HNC/HND Sports Coaching and Development

The HNC and HND in Sports Coaching and Development gives learners the knowledge and skills necessary to work as professionals within the sector.

The topics covered range from human anatomy, physiology and biomechanics to sports coaching, sports development and professional practice — including research skills.

This HNC includes an embedded, stand-alone, industry-recognised Professional Development Award in Sports Coaching at SCQF level 7, and the HND includes an embedded PDA in Sports Coaching at SCQF level 8.  Both PDAs are jointly certificated with sportscotland and the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity(CIMSPA).

These qualifications are available through colleges and some universities. Typically, an HNC takes one year to complete, and an HND takes two years to complete.

Higher National Qualifications have been developed by SQA in partnership with colleges, universities and industry - so employers recognise that they provide sound evidence of ability.

The unit-based structure supports flexibility. A unit is typically 40 hours of timetabled learning.

There are opportunities to liaise with industry stakeholders and to offer internal cross-college projects.

The HNC and HND Sports Coaching and Development is suitable for a wide range of learners including:

  • school leavers
  • adult returners to education
  • individuals in employment who wish to enhance their career prospects
  • people who wish to start their own business


As with all SQA qualifications, entry is at the discretion of the centre.

Learners would benefit from having attained the skills, knowledge and understanding required by one or more of the following:

  • SVQ at SCQF level 6 in appropriate subjects
  • occupationally relevant skills and experience
  • some experience in sports coaching

Different combinations of relevant National Qualifications, vocational qualifications and equivalent qualifications from other awarding bodies may also be acceptable.

Progression and employment

Successful completion of the HNC and HND may lead to career opportunities which include, but are not confined to: sports coaching and/or activity leadership, active school roles, sports development, disability sports development, fitness/gym staff, leisure centre staff, swimming pool staff, and health and fitness staff.

Employers may include: local authorities, leisure trusts, national/sports governing bodies (NGB/SGB), local sports organisations, and private clubs/hotels.

The practical nature of the course will equip learners for work within the promotion and development aspects of sports or sports coaching. Throughout the sports coaching and sports development mandatory units there is a strong emphasis on placement learning and developing the practical skills relevant to modern sports coaching and development.

The PDAs are mapped to the sportscotland Effective Coaching Map. It is recognised by Community Leisure UK (Scotland) as a qualification that will meet their workforce needs and therefore represents a passport to employment.

The HNC in Sports Coaching and Development will articulate directly to the HND in Sports Coaching and Development.

Additionally, local agreements exist with a number of universities to allow entry into year 2 (or 3 following the HND) of a variety of degree pathways for those who wish to develop their knowledge and skills.

Centres with devolved authority for approval should use their own internal approval process. Centres without devolved authority require to come forward for approval and should contact SQA's Business Development Team for guidance.

Assessors and verifiers must be able to meet SQA's general requirements for technical/occupational competence as outlined in the Systems and Qualification Approval Guide.

Each individual Unit specification gives detailed information on the Evidence Requirements and approaches to assessment for each Unit.

Group award code: GP7X15 (96 SCQF credit points)

HNC Sports Coaching and Development consists of seven mandatory units (96 SCQF credit points).

HND Sports Coaching and Development

Group award code: GR5J 16 (240 SCQF credit points)


This guidance is optional. You can use this guidance or deliver and assess as outlined in the group award specification.

Optional assessment guidance (376 KB)

See also the general HNVQ optional assessment guidance: Information and guidance for centres. (273 KB)