NC Greenkeeping: An Introduction
This qualification has been withdrawn and will finish on 31/07/2025
National Certificates (NCs) are practical qualifications designed to equip learners for further study or to gain employment. The National Certificate in Greenkeeping at SCQF level 4 develops both knowledge and technical skills, with an emphasis on practical delivery.
National Certificates are designed for full-time delivery over one year (or part-time over two years) and are available in colleges.
Qualification structure
Group Award Code: GF6X 44
SCQF level 4
NC Greenkeeping at SCQF Level 4 (549 KB)
This National Certificate in Greenkeeping has seven mandatory Units at SCQF level 4 and four optional Units (from a choice of 18) at SCQF levels 3, 4 and 5.
How to assess
Assessment is intended to be both practical and theoretical in nature although the emphasis in all Units will be on practical delivery.
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Why study this qualification
The National Certificate in Greenkeeping: An Introduction at SCQF level 4 is a basic introduction to the sector, and is primarily intended to give school leavers some practical experience and the possibility of progressing to further study.
There are no specific mandatory entry requirements for this award. Although entry is at the discretion of the centre, an interest in greenkeeping would be beneficial, as would an interest in the environment, sustainability and conservation.
Recommended entry requirements are indicated in each Unit specification. Candidates who have completed the Skills for Work: Rural Skills C239 10 award may also wish to continue studying at this level (SCQF level 4).
It is anticipated that candidates will be able to demonstrate Core Skills at Access 3 in Communication and Numeracy.
It is recommended that learners with no formal qualifications are offered an interview where they can gain an insight into the course content and structure.
Mature adults with no formal qualifications may be given entry to the course at the discretion of individual centres.
Employment and progression
Qualification structure
Group Award Code: GF6X 44
SCQF level 4
NC Greenkeeping at SCQF Level 4 (549 KB)
This National Certificate in Greenkeeping has seven mandatory Units at SCQF level 4 and four optional Units (from a choice of 18) at SCQF levels 3, 4 and 5.