PDA Promoting Excellence in Dementia Skilled Practice SCQF level 7

The Professional Development Award (PDA) in Promoting Excellence in Dementia Skilled practice at SCQF level 7 is an SQA qualification for people working with those who have dementia, their families and carers. The qualification is designed to improve professional practice, contribute to meeting the registration requirements of the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC), and provide continuous professional development for employees.
This qualification is made up of two HN Units, and one SVQ unit, all at SCQF level 7. It is available through colleges and private training providers.
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Why deliver this qualification
The PDA in Promoting Excellence in Dementia Skilled Practice at SCQF level 7 has been designed for delivery as a taught course. Delivery of the award provides a combination of off-the-job and workplace learning.
This award has been designed to be delivered through an inclusive partnership approach, engaging with employers, training providers and SQA-approved centres. Centres delivering the PDA in Promoting Excellence in Dementia Skilled Practice at SCQF level 7 must be approved by SQA.
Learners doing the PDA will develop:
- a deeper awareness of the stages of the dementia journey
- enhanced knowledge and skills in promoting person centred outcomes
- increased understanding of the importance of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of people with dementia
- an understanding of legislation relating to rights, safeguarding and protection
They will also:
- explore the importance of maintaining and building relationships and community networks
- gain knowledge in relation to how a variety of support services can assist the individual and others to manage change.
- identify aspects of their lives and environment that can affect their health and social well-being
- select positive options to promote their own health and social well-being
- review their selected options.
Who does this qualification suit
Candidates will come from a broad range of job roles that includes those caring for and supporting people with a diagnosis of dementia, their families and carers. This will include those affected by the requirements of the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) register. Examples of the job roles candidates might currently hold include:
- Social Care Support Workers
- Health Care Support Workers
- Social Care Practitioners
Candidates who have already undertaken an SQA qualification, for example the SVQ in Health and Social Care level 2 or 3, HNC in Health or Social Care, will be well placed to undertake this award for job specific training or for the purposes of CPD.
The two HN Units in this award will provide some links into other Units in the National Occupational Standards for Health and Social Care level 3 at SCQF level 7, Healthcare Support (Clinical) level 3 or Healthcare Support (Non-clinical) level 3.
Candidates would have the opportunity of progressing to other qualifications, such as:
- SVQ Health and Social Care Adults level 3 at SCQF level 7
- SVQ Healthcare Support (Clinical) level 3 at SCQF level 7
- SVQ Healthcare Support (Non Clinical) level 3 at SCQF level 7
- HNC Social Care
- HNC Health Care
- PDA Health and Social Care Supervision
- PDA Health and Social Care Administration of Medication
- PDA Leadership and Management for Care Services.
Centres interested in offering this qualification should come forward for approval and contact SQA's Business Development Team for guidance.
Assessors and verifiers must be able to meet SQA's general requirements for technical/occupational competence as outlined in the Systems and Qualification Approval Guide (510 KB). The specific delivery requirements are set out in the Group Award Specification (Arrangements Document).
How to assess
The award takes a portfolio building approach to assessment this is necessary as the units provide candidates with the opportunity to demonstrate their learning through practice that will be observed and validated. There is an emphasis on assessing the whole Outcome or a combination of Outcomes within the Units. Unit Specifications detail the Evidence Requirements and Performance Criteria for each Unit