The courses develop reasoning skills by focusing on abstract concepts and philosophical problems. They develop basic knowledge and understanding of philosophy and encourage candidates' ability to engage with abstract thought. They also offer candidates insight into the ideas of others, while developing a range of skills such as analysing arguments, recalling, selecting and using specified knowledge, explaining philosophical ideas and theories, explaining criticisms of philosophical ideas and theories, and presenting ideas in a logical sequence in an extended piece of writing.
Centres need to apply for approval before delivering the qualification for the first time, and must consider the resources that are available to them to do this.
In order to deliver this qualification in the next academic session, and in order for candidates to be certificated in August the following year, centres must apply for approval by the end of September of the previous year (for example, the deadline for applications for approval must be submitted by September 2020 in order to deliver and certificate the qualification by August 2021).
Subject-specific requirements for the course
Teachers and lecturers delivering or assessing Philosophy are required to have completed at least two years successful study of Philosophy at University or Higher National Diploma (HND) level.
Find out about our approval process
See also:
Where can you take this course?