NPA Creative Industries SCQF level 4
The National Progression Award (NPA) in Creative Industries at SCQF level 4 focuses on developing very basic knowledge and understanding of practical aspects of the creative industries. It is aimed at those who may want to explore the many activities and opportunities available in the creative industries sector, including: theatre and performance, television and radio broadcasting, music and video.
The NPA in Creative Industries at SCQF level 4 also aims to prepare learners for the more advanced skills and techniques that will be required to enter one of the many creative industry awards available at SCQF levels 5 and 6.
This qualification is widely available in colleges.
Qualification structure
Group Award Code: GF4M 44
The National Progression Award in Creative Industries at SCQF level 4 is made up of four mandatory Units (72 SCQF points) at SCQF level 4.
How to assess
The Group Award at SCQF level 4 offers realistic opportunities for holistic assessment across Outcomes and Units. Assessment will be on-going and integrated and candidates will be expected to keep a record of their work in a folio.
The content and contexts will promote candidate confidence in the skills needed for everyday use as a creative practitioner. For example:
- understanding the different media involved in the creative industries
- identifying and using appropriate tools and resources for an agreed brief
- rehearsing and presenting a final production/product, and
- developing the ability to evaluate the final production and their contribution to it
Delivery by open learning would require planning by the centre to ensure sufficiency and authenticity of candidate evidence. Arrangements would have to be made to ensure observation is conducted under supervision. Opportunities may be restricted where peer critique, group presentation and exhibition work are recommended.
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Why study this qualification
NPAs provide opportunities for partnership delivery that can provide benefits for partners and increase options for learners.
This award offers school or community-based learners, including those with particular challenges, the opportunity to engage in creative projects and to develop essential and vocational skills that will assist them to make a choice about future qualification aims and potential employment ambitions.
There are no specific entry requirements for the NPA in Creative Industries at SCQF level 4. While access to the award is at the discretion of the centre, this award is primarily for those who have little or no knowledge of the creative industries. The award is a very basic introduction.
It is unlikely that learners accessing the NPA in Creative Industries at SCQF level 4 will have any real experience of creative industries and creative digital media and therefore would have no examples of project work (portfolio) to support entry. This should not prevent access to the award; indeed not having pre-entry requirements should be viewed as a positive and flexible approach to delivering the award.
Employment and progression
The content of the NPA in Creative Industries at SCQF level 4 is designed to ensure that candidates gain information and knowledge of the industry and develop confidence as well as vocational skills that will help them to progress to further study or to employment.
The basic foundation level of study aims to provide good preparation for those learners wishing to progress to SCQF level 5 at NC or NPA SCQF level 5 in a range of creative industry programmes including Skills for Work: Creative Industries at SCQF 5.
The NPA also complements the Employability Group Awards at SCQF levels 3 and 4 (G9D2 43 and G9D2 44).
The NPA in Creative Industries at SCQF level 4 can facilitate access to further study at a more advanced level (NPA or NC SCQF level 5) across a range of programmes including: Photography, Sound Production, and Art & Design.
Further advancement may provide the opportunity for employment or further study at Higher National and degree level.
Qualification structure
Group Award Code: GF4M 44
The National Progression Award in Creative Industries at SCQF level 4 is made up of four mandatory Units (72 SCQF points) at SCQF level 4.