifications in Sports Coaching at SCQF level 4 have three mandatory Units (12 SCQF credit points).
SCQF level 5
The NPA qualifications in Sports Coaching at SCQF level 5 have two mandatory Units (12 SCQF credit points).
SCQF level 6
The NPA qualifications in Sports Coaching at SCQF level 6 have four mandatory Units (24 SCQF credit points).
How to assess
Candidates will be assessed and supported over a period of time, mostly in the form of practical tasks. While e-assessment generally will not be appropriate, some of the underpinning knowledge may be assessed in this way.
At level 4, evidence may be recorded in a logbook with the assessor giving guidance and feedback on each stage of the candidate's progress.
At level 5, assessment will take place over a longer period to allow for development and to ensure the candidate is competent to work on their own with athletes.
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Why study this qualification
The NPA in Sports Coaching is designed for a wide range of learners, including:
- school leavers
- adults returning to education
The qualifications are also suitable for those who are progressing into employment in the sport sector or to progress to further and higher education.
The qualifications will:
- Provide the learner with the practical skills and knowledge required to progress in employment, training and/or study
- Enable progression within the SCQF
- Develop the transferable skills required to progress in employment
- Provide opportunities for development in all five Core Skills
- Motivate learners to develop a positive attitude to their own learning
Employment and progression
Learners could use this level 4, 5 or 6 NPA Sports Coaching award to progress into employment in the sport sector or to progress to further and higher education.
Qualification structure
Group Award Specification - NPA Sports Coaching SCQF levels 4, 5 and 6 - Excl. Football and Boxing (0.99 MB)
The NPAs in Sports Coaching at each level have an identical structure, and are designed to build upon the previous level of skill, knowledge and competence. Units do not necessarily cover the same ground as the preceding level.
SCQF level 4
The NPA qualifications in Sports Coaching at SCQF level 4 have three mandatory Units (12 SCQF credit points).
SCQF level 5
The NPA qualifications in Sports Coaching at SCQF level 5 have two mandatory Units (12 SCQF credit points).
SCQF level 6
The NPA qualifications in Sports Coaching at SCQF level 6 have four mandatory Units (24 SCQF credit points).