Skills for Work: Laboratory Science National 5 (SCQF level 5)

National 5 Skills for Work: Laboratory Science is an introductory qualification. The course provides a broad experiential introduction to laboratory science. Learners will explore a variety of industries and services, and career opportunities, in science laboratories locally, nationally, and globally.

They will develop the basic practical skills and knowledge needed for working in a laboratory: measuring, weighing and preparing compounds and solutions; and health and safety requirements. Practical skills in microbiology, measuring radioactivity, chemical handling and laboratory instrumentation will be developed.

Learners will work with others to produce a plan to undertake a practical investigation to test scientific hypotheses. This will also involve reporting of the results, conclusions and evaluations of the investigation.

Throughout all units the course emphasises the employability skills and attitudes valued by employers which will help to prepare learners for the workplace. Learners will review their own employability skills, and will seek feedback from others on their strengths and weaknesses.

At SCQF level 5, learners work alone or with others on straightforward tasks with support. 

Qualification structure

Group Award code: C781 75 (24 SCQF credit points)

SCQF level: 5

The Skills for Work Course in Laboratory Science consists of four mandatory units.

For further information on the structure and units of this qualification please refer to the course specification document.

Laboratory Science Course Specification National 5  (483 KB)

Unit search

How to assess

There is no external assessment for this course. Learners must successfully complete each unit to achieve the course.

Unit specifications provide detailed information on the evidence requirements for each unit. The unit support notes provide information on approaches to assessment for each unit.

The units are internally assessed by centres and externally verified by SQA.

Qualification Verification Summary Report

Deliver this qualification

Understanding Standards

Additional resources session 2022-23

New – new materials not previously published

Updated – amended for 2022/23

Carried forward – carried forward to 2022/23

Why study this qualification

This qualification is suitable for a wide range of learners including:

  • pupils from mainstream schools or other education establishments
  • school leavers
  • adult returners to education
  • learners in employment who wish to enhance their career prospects
  • learners participating in 16+ programmes
  • college students wishing to develop their skills and knowledge in relation to Laboratory Science
  • trainees participating in preparation for entering employment
  • individuals involved in voluntary activities


Entry is at the discretion of the centre.

Employment and progression

Successful learners may progress to:

  • National Courses or Units 
  • Further/higher education
  • vocational training
  • employment

Qualification structure

Group Award code: C781 75 (24 SCQF credit points)

SCQF level: 5

The Skills for Work Course in Laboratory Science consists of four mandatory units.

For further information on the structure and units of this qualification please refer to the course specification document.

Laboratory Science Course Specification National 5  (483 KB)

Unit search